35: Convenio de 13 de enero de 2000 sobre Protección Internacional de los Adultos

Entrada en vigor: 1-I-2009

Miembros de la Organización


Alemania - Autoridad central

Bundesamt für Justiz
Zentrale Behörde
53094 BONN
tel.: +49 (228) 99 410 5212
fax: +49 (228) 99 410 5401
e-mail: int.sorgerecht@bfj.bund.de
website: www.bundesjustizamt.de

Alemania - autoridades competentes (Art. 8, 33)

Authorities having jurisdiction under Article 33 of the Convention:

Regarding the consultation procedure under Article 33 of the Convention, the local court (adult guardianship court (Betreuungsgericht)) in whose district a higher regional court has its seat has jurisdiction over the district of that higher regional court (concentration of jurisdiction).

The Schöneberg local court in Berlin has jurisdiction over the district of the higher regional court of Berlin. The Karlsruhe local court has jurisdiction over the districts of the higher regional courts of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe.

Local jurisdiction lies with the adult guardianship court (Betreuungsgericht) responsible for the area where the requesting authority recommends the adult be placed.

Authorities having jurisdiction under Article 8 of the Convention:

Requests pertaining to Article 8 of the Convention are to be directed to the competent local court (adult guardianship court (Betreuungsgericht).

The court that has jurisdiction is:

a) the adult guardianship court (Betreuungsgericht) responsible for the appointment if a guardian has already been appointed for the adult in Germany, otherwise

b) the adult guardianship court (Betreuungsgericht) in whose district the adult has his or her habitual residence*, otherwise

c) the adult guardianship court (Betreuungsgericht) in whose district the need for assistance arises;

d) if jurisdiction cannot be determined according to a), b) or c) above and the adult is German, then Schöneberg local court in Berlin has jurisdiction.

If proceedings are pending before an adult guardianship court (Betreuungsgericht) regarding a decision on the recognition or non-recognition of a measure under Article 23 of the Convention, a declaration of enforceability of a measure under Article 25 of the Convention or consultations under Article 33 of the Convention, then this adult guardianship court (Betreuungsgericht) will as a rule also have jurisdiction over further proceedings regarding the protection of the adult in question.

* Since Article 8 pertains to cases where the adult has his or her habitual residence or is present in the requesting State, the preconditions in letter b) will usually not be met.

(This page was last updated on 5 November 2009)


Austria - Autoridad central

Federal Ministry of Justice
Museumstraße 7
1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 52 1 52 - 0
Fax: + 43 1 52 1 52 - 2829
E-mail: team.z@bmj.gv.at (mode de communication préféré / preferred method of communication)
Website: www.bmj.gv.at
Langues de communication / Languages of communication: allemand, anglais, français / German, English, French

Personnes à contacter / Contact persons:

  • Mr Robert Fucik
  • Mr Angelo Rosenberg


Bélgica - Autoridad central

Service Public Fédéral Justice (Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie)
Direction générale Législation, des Libertés et Droits fondamentaux (Directoraat-generaal Wetgeving, Fundamentele Rechten en Vrijheden)
Service de Coopération internationale civile (Dienst Internationale Samenwerking in burgerlijke zaken)
Autorité centrale belge (Belgische Centrale autoriteit)
Boulevard de Waterloo 115 (Waterloolaan 115) 
Numéro de téléphone/ telephone number : +32 (2) 542 65 11
e-mail : DH2000@just.fgov.be 

Important remark: Before submitting any translations, please contact the Central Authority for more information about the language requirements in individual cases.

Personnes à contacter / Persons to contact:

  • Mme Maïlys MACHIELS
    Attaché (juriste)
    (français, anglais/French, English)
    Tel. : + 32 (2) 542 6719
  • Mme Vesselina ARAPTCHEVA
    Attaché (juriste)
    (néerlandais, anglais, français, bulgare /Dutch, English, French, Bulgarian)
    Tel. : + 32 (2) 542 65 88


Estonia - Autoridad central

Ministry of Justice 
Suur-Ameerika 1, 
15006 Tallinn
e-mail: central.authority@just.ee;

Contact person / Personne à contacter :

  • Ms Anastasia ANTONOVA, Adviser
    International Judicial Co-operation Unit
    Ministry of Justice
    tel.: +372 620 8183
    e-mail: central.authority@just.ee
    contact languages: Estonian, English, Russian.

(This page was last updated on 22 August 2017)


Finlandia - Autoridad central

Ministry of Justice
International Affairs
Postal address: P.O. Box 25, FIN-00023 Government
Street address: Eteläesplanadi 10, FIN-00130 Helsinki
Telephone: +358 (29) 516001
Fax: +358 (9) 1606 7524
E-mail: central.authority.om@gov.fi

Persons to contact / Personnes à contacter :

  • Ms Tuuli Kainulainen
    Legal Adviser
    (langues de communication / languages of communication: anglais, finnois, estonien / English, Finnish, Estonian)
    tel.: +358 (29) 5150103
  • Ms Maija Leppä
    Legal Adviser
    (langues de communication / languages of communication: anglais, finnois, suédois, allemand / English, Finnish, Swedish, German)
    tel.: +358 (29) 5150301


Francia - Autoridad central

Ministère de la Justice
Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau
Département de l’entraide, du droit international privé et européen (DEDIPE)
13, Place Vendôme
75042 PARIS Cedex 01
numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +33 (1) 44 77 61 05
numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +33 (1) 44 77 61 22
messagerie/E-mail : entraide-civile-internationale@justice.gouv.fr

personnes à contacter / persons to contact:

  • Mme Tania Jewczuk, cheffe du bureau / Head of office
    (langues de communication / languages of communication: français, anglais / French, English)
    E-mail: tania.jewczuk@justice.gouv.fr

Francia - autoridad competente (art. 42)

France declares that the requests under Article 8 and Article 33 referred to in Article 42 should be addressed by the competent authority of the Contracting State to the public prosecutor at the "Tribunal de Grande Instance" (Regional Court) or, in the overseas communities and New Caledonia, to the court that has jurisdiction:

  • in the place where the protective measure should be taken, in the case of requests under Article 8;
  • where the establishment or other place where protection can be provided is located, in the case of requests under Article 33.


Grecia - Autoridad central

Ministry of Justice
Department of Private International Law
96 Mesogeion Avenue, 11527 Athens
Tel: +30 213 130 7480, +30 213 130 7341
E-mail: civilunit@justice.gov.gr, xpappa@justice.gov.gr, mdetsi@justice.gov.gr


Irlanda - Autoridad central

Director of the Decision Support Service
Mental Health Commission
Waterloo Exchange
Waterloo Road
Dublin 4, D04 E5W7


Letonia - Autoridad central

Ministry of Justice
International Cooperation Department
Brivibas Blvd. 36
Riga, LV-1536
Telephone: +371 6703 6801
Fax: +371 6721 0823
E-mail: pasts@tm.gov.lv
Website: www.tm.gov.lv

Persons to contact / Personnes à contacter :

  • Ms Liva Upena
    Lawyer of International Cooperation Department
    Telephone: (+371) 6 7036790
    E-mail: Liva.Upena@tm.gov.lv

  • Ms Inese Celmiņa
    Lawyer of International Cooperation Department
    Telephone: (+371) 6 7036836
    E-mail: Inese.Celmina@tm.gov.lv

  • Ms Anastasija Jumakova
    Deputy Director of International Cooperation Department
    Telephone: (+371) 6 7036866
    E-mail: Anastasija.Jumakova@tm.gov.lv

Languages of communication: Latvian, English, Russian


Malta - Autoridad central

Requests under Articles 28, 38(3) and 42 are to be addressed to the Central Authority.

Directorate for Disability Issues (DDI)
Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights (MIVC)

Commerce Street, Zone 3, Central Business District,
Birkirkara CBD 30 l0,

Tel: +356 25903062
Email: ddi@gov.mt
Website: https://inclusion.gov.mt
Languages of communication: Maltese and / or English

Contact Person:

Ms. Edwina Gouder,
Senior Manager Directorate for Disability Issues, MIVC


Monaco - Autoridad central

Direction des Services Judiciaires
Palais de Justice
5, rue Colonel Bellando de Castro
MC - 98000 MONACO
Tel.: +377 98 98 8811
Fax: +377 98 98 85 89


Portugal - Autoridad central

Procuradora-Geral da República - Prosecutor General's Office
Autoridade Central Portuguesa / Central Authority
Rua da Escola Politécnica 140
1269-269 Lisboa

Telephone number: +351 213 921 900
Telefax number: +351 213 921 936
Email: autoridadecentral.adultos@pgr.pt

(This page was last updated on 19 March 2019)

Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte

Reino Unido (Escocia) - Autoridad central

Scottish Government
Central Authority & International Law Team
GW15 St. Andrew's House
Scotland, UK
E-mail: Angela.Lindsay@gov.scot 
tel.: +44 (0) 131 244 0460

República Checa

República Checa - Autoridad Central

Pursuant to Article 28, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Czech Republic designates the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, having its seat in Vysehradska 16, 128 00 Praha 2 , as the Central Authority. Requests under Articles 8 and 33 are to be addressed to the Central Authority.


Suiza - Autoridad central

Federal Central Authority: 

Office fédéral de la Justice
Unité Droit international privé
Bundesrain 20
tel.: +41 (58) 463 88 64
fax: +41 (58) 462 78 64
adresse e-mail/e-mail address: kindesschutz@bj.admin.ch
Website: https://www.bj.admin.ch/bj/en/home.html

Cantonal Central Authorities: https://www.bj.admin.ch/bj/en/home/gesellschaft/erwachsenenschutz/kantonsaufgaben.html

(langues de communication/languages of communication: allemand, français, anglais, italien / German, French, English, Italian)

(This page was last updated on 26 March 2018)

Partes no Miembros de la Organización