This bibliography is not intended to be exhaustive. The views expressed in the items listed in this bibliography may not reflect those of the HCCH, and the HCCH does not take responsibility for any of the views expressed in the referenced items.

Autor Titel Zeitschrift Veröffentlichungsjahr
KHAI LIEW,Y. Trusts and Choice of Law Rules in Taiwan National Taiwan University Law Review, Vol. 17, Is. 01 2022
CHONG, A. Bridging the common law—civil law divide? The 1985 Trusts Convention The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
HARRIS, J. Trusts A Guide to Global Private International Law 2022
FORRESTER, L. Resulting Trusts in the Conflict of Laws : an Australian Perspective Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 17, Is. 02 2021
HAYTON, D. Reflections on the Hague Trusts Convention after 30 Years Journal of Private International Law 2016
FINI, P. Les Dispositions sur le Trust du Projet de Code de Droit International Privé à la Lumière de la Convention de la Haye du 1er Juillet 1985 Journal du Droit International - Clunet, Vol. 151, Is. 02 2024
NOSEDA, F. Equitable ownership, butter and donkeys: Setting out a vision for the future of the Hague Trust Convention Trusts & Trustees, Vol. 2022 2022
SMITH, L. The Trust Between Common Core and Common Law Le trust en droit international privé : perspectives suisses et étrangères 2005
NOSEDA, F. Unpacking the trust concept: closing the common law–civil law gap Trusts & Trustees 2024
VON SEGESSER, G. Arbitrating Trust Disputes: Effect of the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on Their Recognition Arbitration of Trust Disputes : Issues in National and International Law, OUP, Oxford, 2016 2016
VAN DER VEEN, R. Fiduciary Duties and the 1985 Hague Trusts Convention Trusts & Trustees, Vol. 29, Is.07 2023
KHAI LIEW,Y. Choice of Law for Cross-Border Trust Disputes in Japan: The Case for Adopting the Hague Trusts Convention Trust Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 09, Is. 01 2022
GOODE, R. The Hague Convention on Intermediated Securities The Development of Transnational Commercial Law : Policies and Problems ; OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2018
WHEELER, I. The English Court of Appeal considers the governing law of trusts and the Hague Trusts Convention Trusts and trustees 2015
Stateless Trusts
The Worlds of the Trust (L. Smith, ed.) 2013
WATERS, D.W.M. The Hague Trusts Convention Twenty Years On Commercial Trusts in European Private Law (M. Graziadei, U. Mattei and L. Smith, eds.) 2005
GRAZIADEI, M. Recognition of Common Law Trusts in Civil Law Jurisdictions under the Hague Trusts Convention with Particular Reference to the Italian Experience Re-imagining the Trust: Trusts in Civil Law (L. Smith, ed.) 2012
BRAUN, A. Italy: The Trust Interno The International Trust (D. Hayton, ed.) 2011
MILO, J.M. Le droit de suite et sa reconnaissance selon la Convention de la Haye sur les trusts. Tracing en droit civil Suisse European Review of Private Law 2014
CLARRY, D. Fiduciary ownership and trusts in a comparative perspective
International and Comparative Law Quarterly 2014
HAYTON, D. 'Trusts' in Private International Law Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 2014
GUILLAUME, F. The Hague Trusts Convention and Selected Questions in Swiss Private International Law Taxation of Trusts in Civil Law Jurisdictons (Danon/Chenaux/Tissot (ed.)) 2010
FERRERO, S. The Scope and the Effects of Mandatory Rules and Public Policy under the 1985 Hague Convention of the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition
Il Nuovo Diritto Delle Società 2013
WÜHL , J. Der Trust im österreichischen Internationalen Privatrecht
Zeitschrift für Europarecht, Int. Privatrecht & Rechtsvergleichung 2013
HAYTON, D. Major trends in the trust world : part 1
Private Client Business 2007
PIOTET, D. Quelques questions de droit privé suisse sur le trust sous l’empire de la Convention de La Haye du 1er juillet 1895 Not@lex 2008
GRAHAM, T. The Hague Trusts Convention five years on: the Swiss Federal Supreme Court’s decision in Rybolovlev v Rybolovleva Trusts & Trustees 2012
CONTALDI, G. Il trust nel diritto internazionale privato italiano
WACH, T. Switzerland and the Hague Convention : Proposals to Prepare for Ratification
Trusts and Trustees 2002
FOËX, B. The Hague Trust Convention and Switzerland: a few remarks concerning movable property
Das Haager Trust-Übereinkommen und die Schweiz (A. E. Markus, A. Kellerhals et M. Jametti Greiner, Ed.) 2003
LUPOI, M. L’application de la Convention de la Haye en Italie Le trust en droit international privé : Perspectives suisses et étrangères : Actes de la 17ème Journée de droit international privé du 18 mars 2005 à Lausanne 2005
KÖTZ H. International recognition of Trusts Trusts in Prime Jurisdictions (Kaplan/Hauser/Ogden, Eds.) 2006
MAYER, T. La Suisse et la convention de La Haye sur la reconnaissance du trust
Expert Comptable Suisse 2006
GUTZWILLER, P.M. Schweizerisches internationales Trustrecht : Kommentar zum Haager Übereinkommen über das auf Trusts anzuwendende Recht und über ihre Anerkennung (HTÜ) vom 1. Juli 1985 und zur Schweizerischen Umsetzungs-Gesetzgebung vom 20. Dezember 2006
MATTHEWS, P. Constructive Trusteeship: Proprietary Claims, Personal Claims and the Hague Convention
Trusts & Trustees 1995
VAN LOON, J.H.A. De erkenning van trusts A la Minuut (Landelijk Notarieel Studentenblad) 1986
DYER, A. & VAN LOON, J.H.A. Report on trusts and analogous institutions/Rapport sur les trusts et institutions analogues Proceedings of the Fifteenth Session/Actes et documents de la Quinzième session 1985
LUPOI, M. The Hague Convention, the civil law and the Italian experience Trust Law International 2007
PANNATIER KESSLER, D. Le droit de suite et sa reconnaissance selon la Convention de La Haye sur les trusts, tracing en droit civil suisse 2011
MALUMIAN, N. Trusts in Latin America 2009
JAKOB, D. & PICHT, P. Der trust in der Schweizer Nachlassplanung und Vermögensgestaltung: Materiellrechtliche und internationalprivatrechtliche Aspekte nach der Ratifikation des HTÜ AJP/PJA 2010
[NO AUTHOR INDICATED / SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR] Le Trust en droit international privé. Perspectives suisses et étrangères Actes de la 17ème Journée de droit international privé du 18 mars 2005 à Lausanne 2005
VAN LOON, H.  L'actualité de la convention de La Haye relative à la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance Mélanges en l'honneur de Mariel Revillard 2007
BERLINGUER, A. The Italian Road to Trusts European Review of Private Law 2007
WITZ, C. La fiducie française face aux expériences étrangères et à la convention de La Haye relative au « trust » Recueil Dalloz 2007
GDANSKI, M. & PICHARDO-ANGADI, T. The French law on fiducie and its application to banking and finance transactions Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 2007
FLATTET, G. Le Trust en droit suisse Revue Juridique et Politique : Indépendance et Coopération 1990
TRUMPY, T.B. Non-corporate entities in private international law: The trust Hague Yearbook of International Law 1989
VIRGOS, M. El trust y el Derecho español 2006
CHONG, A. The Common Law Choice of Law Rules for Resulting and Constructive Trusts International & Comparative Law Quarterly 2005
GRAZIADEI, M., MATTEI, U. & SMITH, L. Commercial Trusts in European Private Law 2005
HARRIS, J. The Trust in Private International Law Reform and Development of Private International Law - Essays in Honour of Sir Peter North 2002
UBERTAZZI, N. El trust en el Derecho internacional privado italiano y español Anuario Español de Derecho internacional privado 2005
THÉVENOZ, L. Les enjeux de la ratification de la Convention de La Haye pour les pays de droit civil Trust & Fiducie - la Convention de La Haye et la nouvelle législation luxembourgeoise 2005
VAN LOON, H. The Hague Convention of 1st July 1985 on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on Their Recognition Trust & Fiducie - la Convention de La Haye et la nouvelle législation luxembourgeoise 2005
HAYTON, D. The distinctive characteristics of the Trust in Anglo-Saxon law Trust & Fiducie - la Convention de La Haye et la nouvelle législation luxembourgeoise 2005
REVET, T. cf. PRÜM, A.
WITZ, C. cf. PRÜM, A.
PRÜM, A., REVET, T. & WITZ, C. La ratification de la Convention de La Haye par le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Trust & Fiducie - la Convention de La Haye et la nouvelle législation luxembourgeoise 2005
SCOTTISH LAW COMMISSION Discussion Paper on Trustees and Trust Administration 2004
WITZ, C. Trust et fiducie, une distinction estompée par la Convention de La Haye relative à la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance Liber Amicorum Claude Reymond - Autour de l'arbitrage 2004
KOPPENOL-LAFORCE, M.E. Inpassing van de trust in Nederland en het Haagse Trustverdrag Met recht verkregen. Bundel opstellen aangeboden aan mr. Ingrid S. Joppe 2002
HAYTON, D.J. Trusts Under Civil Law Jurisdictions International Estate Planning (Stephenson, Friedman & Frend) [looseleaf] 1993
PICCOLI, P. La Convenzione dell' Aja sulla Legge Applicabile ai Trust Fiducia, Trust, Mandato ed Agency 1991
HAYTON, D.J. et al. (eds.) Developing the use of trusts in the Netherlands Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1997
HAYTON, D.J. Trusts Vertrouwd met de Trust. Trust and Trust-like Arrangements (Serie Onderneming en Recht) 1996
HAYTON, D.J. The Significance of the Hague Conventions on Trusts and on Succession: A Common Law Perspective E Pluribus Unum. Liber Amicorum Georges A.L. Droz 1996
HAYTON, D.J. The Hague Convention on Trusts: A Little is Better than Nothing but Why so Little? Journal of International Trust and Corporate Planning 1994
HAYTON, D.J. Law Relating to Trusts and Trustees 1995
HAYTON, D.J. Developing the law of trusts for the twenty-first century The Law Quarterly Review 1990
HAYTON, D.J. European Succession Laws European Practice Library 1991
VON OVERBECK, A.E. Trusts in Switzerland Yearbook of Private International Law 2002
VON OVERBECK, A.E. Law Applicable to, and Recognition of Trusts in Switzerland: the Possible Future under the Hague Convention Trusts & Trustees 1996
VON OVERBECK, A.E. Hague Conference on Private International Law: Explanatory Report by Alfred von Overbeck on the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition [January 1986] International Legal Materials 1986
GAILLARD, E. & TRAUTMAN, D. T. Trusts in Non-Trust Countries: Conflict of Laws and the Hague Convention on Trusts American Journal of Comparative Law 1987
DYER, A. International Recognition and Adaptation of Trusts: The Influence of the Hague Convention Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1999
DYER, A. International Recognition of the Trust Concept Trusts & Trustees 1996
REVILLARD, M. Note sous Tribunal de grande instance de Paris (1re Ch., Ch. des urg.), 23 novembre 1989 Revue critique de droit international privé 1990
DROZ, G. A. L. Regards sur le droit international privé comparé. Cours général de droit international privé Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 1991
WATERS, D. W. M. The Institution of the Trust in Civil and Common Law Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 1995
VRIESENDORP, R.D. Schuldeisers en het Haagse Trustverdrag: einde van het verhaal? Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1997
SCHOENBLUM, J. The Hague Convention on trusts - much ado about very little Journal of International Trust and Corporate Planning 1994
VAN LOON, J. H. A. cf. DYER, A.
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Het Haagse Verdrag van 1 juli 1985 inzake het recht dat van toepassing is op en inzake de erkenning van trusts A la Minuut 1986
KOPPENOL-LAFORCE, M.E. De inpassing van de family trust in het Nederlandse civiele recht Preadvies voor Vereniging voor Belastingwetenschap 1999
KOPPENOL-LAFORCE, M.E. The Trust, The Hague Trusts Convention and Civil Law Countries Notarius International 1998
KOPPENOL-LAFORCE, M.E. The Institution of Trust and Dutch Law XVth International Congress of Comparative Law 1998
KOPPENOL-LAFORCE, M.E. Het Haagse Trustverdrag Recht en praktijk 1997
HAYTON, D.J. et al. (eds.) Principles of European Trust Law 1999
LUPOI, M. The Civil Law Trust Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1999
LUPOI, M. Trusts in the Civil Law - an Introduction Trusts and Trustees 1996
LUPOI, M. Effects of the Hague Convention in a Civil Law Country The Reform of Property Law 1997
LUPOI, M. Effects of the Hague Convention in a Civil Law Country Trusts and Trustees 1998
LUPOI, M. The domestic Trust Theory is Upheld in Italy Trusts and Trustees 1984
LUPOI, M. Trusts and Civilian Categories Itinera Fiduciae, Trust & Treuhand in Historical Perspective (D. Hayton, S. Kortmann and K. Verhagen, eds.) 1998
LUPOI, M. Trusts: A Comparative Study 1997
MATTHEWS, P. Un Trust per I'Italiano Trust Law International 1998
GAMBARO, A. I Trust nell Prassi Bancaria e Finanziariai 1998
MATTHEWS, P. New Draft Italian Trust Law Trust Law International 2000
DYER, A. & VAN LOON, J.H.A. Report on trusts and analogous institutions Shintaku (Trusts) 1985
REVILLARD, M. Les nouvelles Conventions de La Haye et le droit patrimonial de la famille Annuaire de La Haye de droit international/Hague Yearbook of International Law 1994
LUPOI, M. The Shapeless Trust Trusts & Trustees 1995
NETHERLANDS What’ s going On In… The Netherlands. Setting Up of Irrevocable Discretionary Trust Characterized as a Taxable Gift Decisions of the Supreme Court of 18 November 1998, International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation 1999
GRAZIADEI, M. Trusts in Italian Law La Fiducie face au Trust dan les Rapports des Affaires: Trust vs Fiducie in a Business Context (C. Cumyn, ed.) 1999
GAMBARO, A. Problemi in materia di riconoscimento degli effetti dei trusts nei paesi di civil law Rivista di Diritto Civile 1984
CALO, E. Dal Probate al Family Trust 1996
BROGGINI, G. Folgen der Ratifikation des Trusts-Übereinkommens in Italien 9e Journée des Professeurs Suisses de Droit International Privé 1997
ALBISINNI, F. National Digest for Italy International Trust Laws (J. Glasson, ed.)
ARRIGO, T. (ed.) I Trusts nell'ordinamento Italiano 1999
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR / NO AUTHOR INDICATED] Il trust in Italia: Congresso Nazionale 1999
ALBISINNI, F. & SINISI, V. Trusts from the Italian Perspective Trusts for Europe 1988
ALBISINNI, F. & GAMBINO, R. The Italian Civil Law System and the Hague Convention on Trusts J Int Corp 1993
BENEVENTI, I. (ed.) I Trusts in Italia Oggi 1996
VON OVERBECK, A.E. La Convention de La Haye du premier juillet 1985 relative à la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht 1985
PICCOLI, P. L'avanprogetto di convenzione sul trust nei lavori della Conferenza di diritto internazionale privato dell'Aja e i riflessi di interesse notarile Rivista del notariato 1984
MESSINA, P. Trusts: the Italian Approach Disputes Involving Trusts (N. Vogt, ed.), Trusts & Trustees 1999
MATTHEWS, P. Italian Trust for Debenture Holders Trust Law International 1997
REYMOND, C. Réflexions de droit comparé sur la Convention de La Haye sur le trust Revue de droit international et de droit comparé 1991
REVILLARD, M. La Convention de La Haye du 1er juillet 1985 sur la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance Répertoire du Notariat Defrénois 1986
DE RAEDT, S. & TRAEST, M. Trust en privaat vermogensbeheer 2000
PIRRUNG, J. Die XV. Tagung der Haager Konferenz für internationales Privatrecht - Trustübereinkommen vom 1. Juli 1985 Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 1987
KLEIN, F.-E. A propos de la Convention de La Haye du 1er juillet 1985 relative à la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance Mélanges Paul Piotet 1990
DYER, A. & VAN LOON, J. H. A. Anglo-Amerikaanse trusts en het Nederlandse Recht 1983
PFUND, P., GRIMES, C. B. & SHEA, M. New vistas for international planning Trusts and Estates 1984
PELICHET, M. Le trust et les institutions analogues - La Convention de La Haye du premier juillet 1985 Droit et pratique des opérations fiduciaires en Suisse 1994
PATON, A.G. & GROSSO, R. The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition: Implementation in Italy International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1994
PALUMBO, G. Tax Advantages of Trusts in the Italian Civil Law Perspective Trusts & Trustees 1997
OHTA, M. On the Practical Use of "Trust" in Case of Statutory Mergers of Corporations and Reductions of Capital Study of the Law of Trust (Shintaku-ho Kenkyu) 1988
NYGH, P. & PRYLES, M. The Hague Convention on the law applicable to trusts and on their recognition Thirteenth International Trade Law Conference 1986
NYGH, P.E. Conflict of Laws in Australia 1995
NISHIZAWA, M. Developments in Theory of Civil Law and Trusts Law
McCLEAN, D. The Hague moves towards a convention on the law applicable to trusts Commonwealth Law Bulletin 1985
MAERTEN, L. Le régime international du trust après la Convention de La Haye du 1er juillet 1985 La Semaine juridique 1988
VAN LOON, J. H. A. De Vijftiende Zitting van de Haagse Conferentie voor Internationaal Privaatrecht Nederlands Juristenblad 1985
LIPSTEIN, K. Trusts International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law
LAVINE, A. & PAOLA, S. Forging the Bonds of Trusts Financial Planning 1985
LAURINI, G. Conferenza dell'Aja: il progetto di Convenzione sul riconoscimento dei trusts Rivista del notariato 1984
KÖTZ, H. Die 15. Haager Konferenz und das Kollisionsrecht des Trust Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 1986
KOTTENHAGEN, R.P.J. De trust in de Nederlandse rechtsliteratuur Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1997
KOPPENOL-LAFORCE, M.E. & SONNEVELDT, F. Doelvermogens; trust en familiestichting Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 2001
KOPPENOL-LAFORCE, M.E. Inbreng van Nederlandse goederen in een trust Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1997
KIMURA, T. On the Disclosure of the Trust Study of the Law of Trust (Shintaku-ho Kenkyu) 1988
KIMURA, K. Legal Problems on the Internationalization of Trusts and the Hague Convention on Trusts - A Practical View for Business Managers Study of the Law of Trust (Shintaku-ho Kenkyu) 1988
JOPPE, I. S. Het 'Haags Trustverdrag' in werking Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 1996
DUYNSTEE, F. A. A. Het trustverdrag: een paasei of een lege dop? Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 1993
GOTTSCHALK, E. Allgemeine Lehren des IPR in kollisionsrechtlichen Staatsverträgen 2002
WILLIAMS, K. S. Trusts and the Hague Convention The Company Lawyer 1986
WALLACE, A. Choice of Law for Trusts in Australia and the United Kingdom International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1987
VRIESENDORP, R.D. Het Nederlandse goederenrecht en het Haagse Trustverdrag Preadviezen uitgebracht voor de Vereniging voor Burgerlijk Recht 1994
VERHAGEN, H.L.E. Het Haagse Trustverdrag Vertrouwd met de Trust. Trust and Trust-like Arrangements (Serie Onderneming en Recht, dl. 5) 1996
UNIKEN VENEMA, C. Æ. Het Haagse Trustverdrag: de in het verdrag voorziene 'externe werking' van Anglo-Amerikaanse trusts Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 1993
TRIPET, F. Trusts patrimoniaux anglo-saxons et droit fiscal français 1989
TRAUTMAN, D. T. & GAILLARD, E. The Hague Conference adopts a Convention for Trusts Trusts and Estates 1985
THÉVENOZ, L. Trusts en Suisse: Adhésion à la Convention de La Haye sur les trusts et codification de la fiducie. Trusts in Switzerland: Ratification of the Hague Convention on Trusts and Codification of Fiduciary Transfers 2001
TAKASUGI, N. Reflection on the conflicts rules of the Hague Trusts Convention 1991
SUPINO, P. Rechtsgestaltung mit Trust aus Schweizer Sicht 1994
STILLE, A.L.G.A. De 'Haagse' trust in het familie-, huwelijksvermogens- en erfrecht (family estate planning) Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1997
STEINEBACH, L. [Das Haager Trustübereinkommen] Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft 1986
SPIROU, C.D.C. Une lacune du droit civil: le trust - Un exemple: le trust à Cayman Revue Hellénique de Droit International 1992
SONNEVELDT, F. Het Haags trustverdrag en zijn consequenties voor het Nederlandse belastingrecht Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 1993
SNIJDERS, H.J. Verhaal op trustvermogen in Nederland Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1997
SHEA, M. cf. PFUND, P.
SCHOENBLUM, J. The adaptation of the asset protection trust for use by the multinational corporation: the American perspective Commercial Aspects of Trusts and Fiduciary Obligations 1992
SCHIPPER, J.H.W. Some Dutch Fiscal Aspects Regarding Trusts Trusts & Trustees 1997
RUTTEN, S.W.E. De islamitische waqf en het Haagse Trustverdrag Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 2000
VAN RIJN VAN ALKEMADE, J. Yes, the Dutch can tame the trust! Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1998
IKEHARA, S. (ed.) Practices and Theories on International Trusts 1990
IJZERMAN, R.L.H. Enkele Nederlandse fiscale aspecten van Angelsaksische trusts Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1997
HERBOTS, J. & PHILIPPE, d. (dir.) Le trust et la fiducie - implications pratiques / De trust en de fiduciaire overeenkomst - practische implicaties 1997
HAYTON, D. & MARSHALL Cases and Commentary on the Law of Trusts 1986
HAYTON, D.J. et al. (eds.) Vertrouwd met de Trust. Trust and Trust-like Arrangements 1996
HAYTON, D.J. The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1987
HAYASHI, R. Development of Trust and Theory of Trust Study of the Law of Trust (Shintaku-ho Kenkyu) 1988
HARRIS, J. The Hague Trusts Convention: Scope, Application and Preliminary Issues 2002
GUILLAUME, F. Incompatibilité du trust avec le droit suisse? Un mythe s'effrite Revue suisse de droit international et de droit européen 2000
GIOVANOLI, M. Les opérations fiduciaires dans la pratique bancaire suisse Bulletin d'information des sociétés («Bulletin Joly») 1991
GALIMARD, M. Droit du patrimoine - Art. 60110. - Fiducie Journal des Notaires et des Avocats 1990
GAILLARD, E. & TRAUTMAN, D. T. La Convention de La Haye du 1er juillet 1985 sur la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance Revue critique de droit international privé 1986
GAILLARD, E. Les enseignements de la Convention de La Haye du 1er juillet 1985 relative à la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance Revue juridique et politique 1990
DYER, A. Introductory Note on the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on Their Recognition Uniform Law Review 1985
DROZ, G. A. L. La Conférence de La Haye et le droit international privé notarial: deux récentes Conventions en matière de trusts et de successions Journal des Notaires et des Avocats 1989
VAN DONGEN, R.C. De Duitse Treuhand in de spiegel van het Haagse Trustverdrag Vertrouwd met de Trust. Trust and Trust-like Arrangements (Serie Onderneming en Recht, dl. 5) 1996
JAUFFRET-SPINOSI, C. La Convention de La Haye relative à la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance (1er juillet 1985) Journal du Droit international (Clunet) 1987
BREITSCHMID, P. Trust und Nachlassplanung Rechtskollisionen. Festschrift Heini 1995
DOGAUCHI, M. Legal Problems on the Internationalization of Trusts and the Hague Convention on Trusts - Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition Study of the Law of Trust (Shintakuho Kenkyu) 1988
DICEY & MORRIS The Conflict of Laws 1993
CZERMAK, P. Der express Trust im internationalen Privatrecht 1986
COHEN HENRIQUEZ, E. Trusts - Ontmoetingen met Anglo-Amerikaanse trusts op het Europese continent en meer in het bijzonder in Nederland en de gevolgen daarvan naar huidig recht en volgens het Haagse Trustverdrag van 1 juli 1985 Tijdschrift voor Vennootschappen, Verenigingen en Stichtingen (TVVS) 1986
BERAUDO, J.-P. Les trusts anglo-saxons et le droit français 1992
ANDERSEN, L. L. Haagerkonferencens 15. samling 1984 Nordic Journal of International Law 1986
ARAI, M. Legal Problems on the Internationalization of Trusts and the Hague Convention on Trusts - The Hague Convention on Trusts from the Standpoint of Comparative Law Study of the Law of Trust (Shintaku-ho Kenkyu) 1988
BERAUDO, J.-P. La Convention de La Haye du 1er juillet 1985 relative à la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance Travaux du Comité français de d.i.p. 1986
BOUTIN, G. El Fideicomiso Panameño en el Derecho Internacional Privado y la Convención de La Haya (1985) Relativa a la Ley Aplicable al Trust y a su Reconocimiento 1990
VAN BOESCHOTEN Het Haagse Trustverdrag in Nederlands perspectief Preadviezen uitgebracht voor de Vereniging voor Burgerlijk Recht 1994
BOUCKAERT, F. Een appartement in Antibes, een 'resulting' trust in Engeland en het EEX Verdrag Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 1995
ASIN, M.A. La ley aplicable al trust en el sistema de Derecho internacional privado español Revista General de Derecho 1990
CHECA, M. El "trust" angloamericano en el Derecho español 1998
GONZALEZ BEILFUSS, C. Los Convenios de Bruselas y Lugano y el trust: propuestas de modificación La revisión de los Convenios de Bruselas de 1968 y Lugano de 1988 sobre competencia judicial y ejecución de resoluciones judiciales: una reflexión preliminar española (A. Borrás, ed.) 1998
GONZALEZ BEILFUSS, C. El Trust. La institución angloamericana y el Derecho internacional privado español 1997
JOPPE, I. Iets over het Erfrechtverdrag en het Trustverdrag Quod licet (Kleijn-Bundel) 1992