38: Übereinkommen vom 23. November 2007 über die internationale Geltendmachung der Unterhaltsansprüche von Kindern und anderen Familienangehörigen

Inkrafttreten: 1-I-2013

Mitglieder der Organisation


Albanien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Name of Central Authority: Ministry of Justice
Adress: Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Çështjeve Rregullatore të Drejtësisë
Blv “Zogu i I-rë”, Tirana, Albania
Telephone number: +35542230247
Fax number (if available): +35542234560
Email: foreigndepartcivil@drejtesia.gov.al  / info@drejtesia.gov.al
Website: http://www.drejtesia.gov.al/

Name(s) of contact person(s): Diana Stillo 
Position: Head of International Treaties and Judicial Cooperation Unit
Përgjegjëse Sektorit të Marrëveshjeve Ndërkombëtare për Bashkëpunimin Ndërgjyqësor
Drejtoria për Marrëdhëniet Juridiksionale dhe Bashkëpunimin Ndërgjyqësor  
Email: diana.stillo@drejtesia.gov.al


Aserbaidschan - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan
1 lnshaatchilar Avenue, Baku City, AZ1073
Republic of Azerbaijan
Telephone: (+99412) 510-10-01, 537-05-54
Fax: (+99412) 538-08-57
Email: contact@justice.gov.az, international@justice.gov.az
Official website: www.justice.gov.az


Belarus - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus
Kollektornaya str. 10
220004 Minsk

Telephone: + 375 17 200 86 87
Fax: +375 17 200 86 87
E-mail: kanc@minjust.by
Website: www.minjust.gov.by

Contact person(s):

  • Ms Anastasiya Kudyrko
    E-mail: omd@minjust.by
    Tel.: +375 17 211 01 85
    Language(s): Belarusian, Russian, English, German

(This page was last updated on 15 February 2018)


Belgien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Service public fédéral Justice
Service de coopération judiciaire internationale en matière civile
Boulevard de Waterloo
115 B - 1000 BRUXELLES
Tel.: +32 2 542 65 11
Fax: + 32 2 542 70 06
Email: aliments@just.fgov.be
Website: http://www.just.fgov.be

Contact Person / Personne à contacter :

  • Mr Abdellah DERRAZ
    Tel.: +32 (2) 542 66 31
    Languages of communication / Langues de communication: French, Arab, English / français, arabe, anglais

Bosnien und Herzegowina

Bosnien und Herzegowina - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Department for International Legal Assistance and Cooperation
Trg BiH 1
Tel.: 00387 33 281 556
Fax: 00387 33 201 653

Contact person / Personne à contacter:


Brasilien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

National Secretariat of Justice
Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Department of Assets Recovery and International Legal Cooperation – DRCI
Esplanada dos Ministérios, Anexo II, Sala 322
Cep: 70064-900
Brasília – DF, Brasil
Telephone: +55 61 2025 8900
Fax: +55 61 2025 8915
E-mail: drci@mj.gov.br
Website: www.justica.gov.br

Contact person(s) / Personnes à contacter:

  • Mrs. Priscila Santos Campelo Macorin
    Director of the Department of Assets Recovery and International Legal Cooperation
    (Languages of communication: Portuguese, English and Spanish)


Bulgarien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice
Department of International Legal Child Protection and Intercountry Adoptions
No 1, Slavyanska Str.
1040 SOFIA
Numéros de téléphone/Telephone numbers:+359 (2) 923 7396; +359 (2) 923 7333; 359 (2) 923 7469
Numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +359 (2) 987 15 57
e-mail: mpzdmo@justice.government.bg
Internet: http://www.mjs.bg/

Personnes à contacter/Contact persons:

  • Milena Parvanova, Director
    Numéro de téléphone/Telephone number: +359 (2) 923 7396
    (Langue de communication/ Language of communication: Anglais/ English)

  • Kalina Kaludina, senior expert
    Numéro de téléphone/Telephone number: +359 (2) 923 7469
    (Langue de communication/ Language of communication: Français/ French; Anglais/ English)


Deutschland - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Bundesamt für Justiz
Zentrale Behörde (Auslandsunterhalt)
Referat II1
53094 Bonn
Tel.: +49 228 99 410-40
Fax: +49 228 99 410-5202 or 5207
Email: auslandsunterhalt@bfj.bund.de
Website: http://www.bundesjustizamt.de
Languages of communication: English, French, German


Ecuador - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Dirección de Protección, Reparación Integral y Autoridad Central
Ministerio de la Mujer y Derechos Humanos
General Francisco Robles y General Ulpiano Páez Piso 1
E-mail: autoridadcentral@derechoshumanos.gob.ec

Personne à contacter/contact person: 

  • María Cecilia Aguirre
    Directora de Protección, Reparación Integral y Autoridad Central
    Languages of communication: Spanish, English

  • Abg. Yadira Lopez Figueredo
    Especialista de Protección, Reparación Integral Y Autoridad Central
    Language of communication: Spanish


Estland - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice
Suur-Ameerika 1, 
15006 Tallinn
tel.: +372 620 8100
fax: +372 620 8109
email: central.authority@just.ee
general website: www.just.ee

Contact person / Personne à contacter :

  • Ms Anastasia Sanchez Fernandez, Adviser
    International Judicial Co-operation Unit
    Ministry of Justice
    tel.: +372 620 8183
    e-mail: central.authority@just.ee 
    contact languages: Estonian, English, Russian

  • Ms Marii-Elisa Pärna, Adviser
    International Judicial Co-Operation Unit
    Ministry of Justice of Estonia
    tel.: +372 7153443
    e-mail: marii-elisa.parna@just.ee


Finnland - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice
Unit of International Legal Assistance
P.O Box 25
00023 Government
Tel.: +358 (29) 516001
Fax: +358 9 1606 7524
Email: maintenance.ca.om@gov.fi
Website: https://oikeusministerio.fi

Contact Persons / Personnes à contacter :

  • Anna-Lena Andersson
    Languages of communication: English, Finnish, German, Swedish
  • Tanja Niemi
    Languages of communication: Finnish, English, French, Swedish


Frankreich - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministère de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères
27 rue de la Convention
CS 91533
75732 PARIS CEDEX 15
tel : 0143179001
e-mail: obligation.alimentaire@diplomatie.gouv.fr
website: http://diplomatie.gouv.fr

(This page was last updated on 1 March 2018)


Georgien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice of Georgia
International Relations and Legal Cooperation Department
24A Gorgasali Street
0114 Tbilisi
Telephone Number: (+995) 32 2 40 50 08
Fax: (+995) 32 2 40 52 04
Email: intlawdep@justice.gov.ge
Language(s) of communication: English

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Ana Gvinjilia
    Head of International Legal Cooperation Unit


Griechenland - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)


Hellenic Ministry of Justice
Directorate of Special Legal Affairs,
Department of Private International Law
96 Mesogeion Av.
Athens 11527

numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +30 213 130 7312, +30 213 130 7476
adresse e-mail/e-mail address: civilunit@justice.gov.gr, mntolia@justice.gov.gr, emousiou@justice.gov.gr
Internet: http://www.ministryofjustice.gr/

Personnes à contacter / Persons to contact:

  • Ms. Marina Ntolia
    Department of Private International Law
    (languages of communication: Greek, English)
  • Ms. Eleni Mousiou
    Department of Private International Law
    (languages of communication: Greek, English)


Honduras - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Secretaría de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia (SENAF)
Unidad Técnica Ejecutora de los Convenios de la Haya
Colonia Humuya
Calle La Salud, No 1101 frente a puente desnivel de El Prado
Numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +504 2239 3131
Internet: www.dinaf.gob.hn
Email: convenciondelahayadinaf@gmail.com

Personne à contacter/Contact person:

  • Lizeth Coello
    Directora de Secretaría de SENAF


Irland - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Central Authority for Maintenance Recovery Abroad
Department of Justice and Equality
51 St Stephen’s Green
Tel.: +353 (1) 859 2232
e-mail: mainrecov@justice.ie
website: http://www.justice.ie

Personnes à contacter / persons to contact:

  • Mr John Seery, Head of Unit
    tel.: +353 (0)1 859 2232
    (langue de communication/language of communication: anglais/English)

  • Ms Mary Ita O’Sullivan
    tel.: +353 (1) 859 2232
    (langue de communication/language of communication: anglais/English)

  • Mr James Whelan
    tel.: +353 (1) 859 2232
    (langue de communication/language of communication: anglais/English)

  • Mr Stephan Richter
    tel.: +353 (1) 859 2232
    (langue de communication/language of communication: anglais/English)


Italien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministero della Giustizia
Dipartimento per la Giustizia Minorile e di Comunità
Via Damiano CHIESA n. 24
00136 ROMA
téléphone/telephone : +39 0668188331 / + 39 0668188535
télécopie/fax: +39 0668808085
Email: autoritacentrali.dgmc@giustizia.it
Website: http://www.giustizia.it

Personnes à contacter / Contact Persons:

  • Mme/Mrs Maria Lina ALLEGRO
    tél./tel.:+39 0668188411
  • Mme/Mrs Silvia RUBINO
    tél./tel.: +39 0668188335

  • Mme/Mrs Filippina TAMBURELLA
    tél./tel.: +39 0668188327

  • Mme/Mrs Marta IACOBUCCI
    (langues de communication/Languages spoken by staff: italien, anglais, russe / Italian, English, Russian)
    tél./tel.: +39 0668188419

  • Mme/Mrs Sabrina MANNA
    tél./tel.: +39 0668188555

  • M./Mr Antonio Maria SPANO
    tél./tel.: +39 0668188342


Kanada - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Federal Central Authority for Canada under the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention

Family Law and Youth Justice Section
Department of Justice Canada
284 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario Canada
E-mail: FCA-ACF@justice.gc.ca

Functions: The Federal Central Authority is the Central Authority to which any communication may be addressed for transmission to the appropriate Central Authority within Canada, if the appropriate Central Authority within Canada is not known. The Federal Central Authority will assist Contracting Parties in locating a person in Canada if the Canadian province or territory of the person's residence is unknown. If the location of the party in Canada is known, then communications should be directed to the provincial or territorial Central Authority where the party resides. The Federal Central Authority will not process Article 10 applications. All Article 10 applications should be transmitted directly to the appropriate provincial or territorial Central Authority.

Provincial Central Authority (British Columbia)

Interjurisdictional Support Services
Ministry of Attorney General
P.O. Box 2074 Station Main
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 3S3
Email: ijss@gov.bc.ca

Functions: British Columbia’s Central Authority will transmit and receive all communications and applications under the Convention with the Province of British Columbia, Canada. The Central Authority will initiate proceedings in respect of applications under Chapter III or will refer applications and requests to the relevant competent authority or public body.

Provincial Central Authority (Manitoba)

Manitoba Justice
Family Law Section, Legal Services Branch 730 - 405 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 3L6
Email: HagueMaintenanceManitoba@gov.mb.ca

Functions: Manitoba's Central Authority will transmit and receive all communications and applications under the Convention with the Province of Manitoba, Canada. The Central Authority will initiate proceedings in respect of applications under Chapter III or will refer applications and requests to the relevant competent authority or public body.

Provincial Central Authority (Ontario)

Assistant Deputy Minister
Director, Family Responsibility Office
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Family Responsibility Office
Interjurisdictional Support Orders Unit
P.O. Box 600
Steeles West Post Office
Toronto ON M3J 0K8
Email: Haguemaintenance@ontario.ca

Functions: Ontario's Central Authority will transmit and receive all communications and applications under the Convention with the Province of Ontario, Canada. The Central Authority will initiate proceedings in respect of applications under Chapter III or will refer applications and requests to the relevant competent authority or public body.


Kasachstan - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

State bodies authorized to implement the provisions of the Convention:

  • on instructions from courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, courts of foreign states, applications of individuals on issues of recognition, issuance, modification of court decisions, for implementation of measures aimed at international recovery of alimony - the Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

  • on assistance in obtaining necessary information on income or, if necessary, other information on the financial position of the debtor or creditor, including detection of assets - the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Kroatien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy
Ulica grada Vukovara 78
10 000 Zagreb
Republic of Croatia
numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +385 1 555 7015
numéro de télécopie/telefax number: + 385 1 555 7222
adresse e-mail/e-mail address: pisarnica@mrosp.hr
Languages of communication: Croatian, English


Lettland - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Administration of the Maintenane Guarantee Fund
Raina bulvaris 15
Riga LV-1050
Tel.: +371 67830626
Fax: +371 67830636
E-mail: maintenance@ugf.gov.lv
Website: http://www.ugf.gov.lv

Contact Person / Personne à contacter :


Litauen - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Central Authority (Art. 4)
State-guaranteed Legal Aid Service
Odminių Str. 3, LT-01122 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel.: +370 700 00 211
Fax: + 370 700 35 004
E-mail: teisinepagalba@vgtpt.lt
Website: https://vgtpt.lrv.lt/

Contact Persons / Personnes à contacter:

  • Sandra Šmulaitė
    Tel.: +370 700 00 190
    Email: s.smulaite@vgtpt.lt
    Languages of communication: English, Lithuanian
  • Živilė Poželienė
    Tel.: +370 700 00 200
    Email: z.pozeliene@vgtpt.lt
    Languages of communication: English, Lithuanian

Central Authority in requests of maintenance recovery for persons under 21 years:
State Social Insurance Fund under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour
Klaipėda Division
Vasario 16-osios g. 4, 89225 Mažeikiai
Tel. +370 (525) 00883
E-mail: mazeikiai@sodra.lt 

Contact persons / Personnes à contacter:


Luxemburg - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Procureur général d'Etat
Cité judiciaire
Plateau du St.-Esprit
L-2080 Luxembourg
Numéro de téléphone/telephone number: Secrétariat/Secretariat: +352 47 59 81-2393
Numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +352 47 05 50
Email: parquet.general@justice.etat.lu
Website: http://www.justice.public.lu

Personne à contacter / person to contact:
Mme Monique SCHMITZ, Premier avocat général
tél.: +352 47 59 81-2336/2329
(langues de communication / languages of communication: français, allemand, anglais / French, German, English)

en son absence/ in her absence:
Avocat général de permanence


Malta - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Social Care Standards Authority
469 Bugeia Institute
St Joseph High Road
St Venera SVR 1012
Tel. No +356 25494000
e-mail address: maltaca.maintenance@gov.mt
Website: www.scsa.gov.mt 

Contact Person:


Montenegro - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
(Ministartsvo rada i socijalnog staranja)
Rimski trg 46
81 000 Podgorica
Telephone number: +382 20 482 305
E-mail: kabinet@mrs.gov.me
Website: www.gov.me/mrs
Languages of communication: English (engleski) 

Contact person / Personne à contacter:

  • Svetlana Sovilj
    Head of the Department for Protection of Children and Youth
    (načelnica Direkcije za zaštitu djece i mladih)
    Email : svetlana.sovilj@mrs.gov.me


Neuseeland - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Inland Revenue
Child Support Hague Convention
PO Box 39010
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045
New Zealand
Telephone: +64 9 984 2537 (8am to 5pm NZ time)
E-mail: nzcsca@ird.govt.nz
Website: https://www.ird.govt.nz/child-support

Contact Persons / Personnes à contacter :


Nicaragua - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

The Ministry of Family, Children and Youth
Ministerio de la Familia Adolescencia y Niñez (MIFAN)
Del Antiguo ENEL Central, 100 mts. al Sur
Apdo. 1292

Tel.Fax: +505 2278-1620 / 2270-2644
Email: asuntosinternacionales@mifamilia.gob.ni
website: www.mifamilia.gob.ni  

Contact persons/Personne à contacter:


Niederlande - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Landelijk Bureau Inning Onderhoudsbijdrage (LBIO)
Postbus 8901
3009 AX Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31(0)10 2894 895
Email: iia@lbio.nl
Website: http://www.lbio.nl

Contact Persons:

  • Mrs. D.S. de Wit-Nolte
    Tel.: +31(0)10 2894 895
    Languages of communication: Dutch, English

  • Mrs. M. van der Waarden
    Tel.: +31(0)10 2894 895
    Languages of communication: Dutch, English

  • Mrs. H. Rommelse
    Tel.: +31(0)10 2894 895
    Languages of communication: Dutch, English

  • Mrs. A.G. van der Hout
    Tel.: +31 (0) 10 2894 895
    Languages of communication: Dutch and English

  • Mrs. S. Balkhoven
    Tel.: +31 (0) 10 2894 895
    Languages of communication: Dutch and English

  • Mr. L. Seijmonson
    Tel.: +31 (0)10 2894 895
    Languages of communication: Dutch, English

  • Mrs. K. Azahriou
    Tel.: +31 (0)10 2894 895
    Languages of communication: Dutch, English


Norwegen - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

NAV Family Benefits and Pensions
Child Support
Postboks 6600, Etterstad
N-0607 OSLO
Telephone: +47 21 07 37 00
Fax: +47 21 07 37 01
Email: central.authority.child.support@nav.no

Contact Persons:

Outgoing applications for recognition and enforcement from Norway:
The Collection Agency for Child Support and Overpaid Benefits
N- 9917 Kirkenes
Telephone: +47 21 05 11 00
Fax: +47 21 05 11 01
e-mail: utland.bt@skatteetaten.no 

Contact persons:


Österreich - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Federal Ministry of Justice
Museumstraße 7
1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 52 1 52 - 0
Fax: + 43 1 52 1 52 - 2829
E-mail: team.z@bmj.gv.at (mode de communication préféré / preferred method of communication)
Website: www.bmj.gv.at
Langues de communication / Languages of communication: allemand, anglais, français / German, English, French

Personnes à contacter / Contact persons:

  • Mr Robert Fucik
  • Mr Angelo Rosenberg
  • Ms Ulrike Toyooka
  • Ms Monika Jaume


Paraguay - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministerio de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (MINNA)
Dirección de Asuntos Internaciones y Restitución internacional
Ayolas 482 Esq. Oliva
Telefonnummer: +595 (021) 228 777
E-mail: asuntosinternacionales@minna.gov.py
Website: www.minna.gov.py
Kontaktperson: Alfredo Nicolás Gaona, C.I.N° 1.873.318
Sprache: Spanisch


Philippinen - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Child Support Secretariat 
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
IBP Road, Batasan Pambansa Complex, Constitution Hills,
Quezon City, Philippines 1126
Telephone: 8931-8101 loc. 10324 or 10325
viber number : +63919-521-4262 ( exclusive for inquiries on child support cases)
Contact Numbers: 09195214262 / 09455278210
E-mail: childsupport@dswd.gov.ph
Method of communication: preferably via indicated email addresses
Website: www.dswd.gov.ph

Contact Person / Personne à contacter: 

  • Atty. Elaine F. Fallarcuna
    Assistant Secretary and Point Person of Central Authority to the HCCH


Polen - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Incoming applications to Poland:

Poland - Central Authority (Art. 4)
Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości   / Ministry of Justice
Departament Spraw Rodzinnych i Nieletnich / Department of Family and Juvenile Matters
Wydział Międzynarodowych Postępowań Rodzinnych  / Division of International Proceedings in Family Matters
Al. Ujazdowskie 11
P.O. Box 33

Phone number: +48 22 23 90 470
Fax: +48 22 897 03 21
E-mail: alimenty@ms.gov.pl

Outgoing applications from Poland:
Polish Regional Courts: Click here for the list of all Polish Regional Courts acting as central authority in maintenance cases (as of May 2024)


Portugal - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça
Ministério da Justiça
(Directorate-General for the Administration of Justice - Ministry of Justice)
Avenida D. João II, n.º 1.08.01, Edifício H
1990-097 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 21 790 65 00
Fax: +351 21 154 51 16
Email: correio.dsjcji@dgaj.mj.pt
Website: www.dgaj.mj.pt or www.cji-dgaj.mj.pt 

Contact Persons / Personne à contacter:

  • Mrs. Elisabete MARTINS
    Tel.: +351 21 790 6225
    Languages of communication: English, French, Portuguese
  • Mr. Miguel VARA
    Tel.: +351 21 790 6421
    Languages of communication: English, Portuguese, Spanish


Rumänien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice, Department of International Law and Judicial Cooperation
17, Apolodor street 
Tel.: 040372041218, 0040372041077 (secretariat)
Fax: 040372041079
Email: ddit@just.ro
Website: http://www.just.ro (to have access to Romanian legislation, Judicial Guide of international cooperation in civil matters: click on the "Sectiunea Cooperare Judiciara Interntionala", Judicial Guide of international cooperation in civil matters)

Contact Persons:

  • Ms Dana-Maria Roman
    Tel.: 0040372041077 (secretariat)
    languages of communication: English, French, Romanian
  • Ioana BURDUF
    Tel.: 0040372041218
    Email: iburduf@just.ro
    languages of communication: English, French, Romanian


Schweden - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency)

Applications and requests for assistance in specific matters:
Box 1164, SE-621 22 Visby, Sweden
Tel.: +46 771 17 90 00
Fax: +46 498 20 04 11

General questions and matters regarding policy decisions:
SE-103 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel.: +46 8 786 90 00
Fax: +46 8 411 27 89

Email: centralmyndigheten@forsakringskassan.se
Website: http://www.forsakringskassan.se

Contact Person:


Serbia - Other designated bodies (Art. 6(3))

Centre for Social Work – Extent of functions: Art. 6(1)(b) and (2). For additional information, please see the Country Profile of Serbia under Stage 2, I – General Information, 1. Overview of the process that occurs when making an application under Article 10 of the Convention.

Centre for Social Work – Addresses: There are more than hundred Centres for Social Work being founded by local administrations in Serbia (i.e., cities or municipalities). Their addresses and contact details will be provided to the Central Authority of the requesting State after the submission of an application for the recovery of maintenance in Serbia.

Other designated bodies (Art. 6(3))

“Centre for Social Work – Extent of functions: Art. 6(1)(b) and (2). For additional information, please see the Country Profile of Serbia under Stage 2, I – General Information, 1. Overview of the process that occurs when making an application under Article 10 of the Convention.”


“Centre for Social Work – Addresses: There are more than hundred Centres for Social Work being founded by local administrations in Serbia (i.e., cities or municipalities). Their addresses and contact details will be provided to the Central Authority of the requesting State after the submission of an application for the recovery of maintenance in Serbia.”

Serbien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Finance
Property and Legal Affairs Department
Kneza Miloša Street No. 20
E-mail: kontakt@mfin.gov.rs
Website: https://www.mfin.gov.rs/

Contact Persons / Personnes à contacter:


Slowakei - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Centrum pre medzinárodnoprávnu ochranu detí a mládeže
(Centre for the International Legal Protection of Children and Youth)
Špitálska 8
P.O.Box 57
814 99 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 2 2045 8200, +421 2 2045 8201
Fax: + 421 2 2045 8358
Email: info@cipc.gov.sk (mode de communication préféré / preferred method of communication)
Website: http://www.cipc.gov.sk

Personne à contacter / Contact Person:

    Email: hana.pavlovicova@cipc.gov.sk
    (langues de communication / languages of communication: anglais, slovaque, tchèque / English, Slovak, Czech)

  • Mr Vladimír BEDNÁRIK
    Head of Department of Legal Services and Psychological Advisory
    Email: vladimir.bednarik@cipc.gov.sk
    (langues de communication / languages of communication: anglais, slovaque, tchèque / English, Slovak, Czech)


Slowenien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia
Dunajska cesta 20
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 4720 990
Fax: +386 1 4345 899
E-mail: jpsklad@jps-rs.si
Website: https://www.srips-rs.si/


Spanien - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministerio de Justicia
Subdirección General de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional
Servicio de reclamación de alimentos en el extranjero
C/San Bernardo nº 62
28071 Madrid

Email: SGCJIAlimentos@mjusticia.es
Languages of communication: Spanish, English

Tschechische Republik

Tschechische Republik - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Úřad pro mezinárodněprávní ochranu dětí
(Office for International Legal Protection of Children)
Šilingrovo náměstí 3/4
602 00 BRNO
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 542 215 522
Fax: 542 212 836
Internet: www.umpod.cz

Personnes à contacter / Persons to contact:

  • Mr Zdeněk KAPITÁN
    (langues de communication / languages of communication: allemand, anglais / German, English)
    E-mail: podatelna@umpod.cz

    Deputy Director
    (langues de communication / languages of communication: allemand, anglais /German, English)
    E-mail: podatelna@umpod.cz


Türkiye - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice General Directorate of International Law and Foreign Relations

Contact details:
Namık Kemal Mahallesi Milli Müdafaa Caddesi No. 22
Tel: 0090 312 414 84 89


Ukraine - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Directorate for International Law
Department on International Legal Assistance
Division on International Legal Assistance in Civil Matters

Postal address / Adresse postale:
13, Horodetskogo Street
KYIV 01001
E-mail: ilad@minjust.gov.ua, mdcivil@minjust.gov.ua
Website / Site web: www.minjust.gov.ua 

Tel./Tél.: +380 44 279-69-77, +380 44 278-11-76
Fax: +380 44 278-11-76 

Contact persons / Personnes à contacter:

  • Mrs. Kateryna Shevchenko - Deputy Head of Directorate for International Law – Head of the Department on International Legal Assistance
    e-mail: ilad@minjust.gov.ua
    tel.: +380 44 279-69-77
    Languages for communication: Ukrainian, English, French, Russian

  • Mrs.Lyudmyla Ruda
    Deputy Head of the Department on International Legal Assistance – Head of the Division on Conclusion of International Treaties
    e-mail: intreat@minjust.gov.ua
    tel.: +380 44 279-72-56
    Languages for communication: Ukrainian, English, French, Russian

  • Mrs.Maria Snizhko
    E-mail: m.snizhko@minjust.gov.ua
    Languages for communication: Ukrainian, English, Russian

  • Mrs. Tatiana Ryabets
    E-mail: mdcivil@minjust.gov.ua
    Languages for communication: Ukrainian, Russian
  • Mrs. Viktoria Bilokon
    E-mail: privatciv3@minjust.gov.ua
    Languages for communication: Ukrainian, English, Russian


Ungarn - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice of Hungary
Department of Private International Law
1055 Budapest
Kossuth tér 2-4.
Tel: +36 (1) 795-5397, +36 (1) 795-3188
Fax: +36-1-795-0463
E-mail: nmfo@im.gov.hu

Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland

Vereinigtes Königreich - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)


The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Unit (REMO)
Post Point 0.53
102 Petty France
 Tel.: +44 (0) 20 3681 2757
Fax: +44 (0) 20 3681 2762
Website: http://www.justice.gov.uk

Contact Person:

  • Neil McFadden
    Tel.: +44 (0) 20 3681 2757


Northern Ireland Central Authority
Laganside Courts Complex
45 Oxford Street
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom

Email: reciprocalenforcement@courtsni.gov.uk
Website: http://www.courtsni.gov.uk


Scottish Government
Central Authority & International Law Team
GW15 St. Andrew's House
Scotland, UK
numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +44 (0) 131 244 3570
numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +44 (0) 131 244 4848

Person to contact:

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Vereinigte Staaten - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Child Support Services (OCSS)
330 C Street SW
Washington, DC 20201
Tel: (+1) 202-401-5722
Fax: (+1) 202-401-5655
Email: ocssinternational@acf.hhs.gov
Website: http://acf.hhs.gov/programs/css 

The U.S. Central Authority does not process applications under the 2007 Hague Convention. To transmit a Convention application to the U.S., send it directly to the child support central registry in the U.S. state or territory where the other party resides. 

Contact information for all U.S. child support central registries is available in OCSS’s Intergovernmental Reference Guide: https://ocsp.acf.hhs.gov/irg/welcome.html

  1. Select the state or territory and click GO
  2. Select the “Contact” tab
  3. Select “Central Registry Contact” and click View

Parent Locate Requests under Art. 7
Follow the instructions in IDCL-19-01: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/css/policy-guidance/accessing-us-federal-parent-locator-service


Zypern - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Justice and Public Order
International Legal Cooperation Unit
125 Athalassas Avenue
Telephone numbers: +357 (22) 805 943 / 932
Telefax number: +357 (22) 518 328 / 356
Email address: registry@mjpo.gov.cy
Website: http://www.mjpo.gov.cy
languages of communication: Greek, English

Contact persons:

Nichtmitglieder der Organisation


Botsuana - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

1. The Department of Social Protection in the Ministry of Local Government is designated as the Central Authority;
2. Cities, Towns and District Councils also in the Ministry of Local Government are designated as Competent Authorities in their respective jurisdictions.

Contact Persons / Personnes à contacter:

    Email address: omokabathebe@gov.bw or ookamem@gmail.com
    Phone numbers: +267 71724996 (mobile) | +267 3993087

In alternative:

    Email address: mmmokgachane@gov.bw or mmabonty73@gmail.com
    Phone numbers: +267 73834343 (mobile) | +267 3993063

Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Procuradoria-Geral da Republica
Departamento Central de Cooperação e Direito Comparado
Achada Santo António
Praia CP 268
Telephone number: +238 2615748/9982533/5164789/3338334
Fax number: +238 2616884
E-mail: Autoridade.central@pgr.gov.cv
Contact person: Elisa Mendes - Prosecutor
Languages of communication: Portuguese or English


Guyana - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Ministry of Human Services and Social Security
357 Lamaha and East Streets
North Cummingsburg
Tel: +592-225-6545
Email: minister.mhsss@gmail.com


Kirgisistan - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 4)

Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic
Kyrgyz Republic
Bishkek city
Dzhunusalieva Street 171
Telephone: +996 (312) 25-09-52
Fax: +996 (312) 25-09-52
E-mail: suddep@e-sot.kg
Website: suddep.sot.kg

Contact person(s):

  • Department of International Cooperation and Gender Policy
    Languages of communication: English, Russian