Esta bibliografía no pretende ser exhaustiva. Las opiniones vertidas en los documentos enumerados pueden no coincidir con las de la HCCH, quien no asume ninguna responsabilidad sobre dichas opiniones.

Autor Título Periódico Año de edición
OBIRI-KORANG, P. & JOY NDLOVU, V. Potential Influence of Article 6(1)(b) of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts on Indian Private International Law Lex Portus, Vol. 10, Is. 03 2024
ELRIFAI N.S. Dubai International Financial Centre: DIFC Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
NEELS, J.L. India: Indian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
OTHMAN E., FUNG, V.W.T, & AHMAD ZHAFFIR RAHMAT, A.Z Malaysia: Malaysian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
DOAN, D.L. & NGUYEN, T.H.T. Vietnam: Vietnamese Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
GRAZIANO, T.K., ALFÉREZ, F.G. & VAN CALSTER, G. European Union: European Union Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
DICKINSON, A. United Kingdom Perspectives on the Hague Principles: Beyond the European Union Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
CHAN, A.R. & PARÍS, M. Costa Rica: Costa Rican Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
KHANDERIA, S. Party Autonomy in the Choice of Law: Some Insights from Australia, Liverpool Law Review Liverpool Law Review 2021
IBRAHIM BADR Y. I. Egypt: Egyptian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
REYES, A. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
DAWWAS, A. Palestine: Palestinian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
HOOK, M. New Zealand: New Zealand Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
QERIMI, D. Western Balkans: The Western Balkans Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
MONTANO, P.M. & GUZMAN, E.M. Guatemala: Guatemalan Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
ALBORNOZ, M.M. & GONZÁLEZ-MARTÍN, N. Mexico: Mexican Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
DAWWAS, A. Dépeçage of contract in choice of law: Hague Principles and Arab laws compared 3 Journal of Private International Law Vol. 17 (2021) 2021
KHANDERIA, S. & PEARI, S. Party autonomy in the choice of law under Indian and Australian private international law: some reciprocal lessons Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 46:4, 711-740, DOI: 10.1080/03050718.2020.1804420 2020
BORN, G. & KALELIOGLU, C. Choice of Law Agreements in International Contracts Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 50, Is. 01 2021
KHANDERIA, S. International Approaches as Plausible Solutions to Resolving the Battle of Forms under the Indian Law of Contract 8 Global Journal of Comparative Law 1-26 2019
GEBREMESKEL, F.P. Ethiopia: Ethiopian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
LUMBANTOBING, J. & HARDJOWAHONO, B.S. Indonesia: Indonesian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
ELRIFAI, S. N. Qatar: Qatari Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
PORLÁKSSON, E.E. Iceland: Icelandic Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
RODRÍGUEZ, J.A.M. Organization of American States: The OAS Guide and the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
CUPIDO, R. Mauritius: Mauritian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
NEELS, J.L. South Africa: South African Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
GIRSBERGER D., GRAZIANO K.T. & NEELS J.N. General Comparative Report: Global Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague Principles; Oxford University Press 2021
SYMEONIDES, C.S. The Story of Party Autonomy Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
PERTEGÁS, M. The Provenance of the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
RIBEIRO-BIDAOUI, J. HCCH: Roadmap for the Promotion of the HCCH Principles, with a Focus on the Role of International Organizations Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
CASTELLANI, L. & EMERY, C. UNCITRAL: UNCITRAL Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
ZAHER, K. Morocco: Moroccan Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
YASSARI, N. Iran: Iranian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
YEO, T.M. Singapore: Singaporean Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
HEISS, H. Liechtenstein: Liechtenstein Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
CORDERO-MOSS, G. Norway: Norwegian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
All, P.M. Argentina: Argentine Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
RODRÍGUEZ, J.A.M. Paraguay: Paraguayan Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
SYMEONIDES, S.C. & COHEN, N.B. United States of America: American Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
MORENO RODRÍGUEZ, J.A. Nueva ley paraguaya de contratos internacionales: ¿regreso al pasado? Temas actuales del derecho bancario y societario 2015
VENEZIANO, A. UNIDROIT: The Model Clauses for the Choice of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Article 3 of the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
RÜHL, G. Regulatory competition and the 2015 Choice of Law Principles The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
MARTÍNEZ, C.M. Venezuela : Venezuela Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
FLORIO DE LEÓN, E. The new Uruguayan private international law: an open door to party autonomy in international contracts Uniform Law Review 2021
OPPONG, F.R. Common Law Africa: Common Law African Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
HE, Q. China (Mainland): Chinese Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
KOBEH, M-C.N. Lebanon: Lebanese Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
BÄLZ, K. United Arab Emirates: Emirati Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
VOROBEY, D. Ukraine: Ukrainian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
SALAME, A.A. Colombia: Colombian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
MONTENEGRO, C.A.A. Panama: Panamanian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
SAUMIER, G. Canada: Canadian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
ADESINA O. & CHUKWUMA S. The Significance of a Forum Selection Agreement as an Indicator of the Implied Choice of Law in International Contracts: a Global Comparative Perspective Uniform Law Review, Vol. 28, Is. 2 2023
MONSENEPWO, J. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Congolese Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
RAGNO, F. I Principi dell’Aja e il Regolamento Roma I: complementarietà o alternatività? Vv.A.a. (eds), Studi in onore di Maurizio Pedrazza Gorlero: I diritti fondamentali fra concetti e tutele, Napoli, I 2014
DE VAREILLES-SOMMIERES, P. Autonomie et ordre public dans les Principes de La Haye sur le choix de la loi applicable aux contrats commerciaux internationaux Journal du Droit International, No 2 2016
MORENO RODRÍGUEZ, J.A. The new Paraguayan Law on international contracts: back to the past? Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law. Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday, Volume 2, UNIDROIT 2016
SCHWARTZE, ANDREAS New Trends in Parties’ Options to Select the Applicable Law? The Hague Principles on the Choice of Law in International Contracts in a omparative Perspective 12 U. St. Thomas L. J. (2015) 87 2015
PERTEGAS, M. & MARSHALL, B.A. Party Autonomy and its Limits: Convergence through the New Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Vol. 39, Issue 3 2014
NEELS, J.L. The nature, objective and purposes of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol. XV, 2013/2014 2014
NEELS, J.L. Article 5 of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts Essays in Honour of Frans Malan, Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal, C. Visser, J. T. Pretorius and M. M. Koekemoer (eds.), LexisNexis, Durban 2014
MICHAELS, R. Non-State Law in the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts Festschrift, Forthcoming. 2014
MICHAELS, R. Non-State Law in the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts Varieties of European economic law and regulation: Liber Amicorum for Hans Micklitz, Purnhagen, K. and Rott, P. (eds), Cham: Springer 2014
GIRSBERGER, D. Die Haager Prinzipien über die Rechtswahl in internationalen kommerziellen Verträgen Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht, No 4 2014
SYMEONIDES, S.C. The Hague Principles on Choice of Law for International Contracts: Some Preliminary Comments American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 61 2013
SYMEONIDES, S.C. L'autonomie de la volonté dans les principes de La Haye sur le choix de la loi applicable en matière de contrats internationaux Revue critique de droit international privé 2013
PERTEGAS, M. Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts Essays in Honour of Michael Bogdan, P. Lindskoug et al. (eds), Lund, Juristförlaget 2013
MORENO RODRIGUEZ, J.A. Derecho Aplicable Y Arbitraje Internacional Bogotá, Editorial Universidad del Rosario CEDEP 2013
LONG, W. The Feasibility of Parties’ Choice of the PICC in Sino-European Commercial Contracts: An Overview of the Chinese Legal Framework Uniform Law Review 2013
LANDO, O. The Draft Hague Principles on the Choice of Law in International Contracts and Rome I A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon - Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
KADNER GRAZIANO, T. & MICHAEL, T. Solving the Riddle of Conflicting Choice of Law Clauses in Battle of Forms Situations: The Hague Solution Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol. XIV 2013
FAUVARQUE-COSSON, B. Entre droit souple et droit dur: les « Principes » en droit des contrats internationaux Etude annuelle 2013: le droit souple: rapport adopté par l'assemblé générale du Conseil d'État ; France - Conseil d'État, Paris 2013 2013
FAUVARQUE-COSSON, B. Le droit des contrats au coeur de l’innovation juridique Liber amicorum: Mélanges en l'honneur de Camille Jauffret-Spinosi, Goré, M. et al. (eds), Dalloz, Paris, 2013 2013
DICKINSON, A. A principled approach to choice of law in contract? Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 2013
DEUMIER, P. & FAUVARQUE-COSSON, B. Un nouvel instrument du droit souple international: Le « projet de Principes de la Haye sur le choix de la loi applicable en matière de contrats internationaux » Recueil Dalloz Sirey 2013
ALFEREZ, GARCIMARTIN, F.J. Batalla de formularios y cláusulas de elección de ley: la solución de los principios de La Haya Tratado de la compraventa. Homenaje al profesor Rodrigo Bercovitz; Navarra, Aranzadi 2013
SAUMIER, G. Designating the Unidroit Principles in International Dispute Resolution Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, Vol. 17 2012
RADICATI DI BROZOLO, L.G. Non-national rules and conflicts of laws: Reflections in light of the UNIDROIT and Hague Principles Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, Vol. XLVIII, No 4 2012
MARSHALL, B.A. Reconsidering the Proper Law of the Contract Melbourne Journal of International Law, Vol. 13, No 1 2012
KOPPENOL-LAFORCE, M. Arbiters en rechtskeuze: het handvat van de Draft Hague Principles on choice of law Piet Sanders: Een honderdjarige vernieuwer, Erasmus School of Law (ed), Den Haag, BJu 2012
GAMA JR, L. & DE ARAUJO, N. A escolha da lei aplicável aos contractos do comércio internacional: os futuros principos da Haia e perspectivas para o Brasil Revista de Arbitragem e Mediacão, Vol. 34 2012
AIBERGENOVA, Z. Analysis of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts. Comparative analysis of the Hague Principles and Rome I Regulation 2012
PERTEGAS, M. Les travaux de la Conférence de La Haye sur un instrument non contraignant favorisant l'autonomie des parties Le Règlement communautaire "Rome I" et le choix de loi dans les contrats internationaux, S. Corneloup, N. Joubert (eds), Paris 2011
NEELS, J.L. & FREDERICKS, E.A. Tacit choice of law in the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts De Jure, Vol. 1 2011
MORENO RODRIGUEZ, J.A. & ALBORNOZ, M. Reflections on the Mexico Convention in the context of the preparation of the future Hague instrument on international contracts Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 7, No 3 2011
HCCH Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Hague Principles? Uniform Law Review, Vol. 15 2010
HCCH Choix de la loi applicable aux contrats du commerce international: Des Principes de La Haye? Revue critique de droit international privé, Vol. 99 2010
HCCH Elección de la ley aplicable a los contratos de comercio internacional: ¿Principios de La Haya? ¿Cómo se codifica hoy el derecho comercial internacional?, J. Basedow, D. P. Fernández Arroyo, J. A. Moreno Rodríguez (eds), Asunción, CEDEP 2010
MORENO RODRIGUEZ, J.A. Los contratos y La Haya ¿ancla al pasado o puente al futuro? Contratación y Arbitraje. Contribuciones recientes, Asunción, CEDEP 2010
NEELS, J.L. Choice of forum and tacit choice of law: the Supreme Court of India and the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts (an appeal for an inclusive comparative approach to private international law Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law. Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday, Volume 1, UNIDROIT 2016
DE VAREILLES-SOMMIERES, P. Notes on an Unstable Couple: Party Autonomy and Public Policy in the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol XVII (2015/2016) 2016
LEVIN, J. The Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Enhancing Party Autonomy in a Globalized Market New York University Journal of Law & Business' Volume 13, Fall 2016 2016
Mercedes Albornoz, M. & González Martín, N., Towards the uniform application of party autonomy for choice of law in international commercial contracts Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 12, Issue 3 (2016) 2016
NISHITANI, Y. Party Autonomy in Contemporary Private International Law Japanese Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 59 (2016) 2016
BASEDOW, J. The Hague Principles on Choice of Law: Their Addressees and Impact Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017, 304-315 2017
GIRSBERGER, D. and COHEN, N.B. Key Features of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
GAMA JR., L. Tacit Choice of Law in the Hague Principles Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
GRAZIANO, T. K. The Hague Solution on Choice-of-Law Clauses in Conflicting Standard Terms: Paving the Way to More Legal Certainty in International Commercial Transactions? Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
MANKOWSKI, P. Article 3 of the Hague Principles: the Final Breakthrough for the Choice of Non-State Law? Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
SAUMIER, G. Article 3 of the Hague Principles: A Response to Peter Makowski Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
DICKINSON, A. Oiling the Machine: Overriding Mandatory Provisions and Public Policy in the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
SILBERMAN, L. J. Lessons for the USA from the Hague Principles Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
RODRÍGUEZ, J. A. M. Beyond the Mexico Convention and the Hague Principles: What’s Next for the Americas? Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
NEELS, J. L. The Role of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts in Indian and South African Private International Law Uniform Law Review, vol 22 (2) 2017 2017
LANDBRECHT, J. The Hague Conference on Private International Law: Shaping a Global Framework for Party Autonomy International Business Law Journal, (1) 2017 2017
DOUGLAS, M. and LOADSMAN, N. The Impact of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts Melbourne Journal of International Law, Vol 19(1), 2018 2018
MARSHALL, B.A. The Hague Choice of Law Principles, CISG and PICC: A Hard Look at a Choice of Soft Law American Journal of Comparative Law 2018
NEELS, J. L. The Role of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts in the Revision of the Preliminary Draft Uniform Act on the Law of Obligations in the OHADA Region Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law / Tydskrif vir die Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg, vol 81(3), 2018 2018
NEELS, J. L. Choice of Law in the Revision of the Mexico City Convention - Inspirations from the Hague Principles and Beyond Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law / Tydskrif vir die Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg, vol 81(4), 2018 2018
AHMED, M. The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Law Agreements Journal of Private International Law 14 (2018) 2018
MONSENEPWO, J. Contribution of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts to the codification of party autonomy under OHADA Law Journal of Private International Law, Volume 15, 2019 - Issue 1 2019
KHANDERIA, S. Indian private international law vis-à-vis party autonomy in the choice of law Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, DOI:10.1080/14729342.2018.1436262 2018
GAMA, L., GIRSBERGER, D., & RODRÍGUEZ, J.A.M International Commercial Arbitration : Perspectives on the Hague Principles in International Commercial Arbitration Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
NEELS, J. L. & FREDERICKS, E. A. African Principles of Commercial Private International Law: The African Principles of Commercial Private International Law and the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
ELBALTI, B. Tunisia: Tunisian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
EINHORN, T. Israel: Israeli Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
KUPELYANTS, H. South Caucasus: South Caucasian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
KARAYANIDI, M. Russia: Russian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
SCHÜTT, J.M.C. Bolivia: Bolivian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
GALVÁN, R.T. & SOTELO, S. Peru: Peruvian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
MORENO RODRIGUEZ, J. A. Advocating party autonomy in private international law - the 2015 Choice of Law Principles The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
MONSENEPWO, J. OHADA: The Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa and the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
TAKASUGI, N. & ELBALTI, B. Asian Principles of Private International Law: The Asian Principles of Private International Law and the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
NISHITANI, Y. Japan: Japanese Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
HYUN SUK, K. South Korea: South Korean Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
MARSHALL, B. Australia: Australian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
GRAZIANO, K.T. & HANNES, MEYLE H. Switzerland: Swiss Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
GAMA L., TIBURCIO C., & ALBUQUERQUE F. Brazil: Brazilian Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
FRESNEDO DE AGUIRRE, C. Uruguay: Uruguayan Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
DIAS, R. & NORDMEIER, F.C. Angola and Mozambique: Angolan and Mozambican Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
ELBALTI, B. & SHAABAN, H.O. Bahrain: Bahraini Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
DAWWAS, A. Kuwait: Kuwaiti Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
TSAI, H-K. Taiwan: Taiwanese Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
EKŞI, N. Turkey: Turkish Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
GALLEGOS-ZÚÑIGA J. Chile: Chilean Perspectives on the Hague Principles Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague; Oxford University Press 2021
HOOK, MARIA The Concept of Model Choice of Law Rules Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 11 2015
PERTEGAS, M. & MARSHALL, B.A. Intra-regional reform in East Asia and the new Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts Korean Private International Law Journal 20 2014
PFEIFFER, T. Die Haager Prinzipien des internationalen Vertragsrechts – Ausgewählte Aspekte aus der Sicht der Rom I-VO Festschrift für Ulrich Magnus zum 70. Geburtstag, P. Mankowski, W. Wurmnest (eds), München, Sellier european law publishers 2014
HOOK, MARIA The Choice of Law Contract Hart Publishing 2016
WINSHIP, P. The Hague Principles, the CISG, and the Battle of Forms Penn St. J. J. & Int'l. Aff. 4 2015
FOLKMAN, T. & LEVIN, J. A Comparative Look At The New Hague Principles on Choice of Law & the Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws: Last Post
Letter Blogatory 2015
FOLKMAN, T. & LEVIN, J. A Comparative Look At The New Hague Principles on Choice of Law & the Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws: First Post
Letter Blogatory 2015
FOLKMAN, T. & LEVIN, J. A Comparative Look At The New Hague Principles on Choice of Law & the Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws: Second Post Letter Blogatory 2015
SYMEONIDES, S.C. Party Autonomy in International Contracts and the Multiple Ways of Slicing the Apple
Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Vol. 39, Issue 3 2014
SAUMIER, G. The Hague Principles and the Choice of Non-State "Rules of Law" to Govern an International Commercial Contract Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Vol. 40, Issue 1 2014
SCHWARTE, A. Weltweit einheitliche Standards für die Wahl des Vertragsstatuts - Anwendungschancen und Anwendungsbereich der Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts
Festschrift zu Ehren von Christian Kirchner - Recht im ökonomischen Kontext (W. A. Kaal, A. Schwartze, M. Schmidt, (eds), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2014
MARTINY, D. Die Haager Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts - Eine weitere Verankerung der Parteiautonomie" (The Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Buttressing Party Autonomy)
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Vol. 79, No 3 2015