Contracting Parties and Signatories to this Convention that are also Members of the HCCH (i.e., the Organisation) are in bold; Contracting Parties and Signatories that are not Members of the HCCH are in italics.

Contracting Party U 1 R/A/S2 Typus3 IKT4 AUSD5 Beh6 V/D/N/DM7
Belgien Den
Dänemark 23-X-1956 3-VII-1964 R 1-IX-1964
Finnland 12-IV-1957 3-VII-1964 R 1-IX-1964
Frankreich 25-VII-1955 30-VII-1963 R 1-IX-1964
Italien 13-IV-1956 17-III-1958 R 1-IX-1964
Luxemburg 15-VI-1955
Niederlande 15-VI-1955
Niger 11-X-1971 A 10-XII-1971
Norwegen 24-X-1956 3-VII-1964 R 1-IX-1964
Schweden 23-X-1956 8-VII-1964 R 6-IX-1964
Schweiz 20-IX-1971 29-VIII-1972 R 27-X-1972
Spanien 12-IV-1957


Belgien Typus Kündigung

The Convention was ratified by Belgium on 29 October 1962 (entry into force: 1 September 1964).
In accordance with Article 12, Belgium denounced the Convention on 19 February 1999 (effective from 1 September 1999).
