Barbados - Central Authority & pratical information

Central Authority(ies):

The Registrar of the Supreme Court of Barbados

Contact details:
Address: The Registrar of the Supreme Court of Barbados
Supreme Court Complex
Whitepark Road
St. Michael 
Barbados, W.I.
Telephone: +1(246)535-9700
Fax: -
General website:
Contact person: Registrar of the Supreme Court
Languages spoken by staff: English


Practical Information:

Forwarding authorities
(Art. 3(1)):
The Central Authority
Methods of service
(Art. 5(1)(2)):
Formal Service (Art. 5(1)(a))
Where a service is on an individual, a limited Company (on the Secretary) and a partnership firm (on a partner) personal service is employed through a process server. Process Servers are officers of the Registration Department under the control and direction of the Attorney General. 
Translation requirements
(Art. 5(3)):
Costs relating to execution of the request for service
(Art. 12):
Time for execution of request:  
Oppositions and declarations
(Art. 21(2)):
Art. 8(2): No opposition
Art. 10(a): No opposition
Art. 10(b): No opposition
Art. 10(c): No opposition
Art. 15(2): No declaration of applicability
Art. 16(3): No declaration of applicability

Derogatory channels (bilateral or multilateral agreements or internal law permitting other transmission channels)
(Arts. 11, 19, 24 and 25)

Information may not be complete or fully updated – please contact the relevant authorities to verify this information.

Bilateral convention on judicial co-operation: Germany (the bilateral Convention between the United Kingdom and Germany (London, 20 March 1928 – Articles 2 to 7) applies to Barbados by virtue of the Declaration by Barbados of 14 May 1971).
Useful links:  

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