Kasachstan - Zentrale Behörde

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights
Republic of Kazakhstan
PR. Mangilik el, 8
House of  ministries, entrance 11
Telephone: +7 (7172) 74 23 42, 74-23-54
E-mail: lya.ismuhanova@edu.gov.kz, a.isabaev@edu.gov.kz
Website: www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/bala?lang=ru

Contact persons / personnes à contacter :

  • Ismukhanova Lyazzat Islambekovna
    Head of the Department of Psychological Support for Children and International Cooperation
    Tel.: +7 (7172) 74-23-54
    (languages of communication: Kazakh, Russian)

  • Issabayev Askar Muratovich
    Chief Expert of the Department of Psychological Support for Children and International Cooperation
    Tel.: +7 (7172) 74-23-42
    (languages of communication: Kazakh, Russian)

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