Proceedings of the international colloquium - Proceedings of the international colloquium - "Internet: Which Court Decides, Which Law Applies?"
Proceedings of the international colloquium - "Internet: Which Court Decides, Which Law Applies?" - in honour of Michel Pelichet, organized by the Molengraaff Institute of Private Law, University of Utrecht, and the Hague Conference on private international law
Edited by Katharina Boele-Woelki and Catherine Kessedjian
Published by Kluwer Law International, The Hague / Boston / London 1998
ISBN 90-411-1036-4
- "L'adéquation entre le village virtuel et la création normative - remise en cause du rôle de l'Etat?" (Pierre Sirinelli)
- "A global network in a compartmentalised legal environment" (Matthew Burnstein)
- "Experiences in the field of intellectual property" (Willem Grosheide)
- "Internet, la propriété intellectuelle et le droit international privé" (François Dessemontet)
- "Applicable law in torts and contracts in cyberspace" (Herbert Kronke)
- "Internet: mondialisation de la communication - mondialisation de la résolution des litiges?" (Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler)
- "Rapport de synthèse" (Catherine Kessedjian)