Esta bibliografía no pretende ser exhaustiva. Las opiniones vertidas en los documentos enumerados pueden no coincidir con las de la HCCH, quien no asume ninguna responsabilidad sobre dichas opiniones.

Autor Título Periódico Año de edición
KRUGER, T. & MAOLI, F. The Hague Conventions and EU instruments in private international law International handbook on child participation in family law; Intersentia 2021
WEINER, M.H. You Can and You Should: How Judges Can Apply the Hague Abduction Convention to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence 28 UCLA Women's L. J. 223 2021
MARÍN PEDREÑO, C. & MACULAN, I. Is an Application for Asylum Now a New Defence in Child Abduction Cases? International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2023, Is. 04 2024
HAMANO, T. Legislation as a Social Process: Japanese Family Law and the Drafting of the Bill on the Hague Child Abduction Convention Asian Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 09, Is. 02 2022
TRIMMINGS, K., DUTTA, A., HONORATI, C. & ZUPAN, M. Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction 2022
LOWE, N.V., DOUGLAS, G., MURCH, M., STEPHENS, V. International and national perspectives on child and family law : essays in honour of Nigel Lowe; Intersentia 2018
VAN LOON, H. The Hague Convention of October 25, 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the Role of Mediation in resolving International Child Abduction Cases World arbitration & mediation review Vol. 12, Is. 01 2018
MOL, C. & KRUGER, T. International child abduction and the best interests of the child: an analysis of judicial reasoning in two jurisdictions Journal of Private International Law (JPIL), Vol. 14, Is. 03 2018
CHELIZ INGLES, C. La sustracción internacional de menores y la mediación. Retos y vías prácticas de solución 2018
VAN HOF, T. & KRUGER, T. Separation from the Abducting Parent and the Best Interests of the Child: A Comparative Analysis of Case Law in Belgium, France and Switzerland Netherlands International Law Review, Vol. 65, Is. 02 2018
Child and Family Law Quarterly. Special Issue: Brexit and Family Law 2018
BEAUMONT, P. Private International Law concerning Children in the UK after Brexit: comparing Hague Treaty Law with EU Regulations Child and Family Law Quarterly. Special Issue: Brexit and Family Law 2018
LOWE, N. What are the Implication of the Brexit Vote for the Law on International Child Abduction? Child and Family Law Quarterly. Special Issue: Brexit and Family Law 2018
THORPE, M. Mediation to Resolve Child Abduction Issues for Hague and Non-Hague Convention Countries: A Personal Account of the Author’s Experience in Legal Practice Singapore Academy Law Journal, Vol. 30 2018
THORPE, M. The Special Commissions concerning the 1980 Abduction Convention International Family Law Journal (IFLJ), Vol. 2018, Is. 01 2018
BARUFFI, M.C. A child-friendly area of freedom, security and justice: work in progress in international child abduction cases Journal of Private International Law (JPIL), Vol. 14, Is. 03 2018
MOMOH, O. The interpretation and application of Article 13(1) b) of the Hague Child Abduction Convention in cases involving domestic violence: Revisiting X v Latvia and the principle of “effective examination” Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 15, Is. 03 2019
LOWE, N. & NICHOLLS, M. Revisiting Article 12(2) of the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention International Family Law Journal (IFL), Vol. 2019, Is. 01 2019
HARNOIS, C. 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: The impact of a refugee claim or the grant of refugee status on a Hague return application Canadian Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 38, Is. 02 2019
FORCADA MIRANDA, F. J. Comunicaciones judiciales directas y cooperación jurídica internacional. Una propuesta de guía práctica española para casos específicos a la luz de los trabajos de la Conferencia de La Haya de derecho internacional privado 2017
SCHUZ, R. Commentary on RCB as Litigation Guardian for of EKV, CEV, CIV And LRV v The Honourable Justice Colin James Forrest Rewriting Children's Judgments 2017
SCHUZ, R. Thirty Years Of The Hague Abduction Convention: A Children's Rights' Perspective Law and Society: Reflections on Children, Family, Culture and Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Michael Freeman Law and Michael Freeman 2015
SCHUZ, R. The Doctrine of Comity in the Age of Globalization: Between International Child Abduction and Cross-Border Insolvency Brooklyn Journal of International Law 2015
SCHUZ, R. Habitual Residence of the Child Revisited: A Trilogy of Cases in the UK Supreme Court Child and Family Law Quarterly 2014
SCHUZ, R. Disparity and the Quest for Uniformity in Implementing the Hague Child Abduction Convention Journal of Comparative Law 2014
SCHUZ, R. Separating Siblings in Hague Abduction Cases Family Law News (IBA) 2013
SCHUZ, R., DR. SHMUELI, B. Between Child Law, Tort Law, and Contract Law : How to Compensate the Left-Behind Parent in International Child Abduction Cases Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 2012
SCHUZ, R. The Relevance of Religious Law and Religious and Cultural Considerations in International Child Abduction Cases Journal of Law and Family Studies 2010
SCHUZ, R. In Search of a Settled Interpretation of Art 12(2) of the Hague Child Abduction Convention Child and Family Law Quarterly 2008
SCHUZ, R. Protection or Autonomy - The Child Abduction Experience The Case for the Child - Towards the Construction of a New Agenda 2008
SCHUZ, R., LOWE, N. Country Report on the Implementation of the Hague Child Abduction Convention in Israel National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 2005
SCHUZ, R. Returning Abducted Children to Israel and the Intifada Australian Journal of Family Law 2003
SCHUZ, R. The Hague Child Abduction Convention and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Family Life and Human Rights 2004
SCHUZ, R. Policy Considerations in Determining the Habitual Residence of a Child and the Relevance of Context Journal of Transnational Law and Policy 2001
SCHUZ, R. Habitual Residence of children under the Hague Child Abduction Convention – theory and practice Child and Family Law Quarterly 2001
SCHUZ, R. The Hague Child Abduction Convention - A critical analysis 2013
STELLINA, J. Inter-Country Child Abduction: An Explorative Analysis of Legal Standards and Judicial Construal’s of India International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family (2017) 31 (1): 20-40 2017
QUEIROLO, I. International Child abduction and the 1980 Hague Convention in Practice: the Biran Case Italia Review of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 02, Is. 01 2022
WIEDERMANN, D. Europareise oder Umzaug nach Bordeaux : der Gewöhnliche Aufenthalt des Kindes nach dem KHÜ IPRax - Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts, Vol. 42, Is. 05 2022
GOICOECHEA, I. Implementing the CRC through the HCCH’s Children Conventions Family Law : Challenges and Developments from an International Perspective; UIA-LexisNexis 2020
OTIFEH, M. A Critical Analysis on Whether the Islamic Republic of Iran Should Adopt the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2024, Is. 02 2024
SWINKELS, N. A Consistent Interpretation and Application of Articles 3 and 13 of the Hague Child Abduction Convention in the United States and the Netherlands: A Matter of Vigilance University of Tilburg, Thesis 2022
LEMBRECHTS, S. Guide to Good Practice : Recommandations based on the Views of the Children and Young People to Professionals involved in International Child Abductions Missing Children Europe, University of Antwerp, Hope for Children Cyprus and Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation 2021
NAGATA, M. Current Status and Issues of Implementing The Hague Child Abduction Convention in Japan The Japanese yearbook of international law, Vol. 63 2020
FENNELL, S. Brexit: Persistent Problems and Proposed Solutions – Family and Hague Law Cases International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2022, Is. 01 2022
HENAGHAN, M. & BALLANTYNE, R. International Child Abduction, Intercountry Adoption and International Commercial Surrogacy Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy 2020
CELIS AGUILAR, M. Hacia Una Interpretación Uniforme Del Concepto De Residencia Habitual En El Contexto De La Sustracción Internacional De Menores Revista Mexicana de Derecho Internacional Privado y Comparado, Vol. 47 2022
FERREIRA, S. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction : why Mandatory Mediation is necessary The comparative and international law journal of Southern Africa, Vol. 52, Is. 01 2019
BEAUMONT P. & RUBAJA, N. Family Agreements Involving Children A Guide to Global Private International Law 2022
VAN HOF, T. Children’s Rights Law and Private International Law in Family Matters: What Do Referencing Patterns Reveal About Their Relationship? Blurry Boundaries of Public and Private International Law: Towards Convergence or Divergent Still? ; Springer 2022
SPIRCHEZ, G.B. Interpretarea Si Aplicarea Practica A Exceptiei De Risc Grav, Prevazuta De Art. 13 Alin. (1) Lit. B) Din Conventia De La Haga, Asupra Aspectelor Civile Ale Rapirii Internationale De Copii, In Cazurile De Violenta Domestica (Interpretation and Practical Application of the Serious Risk Exception in Article 12(1)(B) of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction in Cases of Domestic Violence) Revista universul juridic, Vol. 2022, Is. 04 2022
BARUFFI, M.C. & HOLLIDAY, J. Child Abduction A Guide to Global Private International Law 2022
FREEMAN, M. Images of Child Welfare Abduction Appeals The Human Rights of Children: Selected Essays of Children’s Rights; Brill Nijhoff 2022
BLANQUET, A. The Human Rights of Children: Selected Essays of Children’s Rights; Brill Nijhoff Journal de Droit International, Vol. 149, Is. 01 2022
BEAUMONT, P., TRIMMINGS, K, WALKER, L. & HOLLIDAY, J. Child Abduction: Recent Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights International and Comparative Law Quarterly 2015
JOLLY, S. & GARIMELLA, S. R. International Parental Child Abduction and India – Attempting Engagement with the Hague Convention Australian Journal of Asian Law, Vol 19, Is. 01 2018
LORTIE, P & GOICOECHEA, I The Future of Judicial Co-operation: Building on Recent Innovations International Family Law, volume 2013, issue 2 2013
HEETER, A.L Monasky v. Taglieri: The Supreme Court's Interpretation of Habitual Residency and Its Impact of International Child Abduction Loyola University Chicago International Law Review, Vol. 18, Is. 01 2022
TRIMMINGS, K. & MOMOH, O. Intersection between Domestic Violence and International Parental Child Abduction: Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family , Vol. 35, Is. 01 2021
LENAERTS, K. The Best Interests of the Child always come first: the Brussels II bis Regulation and the European Court of Justice
Jurisprudencija/Jurisprudence (online) 2013
SCHUZ, R. The Hague Child Abduction Convention and Re-relocation Disputes International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, Vol. 35, Is. 01 2021
LENTZ, S. Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Familienrecht : Scheidung, Sorgerecht, Umgang und Unterhalt sowie internationale Kindesentführung Zeitschrift für japanisches Recht : zugleich DJJV-Mitteilungen, Vol. 26, Is. 51 2021
MARCUS, P. Domestic Violence and the Operation of Article 13(l)(b) of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention: Reflections on the 2024 Hague Convention Forum International Society of Family Law Newsletter, Vol. 2024 2024
REEN, S. The Tightrope of Article 13b: Judicial Interpretation of the Hague Abduction Convention's ''Grave Risk of Harm'' Exception in the United States and Canada. Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, Vol. 32, Is. 01 2022
MASOOD, J & WONG, L.D The return of an abducted child from Japan through the recognition of a foreign judgment International Family Law Journal, Vol.2022, Is. 02 2022
HERRANZ BALLESTEROS, M. El retorno seguro del menor: ¿puente entre la excepción de grave riesgo y la obligación de devolución? Proyecto de Investigación PID2020 -114611RB-I00, Protección del menor en las crisis familiares internacionales (análisis del Derecho internacional privado español y de la Unión Europea), concedido por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2024
LUSZNAT, L. The Brussels IIb Regulation - Most Significant Changes Compared to its Predecessor and Enhancement of the 1980 Hague Convention on International Child Abduction Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 20, Is. 01 2024
BOBRZYŃSKA, O. & PILICH, M. Cases of Cross-Border Child Abduction in Times of Populism: a Polish Perspective Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 20, Is. 01 2024
SHAH, F. Article 13(b) of the 1980 Hague Convention - the Achilles Heel of the Hague Convention? International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2024, Is. 02 2024
MAYELL, L. Supreme Court Overreach through Broad Discretionary Consideration of Ameliorative Measures in International Child Abduction The Global Business Law Review, Vol. 12, Is. 1 2023
YAMAGUCHI, R. Interests of the Child in Child Abduction and Visitation Cases - Difference Between Japan's Domestic and International Criteria Japanese Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 65 2023
BOTTHOF, A. Haager Kindesentführungsübereinkommen (HKÜ): Zum Rückgabestaat und dem Kindeswohl als Vollstreckungshindernis IPRax - Praxis der Internationalen Privat- und Verfrahrensrecht , Vol. 43, Is. 06 2023
TRIMMINGS, K. International Family Law in the Age of Digitalisation: the Case of Cross-Border Surrogacy and International Parental Child Abduction EU and comparative law issues and challenges series : Special Issue - Law In The Age Of Modern Technologies, Vol. 07 (2023) 2023
SÁNCHEZ CANO, M. J. El sempiterno problema de la determinación de la residencia habitual del menor a los efectos de una sustracción internacional de menores: Una visión desde la SAP de Salamanca nº 844/2022, de 2 de noviembre Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional (Octubre 2023), Vol. 15, Is. 02 2023
CORDERO, G. M. El gender mainstreaming y la proteccion de los menores en secuestros transfronterizos Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional (Octubre 2023), Vol. 15, Is. 02 2023
ŽUPAN, M. & DRVENTIC BARIŠIN, M. Continuity of Parental Responsibility in Child Abduction Cases: Lesson Learned from the Case of Z. v. Croatia Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 09 2023
BARRUFI, M.C. The Interaction of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention with the Brussels II-ter Regulation: A Focus on the Regime of Recognition and Enforcement Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 23 2023
DITTRICH, L.F. Brazil’s Experience with Recognition and Enforcement of Family Agreements in International Child Disputes Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 21 2023
FERNANDO, M. & MANT, J. Hearing Children’s Objections in Hague Child Abduction Proceedings in England and Wales, Australia, and the USA Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 19 2023
FREEMAN, M. & TAYLOR N. Contemporary Nurturing of the 1980 Hague Convention Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 17 2023
GEORGE, R. & NETTO J. Concurrent Convention and Non-Convention Cases: Child Abduction in England and Wales Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 15 2023
HENAGHAN, M. , POLAND C. & KONG, C. Abducted Child’s Best Interests versus the Theoretical Child’s Best Interests: Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 13 2023
KUCINSKI, M. The U.S. Experience in Drafting Guidelines for Judicial Interviews of Children and Its Translation to Hague Abduction Convention Return Proceedings Globally Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 11 2023
SCHUZ, R. Habitual Residence: Review of Developments and Proposed Guidelines Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 09 2023
DU TOIT Z. & VAN HEERDEN B. International Child Abduction in South Africa Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 07 2023
TRIMMINGS, K. , MOMOH O. & KALAITSOGLOU K. The Interplay between the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and Domestic Violence Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)", Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 05 2023
FREEMAN, M. (ed.) & TAYLOR N. (ed.) Research Handbook on International Child Abduction : The 1980 Hague Convention 2023
NICHOLS, M. The 1980 Hague Abduction Convention in Australia International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2023, Is. 03 2023
CELIS AGUILAR, M.M. Sustracción Internacional de Menores - Estudio Jurisprudencial, Doctrinal y Crítico del Convenio de la Haya de 1980: Aspectos Clave y Soluciones a los Problemas de Aplicación 2023
Special Issue "Contemporary Issues Relating to International Child Abduction in Contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the Operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)" Laws , Vol. 12, Is. 05 2023
SÁNCHEZ CANO, J. La incidencia de la doctrina de los actos propios en la aplicación del CH 1980 a supuestos de sustracción internacional de menores. Comentario a la SAP Oviedo de 7 de abril de 2022 Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional (Marzo 2023), Vol. 15, Is. 01 2023
BIAGIONI, G. The Interplay of EU Regulation 2019/1111 with the 1980 Hague Convention in Matters of Child Abduction Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional ,Vol. 15, is. 01. 2023
SCHULZ, A.N. The Role of Court Guardians in Proceedings under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Contemporary Central & East European Law, Volume 134, Issue 2, 2022. 2022
MONTSERRAT GUZMAN PECES, M. El Reglamento (CE) 2019/1111: Principales Novedades e Interacción con el Convenio de la Haya de 1980 y de 1996 Cuadernos de derecho transnacional, Vol. 14, Is. 02 2022
GONZÁLEZ MARIMÓN, M. La sustracción internacional de menores en el espacio jurídico europeo 2022
HONDA, H. Child Abduction Proceedings in Japan: a Response to Jaan and Li De International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2022, Is. 04 2022
YAQUB, N. Parental Child Abduction to Islamic Law Countries : A Child Rights Analysis of the Legal Framework 2022
HELDERHOFF, B. Geflüchtete und HKÜ Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax), vol. 42, Is. 06 2022
HÜßTEGE, R. Das Verfahren zur Erteiling Einer Widerrechtlichkeitsbescheiningung: De lege lata und de lege ferenda Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax), vol. 42, Is. 06 2022
DEWAN, P. The 'Status-quo' of Private International Law in India for the Protection of Children from International Parental Abduction International Journal of Law Management and Humanities , Vol. 05, Is. 02 2022
EMON, A. & KHALIQ, U. Muslim-Majority States, Human Rights Treaty Obligations, and the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention Jurisdictional exceptionalisms : Islamic law, international law, and parental child abduction; Cambridge University Press 2021
SPECTOR, R.; KUCINSKI, M. The Effect of COVID-19 on International Child Abduction Cases Family Law during COVID-19: Virtual Hearings, Family Court Proceedings, and the Future Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 54 Is.03 2020
CELIS AGUILAR, M. El papel controversial del TEDH en la interpretación del Convenio de La Haya de 25 de octubre de 1980 sobre los Aspectos Civiles de la Sustracción Internacional de Menores: Especial referencia a los casos Neulingery Shuruk c. Suiza y X c. Letonia (The Controversial Role of the ECtHR in the Interpretation of the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, with Special Reference to Neulinger and Shuruk v. Switzerland and X v. Latvia) Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional – ACDI, Vol. 13 2020
CASTRO, F., RUBAJA, N. El Convenio de La Haye de 1996 sobre protección internacional de niños y sy interrelación con el Convenio de La Haye de 1980 sobre sustracción de niños Cuestiones complejas en los procesos de restitución internacional de nin̄os en Latinoamérica 2017
EMON, A. & KHALIQ, U. The Hague System on International Child Abduction Jurisdictional exceptionalisms : Islamic law, international law, and parental child abduction; Cambridge University Press 2021
TRIMMINGS, K. Return of a child under the 1980 Hague child abduction convention to a ‘third state’? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, Vol. 43, Is. 01 2021
GHAFUR HAMID, A. Determination of a Child’s Habitual Residence in International Child Abduction Cases: Charting the way towards Harmonization IIUM Law Journal, Vol. 28, Is. 02 2020
NISHITANI, Y. Child protection in private international law - a HCCH success story? The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
VAN LOON, H. Protecting Children across Borders: the Interaction between the CRC and the Hague Children's Conventions United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child : taking stock after 25 years and looking ahead 2017
TRIMMINGS, K. International family Law in the UK beyond Brexit: focus on parental child abduction International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2021, Is. 2 2021
BRYANT, D. The 1980 Child Abduction Convention - the status quo and future challenges The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
LOWE, N. & STEPHENS, V. Operating the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention in the context of Brussels IIa - the 2015 statistics International Family Law Journal (IFLJ), volume , issue 1 2017
BUMBACA, V. Remarks on the judgment of the US Supreme Court - Monasky v. Taglieri IPRax : Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts, Vol. 41, Is. 02 2021
WOLFREYS, A. COVID_19 and International Child Abduction : children's stories Coronavirus Research by the European Children's Right Unit. Briefing Paper #9 2020
JOLLY, S. & V. SHARMA, A. Domestic violence and inter-country child abduction: an Indian judicial and legislative exploration Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 17, Is. 01 2021
TRIMMINGS, K. International family Law in the UK beyond Brexit: focus on parental child abduction International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2021, Is. 02 2021
KHAZOVA, O. Principle 6 of the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child in the Context of the Hague 1980 Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction International Family Law Journal, Vol. 2021, Is. 02 2021
DE HEMPTINNE, M. & DEMARS, S. L’enlèvement parental international à l’aune de la coopération et des communications judiciaires Actualités de Droit Familial, Vol. 2021, Is. 05 2021
RAMKERRYSINGH, J. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspect of International Child Abduction: the Trinidad and Tobago Experience - a way forward International Family Law Journal (IFL), volume , issue 4 2016
RODRIGUEZ PINEAU, E. International Child Abduction: New Developments in Spain Yearbook of Private International Law. Vol. XVII, 2015/2016, volume XVII 2017
GOICOECHEA, I. & RUBAJA, N. Procedimiento de restitución internacional de niños: pautas imprescindibles para la eficiencia del mecanismo convencional
La Ley 2015
RAINS, R.E. (ed.) The 1980 Hague Abduction Convention: Comparative Aspects
GUY-ECABERT, C. & VOLCKRICK, E. Enlèvement parental international d'enfants: Saisir le juge ou s'engager dans mediation?
DUTTA, A. & SCHULZ, A. First Cornerstones of the EU Rules on Cross-Border Child Cases: the Jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Brussels IIa Regulation From C To Health Service Executive
Journal of Private International Law 2014
BLACKBURN, H. Habitual residence: Re LC
International Family Law 2014
Japan signs Hague Convention International Family Law 2014
Child abduction figures
International Family Law 2014
Gewöhnlicher Aufenthalt nach HKÜ Art 3 und 12 HKÜ
Zeitschrift fur Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht (ZfRV) 2014
TANAMURA, M. International child abduction cases and the Act for implementation of the Hague Convention - Impact of domestic cases and family law
Japanese Yearbook of International Law 2014
LORTIE, P. Les lignes de conduite émergentes et les Principes généraux de la Conférence de la Haye relatifs aux communications judiciares directes
Les dialogue des juges en Europe 2014
POCAR, F. & VAN LOON, H. The 120th anniversary of The Hague Conference on Private International Law Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 2014
SINOPOLI, L. Le contentieux familial international: questions tourmentées sur le role de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme
Vers un statut Européen de la famille 2014
WRBKA, S. Japans Beitritt zum Haager Kindesentführungsübereinkommen
Zeitschrift fur Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht (ZfRV) 2014
VAN LOON, H. Hague Conventions on private international law, same-sex marriage and non-marital institutions Liber Amicorum Johan Erauw 2014
KHAZOVA, O. The first year of application of the 1996 Hague Convention on Protection of Children in Russia: a success story
International Family Law 2014
HEIDERHOFF, B. Kindesrückgabe bei entgegenstehendem Kindeswillen
Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2014
HATAPKA, M. Article 11 of the Brussels IIa Regulation: is there a justification for return proceedings in an area of harmonized rules of jurisdiction and mutual recognition of decisions?
International Family Law 2014
LOWE, N. Return orders under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction - The issues facing the Japanese courts Japanese Yearbook of International Law 2014
KEATING, A.M. & REYNOLDS, C.R. Filling the Gaps with Public Policy: the Application of the Hague Convention Protocol in US Courts in the Absence of a Co-Signing State
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 2014
GALLANT, E. La coordination des sources de droit international privé de l'enfance
Vers un statut Européen de la famille 2014
ERB-KLÜNEMANN, M. The 1980 Hague Convention and Mediation - a German perspective
Japanese Yearbook of International Law 2014
NISHIOKA, T. & TSUJISAKA, T. Introductory note: Japan's conclusion of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Japanese Yearbook of International Law 2014
Singapore Hague Decision International Family Law 2014
SHULMAN, P. Brazil's legacy of international parental child abduction: mediation under the Hague Abduction Convention as a solution Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 2014
ODA, Y. Japanese jurisdiction of international child custody cases and other parent-child matters
Japanese Yearbook of International Law 2014
VAN HEERDEN, B. The child's habitual residence in the context of the Hague Abduction Convention: recent South-African case-law
International Family Law 2015
THORPE, M. The Commonwealth and the Hague family conventions International Family Law Journal 2015
HARRISON, R. Re J (Morocco) and the jurisdictional cul-de-sac
International Family Law Journal 2015
DITTRICH, L F. Promoting voluntary agreements in international child abduction disputes: the case of Brazil
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 2015
RUITENBERG, G. De toepassing van het Haags Kinderontvoeringsverdrag in Nederland en het belang van het kind
ISHAQUE, S. & MUSTAFA KHAN, M. The best interests of the child: a prevailing consideration within Islamic principles and a governing principle in child custody cases in Pakistan
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 2015
NASH, E. Recognition under the 1996 Hague Convention International Family Law Journal 2015
Cross-border parental child abduction in the European Union
BEAUMONT, P. & TRIMMINGS, K. Child abduction: recent jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
International and Comparative Law Quarterly 2015
OLSON, K.L. Access for access: Ensuring access to federal courts for parents seeking to exercise rights of access under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Catholic University Law Review 2014
FROEDER DITTRICH, L. Promoting Voluntary Agreements in International Child Abduction Disputes: the Case of Brazil
International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family 2015
VAN LOON, H. Kinderontvoering en Mensenrechten Actuele ontwikkelingen in het familierecht, UCERF reeks 2014
VAN LOON, H. La notion de confiance mutuelle Vers un statut européen de la famille (H. Fulchiron et C. Bidaud-Garon, dir.) 2014
VAN LOON, H. Articulation et interaction des normes Vers un statut européen de la famille (H. Fulchiron et C. Bidaud-Garon, dir.) 2014
PAUL, C.C. & KIESEWETTER, S. Cross-Border Family Mediation. International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases 2014
AKINCI, K. Hague Convention parental child abduction cases in Turkey International Family Law 2014
FÖTSCHL, A. Sorgerecht und internationale Kindesentführung. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Sorgerechte nach HKÜ bei Verbringung von Kindern aus und nach Österreich
EF-Z 2014
HE, Q. Changes to Habitual Residence in China's lex personalis
Yearbook of Private International Law 2013
MARTÍNEZ VAUNOTTI, I. Las Conferencias Interamericanas y la Conferencia de La Haya y la protección de los derechos de la persona
Derecho internacional privado y derecho de la integración: libro homenaje a Roberto Ruiz Díaz Labrano 2013
DUNCAN, W.G. The work of judges in support of the 1980 Hague Convention on Child Abduction and speed of appeals against Hague return orders International Family Law 2013
SILBERMAN, L. & SPECTOR, R. Dissecting Chafin v Chafin: the propriety of appeal after return of a child pursuant to the Hague Abduction Convention – mootness, stays and comity International Family Law 2013
KOOME, M. Challenges of implementing the Hague Convention on Child Abduction in non-contracting states: the Kenyan experience International Family Law 2013
FOO, T.-Y. & FOO, E. The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: the Singapore experience International Family Law 18
GANNAGÉ, L. Les méthodes du droit international privé à l'épreuve des conflits de cultures
Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international 2011
VIGERS, S. Mediating International Child Abduction Cases : The Hague Convention
TONOLO, S. La sottrazione dei minori nel diritto processuale civile europeo : il regolamento Bruxelles II-bis e la convenzione dell’Aja del 1980 a confronto
Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 2011
DISTEFANO, M. Interesse superiore del minore e sottrazione internazionale di minori: in margine al caso Neulinger
Studi in onore di Claudio Zanghi 2011
BOGDAN, M. Some reflections on the treatment by the ECHR of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Entre Bruselas y La Haya. Estudios sobre la unificación internacional y regional del Derecho internacional privado. Liber Amicorum Alegría Borrás 2013
BOICHÉ, A. Intérêt de l'enfant et déplacement illicite: la Cour strasbourgeoise est toujours dans le faux, contrairement à la Cour québécoise AJ Famille 2012
BOICHÉ, A. Enlèvement international: la Cour de cassation refuse de suivre la jurisprudence Neulinger de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme AJ Famille 2013
BOICHÉ, A. Enlèvement illicite d'enfants: actualité jurisprudentielle de la convention de La Haye AJ Famille 2010
BOICHÉ, A. La Cour strasbourgeoise a-t-elle décidé d'annihiler la convention de La Haye? AJ Famille 2012
GARBOLINO, J.D. Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: A Guide for Judges 2012
JAMBHOLKAR, L. India and the 1980 Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Indian Journal of International Law 2011
DUNCAN, W. Reflections on The Malta Process
A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon / Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
YOKOYAMA, J. A Japanese Implementation Bill for the 1980 Child Abduction Convention A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon / Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
BEAUMONT, P. & WALKER, L. Post Neulinger case law of the European Court of Human Rights on the Hague Child Abduction Convention
A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon / Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
YOKOMIZO, D. La Convention de La Haye sur les aspects civils de l'enlèvement d'enfants et le Japon Revue critique de droit international privé 2012
KEREM GIRAY, F. Milletlerarasi Özel Hukukta Kaçirilan veya Alikonan Çocuklarin Iadesi
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Internationale Kinderontvoering – Mensenrechten en IPR Strikwerda’s Conclusies (Th. M. de Boer et al., eds.) 2011
VAN LOON, J.H.A. One Hundred Years of Activity of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Field of Family Law Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law 1999
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Les Conventions de la Conférence de La Haye (I) L'Enfant et Les Conventions internationales (Rubellin-Devichi, J. et Frank, R.) 1996
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Unification and Co-operation in the Field of International Family Law: A Perspective from The Hague E Pluribus Unum. Liber Amicorum Georges A.L. Droz 1996
VAN LOON, J.H.A. The Hague Conference on Private International Law and its Relevance to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Understanding Children's Rights (E. Verhellen, ed.) 2004
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Family Relations in a Mobile Society – Private International Law Issues Contemporary International Law Issues: Sharing Pan-European and American Perspectives, ASIL/NVIR Proceedings 1992
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Synthesis of the Discussions at the European Conference on Monitoring Children’s Rights Monitoring Children’s Rights (E. Verhellen, ed.) 1996
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Recent Developments in International Treaty Law on the Protection of Children International Family Law 1999
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Anders denken over kinderrechten: de betekenis van de Haagse Verdragen over internationaal privaatrecht Tijdschrift voor Jeugdrecht en Kinderrechten 2002
DOEK, J.E., VAN LOON, H. & VLAARDINGERBROEK, P. Children on the Move. How to implement their right to family life 1996
DUNCAN, W. The Work of the Hague Conference in the Field of the International Protection of Children and its Relevance to India International Law Issues and Challenges 2009
MALHOTRA, A. International Parental Child Abduction Law in the Indian Jurisdiction: Case law Analysis and Procedural Safeguards International Law Issues and Challenges 2009
DISTEFANO, M. Interesse superiore del minore e sottrazione internazionale die minori
TAGLE DE FERREYRA, G., FORCADA MIRANDA, F.J. & SEOANE DE CHIODI, M. del C. La restitución internacional de niños. Vision doctrinaria y jurisprudencial en Argentina y España
CHAMBERLAND, J. Whither the 'best interests of the child' in the 1980 Child Abduction Convention?
International Family Law 2012
SCHULZ, A. The enforcement of child return orders in Europe: where do we go from here? International Family Law 2012
SCHUZ, R. The Hague Abduction Convention and Children's Rights Revisited
International Family Law 2012
LOWE, N. A supra-national approach to interpreting the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention - a tale of two European courts: Part 1: setting the scene International Family Law 2012
SEOANE DE CHIODI, M. del C. New trends in networks and co-operation among Central Authorities: mediation as an alternative means for the solution of controversies and the role of the Central Authority in its application in international return and access procedures
International Family Law 2012
TAGLE, G. Mediation in cases of international child abduction and the function of the International Hague Network Judge: an Argentinean perspective
International Family Law 2012
PÉRFEZ MANRIQUE, R.C. The principle of the 'best interests of the child' in the context of the 1980 Hague Convention: guidelines concernings its interpretation
International Family Law 2012
SILBERMAN, L. Recent US and European decisions on the 1980 Hague Convention: a perspective from the USA in tribute to William Duncan International Family Law 2012
FUCIK, R. Praktische Anwendung der Haager Übereinkommen: Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen der Spezialkommission Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Familienrecht (iFamZ) 2012
BUCK, T. An Evaluation of the Long-term Effectiveness of Mediation in Cases of International Parental Child Abduction 2012
WALKER, L. & BEAUMONT, P. Shifting the Balance Achieved by the Abduction Convention: The Contrasting Approaches of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice Journal of Private International Law 2011
JANZEN, U. & GÄRTNER, V. Rückführungsverweigerung bei vorläufiger Zustimmung und internationale Zuständigkeit im Falle von Kindesentführungen Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2011
FREEMAN, M. International Child Abduction: is it all Back to Normal Once the Child Returns Home? International Family Law 2011
NICHOLLS, M. International Child Abduction: Australian Law, Practice and Procedure International Family Law 2011
SILBERMAN, L.J. Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction - custody rights - ne exeat rights American Journal of International Law 2011
WALKER, L. The Impact of the Hague Abduction Convention on the Rights of the Family in the Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee: the Danger of Neulinger Journal of Private International Law 2010
BUCK, T. International Child Law 2010
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR/NO AUTHOR INDICATED] Japan and the Hague Convention International Family Law 2010
BRUNING, M.R. & OLTHOF, I.W.M. Verbeteringen op komst voor het ontvoerde kind? Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht 2010
DUNCAN, W. Hague Conference Future Developments in International Family Law with Special Emphasis on Cross-border Child Protection: A View from The Hague Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law, Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr 2010
MÖLLER, G. On the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and its application by the Supreme Court of Finland Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law, Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr 2010

Derecho Internacional Privado

WALKER, L. The Relationship between BIIR and the Hague Convention International Family Law 2010
MANFRE, L. International Parental Child Abduction in Australia International Family Lawyer 2010
LOWE, N. The Applicable Laws Provisions of the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and the Impact of the Convention on International Child Abduction International Family Law 2010
BOSHIER, P. & WADEMAN, J. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: A New Zealand Perspective International Family Law 2010
CHAMBERLAND, J. La Convention sur les aspects civils de l'enlèvement international d'enfants et les droits de l'enfant
A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon / Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
NEDERVEEN, A. Internationale kinderontvoering. Rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek tussen Nederland en Duitsland in het kader van de weigeringsgronden van het Haags Kinderontvoeringsverdrag van 1980 2010
ASCENSÃO SILVA, N.G. A Convenção da Haia de 25 de Outubro de 1980 sobre os aspectos civis do rapto internacional de crianças: alguns aspectos Estudos em Memória do Professor Doutor António Marques dos Santos (coordenadores Jorge Miranda, Luís de Lima Pinheiro, Dário Moura Vicente) 2005
FREEMAN, M. When the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention Does Not Apply: The UK-Pakistan Protocol International Family Law 2009
HUTCHINSON, A.-M. Developments in Hague Child Abduction cases International Family Law 2009
ANTOKOLSKAIA, M.V. & RUITENBERG, G.C.A.M. De rol van de Centrale Autoriteit in kinderontvoeringszaken in het licht van het beginsel van de 'equality of arms' Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht 2009

Hague Conference Update

International Family Law 2008
RIPLEY, P. A Defence of the Established Approach to the Grave Risk Exception in the Hague Child Abduction Convention Journal of Private International Law 2008
SCHULZ, A. Guidance from Luxembourg: First ECJ Judgment Clarifying the Relationship between the 1980 Hague Convention and Brussels II Revised International Family Law 2008
HILTON, P. The Proper Use of the Temporary Emergency Jurisdiction of the UCCJEA and the article 13(b) of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International child Abduction Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers 2007
KRUGER, T. Civil Jurisdiction Rules of the EU and Their Impact on Third States 2008
BUCHER, A. Das Kindeswohl im Haager Entführungsabkommen Die richtige Ordnung, Festschrift für Jan Kropholler zum 70. Geburtstag 2008
SCHULZ, A. Das Haager Kindesentführungs-übereinkommen und die Brüssel IIa-Verordnung, Notizen aus der Praxis Die richtige Ordnung, Festschrift für Jan Kropholler zum 70. Geburtstag 2008
BUCHER, A. The New Swiss Federal Act on International Child Abduction Journal of Private International Law 2008
WEINER, M.H. Using Article 20 Fam. L. Q. 2004
WEINER, M.H. Half-truths, Mistakes, and Embarrassments: The United States Goes to the Fifth Special Session to Review Operation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Utah L. Rev. 2008
WEINER, M.H. Strengthening Article 20 U.S.F. L. Rev. 2004
WEINER, M.H. The Potential and Challenges of Transnational Litigation for Feminists Concerned About Domestic Violence Here and Abroad Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. 2003
LAMONT, R. The EU: Protecting Children's Rights in Child Abduction International Family Law 2008
VAN KATWIJK, A.E.H. & WOLTHUIS, A. Het belang van het kind onbemind in kinderontvoeringszaken Hoge Raad - Strikte interpretatie van het Haags Kinderontvoeringsverdrag zorgelijk Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht 2008
BORRÁS, A. Comisión especial sobre el funcionamiento práctico del Convenio de La Haya de 1980 sobre sustracción de menores (30 de octubre a 9 de noviembre de 2006) Revista Española de Derecho Internacional 2006
SCHULZ, A. The state of development of uniform law in the field of European and international family and child law The European Legal Forum 2007
FREEMAN, M. & HUTCHINSON, A.-M. The Voice of the Child in International Child Abduction International Family Law 2007
BARONESS HALE OF RICHMOND The Voice of the Child International Family Law 2007
SØVIG, K.H. EMD som håndhever av Haagkonvensjonen om internasjonal barnebortføring Rett og toleranse. Festskrift til Helge Johan Thue 2007
DI GUGLIELMO, C.T. Comment, Provisionally Permanent? Keeping Temporary Custody Orders Temporary Under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction U. Pa. L. Rev. 2002
HIGGINS-THORNTON, S. Note, Innocence Snatched: A Call for a Multinational Response to Child Abduction That Facilitates Sexual Exploitation Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 2003
CLEMENS, L.C. Note, International Parental Child Abduction: Time for the United States to Take a Stand Syracuse J. Int'l L. & Com. 2003
O'BRIEN, S. Note, The Trials and Tribulations of Implementing the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction: Improving Dispute Resolution and Enforcement of Parental Rights in the International Arena Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev. 2003
SKOVRON, X. The Hague Convention on International Child Abductions: Irreconcilable Differences? Germany, the U.S. and the Hague Convention Controversy U. Miami Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 2002
METZ, C.R. Comment, Application of the Younger Abstention Doctrine to International Child Abduction Claims U. Chi. L. Rev. 2002
PAS, A.C. & KATWIJK, A.E.H. van Internationale kinderontvoering: de volstrekte escalatie van het voortdurende relatieconflict van twee ouders ... en het kind? Liber Amicorum 'Kinderrechten beginnen thuis' 2007
THORPE The Fifth Special Commission International Family Law 2007
ONG, D.S.L. Parental Child Abduction in Singapore: The Experience of a Non-Convention Country International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 2007
HRABAR, D. Porodicno pravna zastita djece drzavljana SFRJ odvedene u inozemstvo protivno odluci suda o njihovu cuvanju i odgoju Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu 1989
BEVANDO-SOBAL, B. & HILTON, W.M. Article 13(b) of the Hague Convention Treaty : does it create a loophole for parental alienation syndrome : an insidious abduction? International Lawyer 2001
WILSON, J. & LAW, T. In Search of the Consummate Convention-Prophylactic Provision: Two Case Studies on the Workings or non-Workings of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Special Lectures 2006: Family Law 2007
THORPE India and the Hague Child Abduction Convention International Family Law 2007
BATES, F. The Child Abduction Convention: Troubles in Australia International Family Law 2007
HAGUE CONFERENCE Special Commission to Review the Operation of the 1980 Hague Convention (October-November 2006) International Family Law 2007
AFFAIRES ÉTRANGERES CANADA International Child Abductions. A Manual for Parents / Enlèvements internationaux d'enfants. Guide à l'intention des parents 2005
CANADA International Child Abductions. A Manual for Parents / Enlèvements internationaux d'enfants. Guide à l'intention des parents 2005
ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, S. El Convenio de La Haya sobre los aspectos civiles de la sustracción internacional de menores ante el Tribunal Supremo Revista Jurídica Española La Ley 1998
ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, S. Desplazamiento ilícito de menores (Nota a la Sent. A.P. de Almería de 27 de octubre 1993) Revista Española de Derecho Internacional 1994
ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, S. Desplazamiento ilícito de menores (Nota al Auto del Tribunal del Primera Instancia N° 2 de Ponferrada, de 28 de septiembre de 1985) Revista Española de Derecho Internacional 1986
ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, S. Derechos de Visita y Convenio de La Haya sobre los aspectos civiles de la sustracción internacional de menores: la práctica española Direito. Revista Xurídica da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 2005
ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, S. Desplazamiento internacional de menores, procedimiento de retorno y tutela judicial efectiva Derecho Privado y Constitución 2002
ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, S. Interés del menor y cooperación jurídica internacional en materia de desplazamiento internacional de menores: los casos difíciles Cooperación jurídica internacional, Colección Escuela Diplomática 2001
ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, S. Secuestro internacional de menores ('legal kidnapping') y cooperación internacional: la posición española ante el problema Poder Judicial 2ª época 1986
COESTER, M. Kooperation statt Konfrontation: Die Rückgabe entführter Kinder nach der Brüssel IIa-Verordnung Grenzüberschreitungen. Beiträge zum Internationalen Verfahrensrecht und zur Schiedsgerichtbarkeit. Festschrift für Peter Schlosser zum 70. Geburtstag 2005
GALLANT, E. Convention de La Haye du 25 octobre 1980.-Enlèvement international d'enfant.-Parents divorcés.-Accord des parents.-Résidence conventionnellement fixée.-Modification unilatérale.-Déplacement illicite Revue critique de droit international privé 2006
AGUILAR, M.V. Implementación de reglas para el buen cumplimiento del Convenio de La Haya sobre los Aspectos Civiles de la Sustracción Internacional de Menores Revista Mexicana de Derecho Internacional Privado y Comparado 2006
ITALIA, MINISTERO DELLA GIUSTIZIA La sottrazione internazionale di minori 2005
DEUTSCHLAND, Bundesverfassungsgericht Rückführung des Kindes auf der Grundlage des HKiEntÜ Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht 2006
BODENHEIMER, B. Curbing Child Snatching on Three Fronts, State, National and International, and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act 1980
RUITENBERG, G.C.A.M. Internationale kinderontvoering: cijfers en straffen Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht (FJR) 2006
COESTER-WALTJEN, D. Anerkennung im Internationalen Personen-, Familien- und Erbrecht und das Europaïsche Kollisionsrecht Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2006
PERMANENT BUREAU OF THE HAGUE CONFERENCE The Second Malta Judicial Conference International Family Law 2006
DUTTA, A. & SCHERPE, J.M. Die Durchsetzung von Rückführungsansprüchen nach dem Haager Kindesentführungs-übereinkommen durch deutsche Gerichte Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht 2006
GRUBER, U.P. Das neue Internationale Familienrechtsverfahrensgesetz Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht 2005
BAETGE, D. Zwischen Rom und Los Angeles - Zur Ermittlung des gewöhnlichen Aufenthalts von Kleinkindern bei Kindesentführungen Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2006
HAGUE CONFERENCE The Hague Children's Conventions: Recent Developments International Family Law Journal 2006
Hélène Gaudemet-Tallon Conventions internationales.- Convention de La Haye (...) enlèvement international d'enfants.- Article 16.- Confirmation de la décision fixant la résidence de l'enfants chez la mère.- (...) Effet du jugement (...) Journal du Droit International (Clunet) 2006
SCHULZ, A. Keine weitere Beschwerde zum BGH bei Entscheidungen nach dem HKÜ (BGH, S. 552) Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2005
HAGUE CONFERENCE The Guide to Good Practice under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: Part III - Preventive Measures International Family Law Journal 2005
MALHOTRA, A. & MALHOTRA, R. Child Abduction in the Indian Jurisdiction International Family Law 2005
FULCHIRON, H. La lutte contre les enlèvements d'enfants Le nouveau droit communautaire du divorce et de la responsabilité parentale 2005
ARMSTRONG, S. L'articulation des règlements communautaires et des conventions de La Haye Le nouveau droit communautaire du divorce et de la responsabilité parentale 2005
CHAUVEAU, V. Les enlèvements transfrontières Le nouveau droit communautaire du divorce et de la responsabilité parentale 2005
MONROY CABRA, M.G. Derecho de Familia y de Menores, Octava Edición - Corregida, aumentada y actualizada 2003
LOWE, N.V. Regulating Cross-border Access to Children Perspektiven des Familienrechts. Festschrift für Dieter Schwab 2005
FULCHIRON, H. (dir.) Les enlèvements internationaux d'enfants 2005
MARIE, M.M. & SHERIF, A.O. International Parental Child Abduction Proceedings of the Judicial Conferences between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United Kingdom on Co-operation in International Child Abduction Matters 2005
McELEAVY, P. The New Child Abduction Regime in the European Union: Symbiotic Relationship or Forced Partnership? Journal of Private International Law 2005
ARMSTRONG, S. L’articulation du règlement « Bruxelles II bis » et des Conventions de La Haye de 1980 et 1996 Droit & patrimoine 2005
SCHULZ, A. Die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2201/2003 (Brüssel IIa) - eine Einführung Neue Juristische Wochenschrift | Familie Partnerschaft Recht 2004
VAN LOON, H. The Implementation and Enforcement of the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction in comparative perspective: It's Japan's move! Gender Law and Policy Annual Review 2004
BRUCH, C.S. Temporary or Contingent Changes in Location Under the Hague Child Abduction Convention Gedächtnisschrift für Alexander Lüderitz 2000
GONZALEZ BEILFUSS, C. EC Legislation in Matters of Parental Responsibility and Third States International Civil Litigation in Europe and Relations with Third States (A. Nuyts & N. Watté, eds.) 2005
BORRÁS, A. The Frontiers and the Institutional Constitutional Question International Civil Litigation in Europe and Relations with Third States (A. Nuyts & N. Watté, eds.) 2005
FULCHIRON, H. Comment améliorer le fonctionnement des instruments internationaux? Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
FOBLETS, M.-C. Rapport de synthèse, Les enlèvements internationaux. Défits et limites de la communautarisation du droit international privé en Europe Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
BRUCH, C.S. The Unmet Needs of Domestic Violence Victims and Their Children in Hague Child Abduction Convention Cases Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
FULCHIRON, H. (dir.) Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
FARGE, M. L'existence d'une résidence habituelle dans l'Etat d'origine et l'illicéité de la résidence dans l'Etat de refuge: la Cour de cassation française confrontée à de nouvelles difficultés dans la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de La Haye Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
HUTCHINSON, A.M. The nature and role of voluntary and non-governmental organisations Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
VOMBERG, W. Le rôle des avocats en matière d'enlèvements d'enfants Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
BIONDI, B. Le rôle des autorités centrales en matière d'enlèvements d'enfants Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
McELEAVY, P. Past and Future: the Hague Child Abduction Convention at the Crossroads Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
LOWE, N.V. In the Best Interests of Abducted Children? Securing Their Immediate Return Under the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
CARL, E. Communication judiciaire directe dans des procédures régies par la Convention de La Haye sur les aspects civils de l'enlèvement international d'enfants Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
MEULDERS-KLEIN, M.T. Regards sur les enlèvements d'enfant transfrontières. Conclusions Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
DUNCAN, W. Les Conventions de La Haye relatives à la protection de l'enfant Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières
NOURISSAT, C. L'articulation des instruments internationaux de protection de l'enfance Les enlèvements d'enfants à travers les frontières 2004
Christelle Chalas Convention de New York du 26 janvier 1990 (...) Convention de La Haye du 25 octobre 1980 (...) Journal du Droit International (Clunet) 2005
SCHOCH, S. Die Auslegung der Ausnahmetatbestände des Haager Kindesentführungs-Übereinkommens - Ein Vergleich der US-amerikanischen und deutschen Rechtsprechung 2004
KROPHOLLER, J. Der gewöhnliche Aufenthalt des Kindes und das Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht Festschrift für Erik Jayme 2004
PERMANENT BUREAU OF THE HAGUE CONFERENCE ON PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW The Latin American Judges' Seminar on the Hague Child Abduction Convention International Family Law 2005
COESTER-WALTJEN, D. Die Berücksichtigung der Kindesinteressen in der neuen EU-Verordnung 'Brüssel IIa' FamRZ 2005
SCHLAUß, S. Neuordnung des internationalen Familienrechts – der Entwurf eines Familienrechts-Ausführungsgesetzes FPR 2004
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR/NO AUTHOR INDICATED] Protocol - UK and Pakistan Consensus on Child Abduction International Family Law 2003
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR/NO AUTHOR INDICATED] International Parental Child Abduction Conference International Family Law 2003
FALLON, M. Die gerichtliche Zuständigkeit und die Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen in Ehesachen im Lichte der bestehenden Übereinkommen und die Vorteile eines rechtlichen Tätigwerdens der Europäischen Union in diesem Bereich im Auftrag der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften erstelltes Gutachten, 1995 1995
COESTER-WALTJEN, D. Multa non multum im internationalen Familienverfahrensrecht Einheit und Vielfalt des Rechts, Festschrift für Reinhold Geimer zum 65. Geburtstag (SCHÜTZE, R., ed.) 2002
BOELE-WOELKI, K. Brüssel II: Die Verordnung über die Zuständigkeit und die Anerkennung von Entscheidungen in Ehesachen Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht (ZfRV) 2001
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