CGAP 2024 – Conclusions & Decisions now available!

The Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH met from 5 to 8 March 2024. The meeting was attended by over 429 participants, representing 74 HCCH Members, 5 non-Member States, 7 intergovernmental organisations, 8 international non-governmental organisations, and members of the Permanent Bureau (PB). The Conclusions & Decisions adopted by CGAP are now available in English,...

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CGAP 2023 – The HCCH decides to adopt Spanish as official language

Last week, during the annual meeting of the HCCH Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP), the Members of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) took the historic decision to adopt Spanish as an official language. From 1 July 2024, Spanish will join English and French as one of the three official languages of the Organisation. This development represents an important further...

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CGAP 2023 – Conclusions & Decisions now available!

The Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH met from 7 to 10 March 2023. The meeting was attended by over 450 participants, representing 80 HCCH Members, 8 non-Member States, 7 intergovernmental organizations, 9 international non-governmental organizations, and members of the Permanent Bureau. The Conclusions & Decisions adopted by CGAP are now available in English and French....

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CGAP 2023 – New accessions and ratifications

On 8 March 2023, the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH witnessed China accede to the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (1961 Apostille Convention) and Malta ratify the Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults (2000 Protection of Adults Convention). H.E. Mr Jian Tan, Ambassador...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy – Conclusions & Decisions now available!

The Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH met online from 28 February to 4 March 2022, with over 450 participants representing 75 HCCH Members, 5 non-Member States, 16 observer organisations and members of the Permanent Bureau. The Conclusions & Decisions adopted by CGAP are now available in English and French. In terms of normative work, CGAP approved the publication of...

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CGAP 2022: New Members, ratifications and signatures

On 2 March 2022, the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH welcomed El Salvador as the newest Member of the Organisation. It also witnessed Ecuador and the United States of America sign and/or ratify a number of HCCH Conventions and instruments. H.E. Ms Carmen María Gallardo Hernández, Ambassador of the Republic of El Salvador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands,...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy – Conclusions & Decisions now available!

The Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH met online from 1 to 5 March 2021, with over 350 participants. The Conclusions & Decisions adopted by CGAP are now available in English and French. In terms of normative work, CGAP approved the continuation of both the Jurisdiction Project and Parentage Surrogacy Project; further work on a Practical Guide on access to justice for...

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CGAP 2021: New Members, requests and signatures

On 3 March 2021, the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH witnessed Thailand become the 88th Member of the HCCH, El Salvador apply for membership, and Israel sign two HCCH Conventions. During the ceremony, Thailand deposited its instrument of acceptance of the Statute of the HCCH, thus becoming the 88th Member of the HCCH. Thailand was represented by H.E. Ms Eksiri Pintaruchi,...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy – Conclusions & Decisions

The Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) met from 3 to 6 March 2020 – the Conclusions & Decisions it adopted are now available in English and French. The projects on normative work include two further meetings of the Experts’ Group on Jurisdiction before CGAP 2021, the continuation of the Parentage / Surrogacy Project and the Tourists and Visitors Project,...

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