
Artikel: 24,25

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 24 and 25, the United Kingdom reserves the right not to apply the Convention, in relation to the aforesaid territories, to a divorce or to a legal separation obtained before the date on which, in relation to those territories, the Convention comes into force. Nevertheless, the provisions of the Convention will in practice be applied in those territories to a divorce or legal separation obtained on or after the date on which the legislation implementing the provisions of the Convention came into force in the territory in which recognition is sought. The provisions of the Convention will also be applied in that territory to a divorce or legal separation obtained before that date, save that in such a case the application of those provisions will not affect any property rights to which any person became entitled before that date and those provisions will not apply where the question of the validity of the divorce or legal separation has been decided before that date by a competent court in that territory.
The legislation implementing the provisions of the Convention came into force in Gibraltar on the 1st of November (...).