
Übereinkommen vom 18. März 1970 über die Beweisaufnahme im Ausland in Zivil- oder Handelssachen

Beitritt angenommen von / Inkrafttreten zwischen Slowenien und Annahmedatum Inkrafttreten
Albanien 25-XII-2017
Andorra 25-XII-2017
Argentinien 23-VII-2001 21-IX-2001
Armenien 25-XII-2017
Australien 13-VII-2001 11-IX-2001
Belarus 25-XII-2017
Bosnien und Herzegowina 25-XII-2017
Brasilien 25-XII-2017
Bulgarien 2-III-2004 1-V-2004
China 26-VI-2003 25-VIII-2003
Costa Rica 25-XII-2017
Dänemark 22-V-2001 21-VII-2001
Deutschland 13-VII-2001 11-IX-2001
Estland 14-XII-2001 12-II-2002
Finnland 15-X-2001 14-XII-2001
Frankreich 16-XII-2004 14-II-2005
Griechenland 29-IX-2005 28-XI-2005
Indien 25-XII-2017
Island 25-XII-2017
Israel 29-V-2002 28-VII-2002
Italien 30-I-2018 31-III-2018
Kasachstan 25-XII-2017
Kolumbien 25-XII-2017
Kroatien 25-XII-2017
Kuwait 25-XII-2017
Lettland 28-VII-2004 26-IX-2004
Liechtenstein 25-XII-2017
Litauen 20-IX-2018 19-XI-2018
Luxemburg 20-II-2001 21-IV-2001
Malta 25-XII-2017
Marokko 25-XII-2017
Mexiko 6-VIII-2013 5-X-2013
Monaco 6-V-2009 5-VII-2009
Montenegro 25-XII-2017
Niederlande 29-VIII-2007 28-X-2007
Nordmazedonien 25-XII-2017
Norwegen 30-V-2002 29-VII-2002
Polen 20-XII-2002 18-II-2003
Portugal 12-X-2001 11-XII-2001
Republik Korea 31-VII-2017
Rumänien 25-XII-2017
Russische Föderation 2-IV-2007
Schweden 16-V-2002 15-VII-2002
Schweiz 11-I-2002 12-III-2002
Serbien 2-IX-2014
Seychellen 25-XII-2017
Singapur 4-VI-2021 3-VIII-2021
Slowakei 9-III-2001 8-V-2001
Spanien 26-III-2002 25-V-2002
Tschechische Republik 4-III-2011 3-V-2011
Türkiye 15-I-2010 16-III-2010
Ukraine 3-IX-2001
Ungarn 25-XII-2017
Venezuela (Bolivarische Republik) 2-XI-2023 1-I-2024
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland 29-X-2020 28-XII-2020
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika 25-II-2002 26-IV-2002
Zypern 31-V-2006 30-VII-2006


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Albania on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Andorra on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Armenia on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Belarus on 26 October 2017)

Bosnien und Herzegowina

(Slovenia accepted the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Brazil on 26 October 2017)


(accepted also on behalf of the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao)

Costa Rica

(Slovenia accepted the accession of Costa Rica on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of India on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Iceland on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Kazakhstan on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Colombia on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Croatia on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Kuwait on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Liechtenstein on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Malta on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Morocco on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Montenegro on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of the FYR of Macedonia on 26 October 2017)

Republik Korea

(Slovenia accepted the accession of the Republic of Korea on 1 June 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Romania on 26 October 2017)

Russische Föderation

(Slovenia accepted the accession of the Russian Federation on 1 February 2007)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of the Seychelles on 26 October 2017)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of the Ukraine on 5 July 2001)


(Slovenia accepted the accession of Hungary on 26 October 2017)

Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland

United Kingdom (also on behalf of the Bailiwick of Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Akrotiri and Dhekelia (Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus), Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, and Gibraltar)