13th International Forum on the e-APP: Registration now open!

The Permanent Bureau is pleased to announce that registration is now open for participation in the 13th International Forum on the electronic Apostille Programme (e-APP), which will take place on Monday 21 October and Tuesday 22 October 2024 in Astana, Kazakhstan. To be held for the first time in Central Asia, the Forum will be jointly organised by the HCCH, the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan, and the Maqsut Narikbayev University.

Over 125 Contracting Parties from across the globe have joined the HCCH Apostille Convention, which replaces the cumbersome traditional process for legalisation of public documents with the establishment of one single formality: the issuance of an Apostille Certificate. The simplified framework established under the Apostille Convention facilitates the circulation of public documents across borders and provides significant benefits for citizens and businesses.

Since its launch in 2006, the e-APP has become an integral part of the operation of the Apostille Convention. The e-APP has two electronic components: an e-Apostille and an e-Register, and is designed to ensure the practical, effective and secure operation of the Convention in an environment of constant technological development.

The e-APP Forum gathers experts and stakeholders from around the world. The Forum will provide a unique international platform for governments, organisations, and the private sector to learn more about the benefits of the e-APP, to promote its effective implementation, and to discuss the latest developments in relation to the e-APP worldwide.

Interested persons should register via this form no later than Monday 7 October 2024, 5.00 p.m. CEST. Participation in the Forum is free of charge. However, participants are required to fund their own travel, accommodation and associated costs if participating in person. Please note that the working language of the e-APP Forum is English (with Kazakh / English interpretation provided).

For more information on the e-APP Forum, please visit the dedicated page on the HCCH website. The Forum’s agenda, including meeting and session times as well as details on the panellists, will be made available on the HCCH webpage in due course.

For further information on the Apostille Convention and the e-APP, please visit the Apostille Section of the HCCH website.