Canada - Central Authority (Art. 4)

Federal Central Authority for Canada under the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention

Family Law and Youth Justice Section
Department of Justice Canada
284 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Functions: The Federal Central Authority is the Central Authority to which any communication may be addressed for transmission to the appropriate Central Authority within Canada, if the appropriate Central Authority within Canada is not known. The Federal Central Authority will assist Contracting Parties in locating a person in Canada if the Canadian province or territory of the person's residence is unknown. If the location of the party in Canada is known, then communications should be directed to the provincial or territorial Central Authority where the party resides. The Federal Central Authority will not process Article 10 applications. All Article 10 applications should be transmitted directly to the appropriate provincial or territorial Central Authority.

Provincial Central Authority (British Columbia)

Interjurisdictional Support Services
Ministry of Attorney General
P.O. Box 2074 Station Main
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 3S3

Functions: British Columbia’s Central Authority will transmit and receive all communications and applications under the Convention with the Province of British Columbia, Canada. The Central Authority will initiate proceedings in respect of applications under Chapter III or will refer applications and requests to the relevant competent authority or public body.

Provincial Central Authority (Manitoba)

Manitoba Justice
Family Law Section, Legal Services Branch 730 - 405 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 3L6

Functions: Manitoba's Central Authority will transmit and receive all communications and applications under the Convention with the Province of Manitoba, Canada. The Central Authority will initiate proceedings in respect of applications under Chapter III or will refer applications and requests to the relevant competent authority or public body.

Provincial Central Authority (Ontario)

Assistant Deputy Minister
Director, Family Responsibility Office
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Family Responsibility Office
Interjurisdictional Support Orders Unit
P.O. Box 600
Steeles West Post Office
Toronto ON M3J 0K8

Functions: Ontario's Central Authority will transmit and receive all communications and applications under the Convention with the Province of Ontario, Canada. The Central Authority will initiate proceedings in respect of applications under Chapter III or will refer applications and requests to the relevant competent authority or public body.

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