Canada Signs the 1996 Child Protection and 2007 Child Support Conventions

On Tuesday 23 May 2017, Canada signed the Hague Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children (1996 Child Protection Convention) and the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of...

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Jamaica: Child Abduction Convention Enters into Force

On 1 May 2017, the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction entered into force for Jamaica. After having deposited its instrument of accession to the Convention on 24 February 2017, Jamaica became the 97th Contracting State to the instrument. More information is available on the Child Abduction Section of the Hague Conference website. While not a Member...

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Andorra joins Hague Service and Evidence Conventions

On 26 April 2017, the Principality of Andorra deposited its instrument of accession to the Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters (Service Convention), and the Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (Evidence Convention). Andorra thus becomes the 72nd...

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Kazakhstan joins the Hague Evidence Convention

The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law was today informed that on 26 September 2016, the Republic of Kazakhstan deposited its instrument of accession to the Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (Evidence Convention), making it the 60th Contracting State to the Convention. The Evidence Convention then entered...

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2nd Inter-American Meeting of Central Authorities and International Hague Network Judges on International Child Abduction

From 29 until 31 March 2017, 62 Hague Network Judges and Central Authority officials, representing 27 jurisdictions met in Panama City to discuss how to improve the operation of the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the 1980 Child Abduction Convention). The following jurisdictions were represented at the meeting: Anguilla, Argentina,...

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Hague Securities Convention enters into force

On Saturday 1 April 2017, the Hague Convention of 5 July 2006 on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities held with an Intermediary (Hague Securities Convention) entered into force. The Convention provides legal certainty and predictability as to the law governing issues that are of crucial practical importance for cross-border holdings and transfers of intermediated...

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Kazakhstan: Hague Maintenance Protocol Enters into Force

On 1 April 2017, the Hague Protocol of 23 November 2007 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations enters into force for Kazakhstan. After having deposited its instrument of accession to the Protocol on 12 December 2016, Kazakhstan becomes the 28th State to be bound by the Protocol.   More information is available on the Child Support Section of the Hague Conference website. ...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy – Conclusions & Recommendations

From 14 to 16 March 2017, Members of the HCCH gathered in The Hague for the meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy. The Council was attended by 162 participants, representing 67 Members and observers from seven IGO / NGOs. The Council reviewed the work of the Organisation carried out during the previous year and charted the course for future work. It recognised the very good...

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Belarus signs the 2007 Hague Convention on Child Support ; the Republic of Cyprus ratifies the 1985 Hague Trusts Convention

On 15 March 2017, during the meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Hague Conference, Belarus signed the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. Belarus was represented by the Minister of Justice, H.E. Mr. Oleg L. Slizhevsky. With the signature of Belarus, the Convention now has 37 States and...

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Jamaica joins Child Abduction Convention - 150th State connected to HCCH

On 24 February 2017, Jamaica deposited its instrument of accession to the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and thus became the 97th Contracting State to that Convention. The Convention will enter into force for Jamaica on 1 May 2017. Jamaica has also designated a judge to the International Hague Network of Judges (IHNJ) specialised in...

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