
Convenio de 25 de octubre de 1980 sobre los Aspectos Civiles de la Sustracción Internacional de Menores

Adhesión aceptada por / Entrada en vigor entre Georgia y Fecha de la aceptación Entrada en vigor
Albania 1-I-2020
Alemania 1-XII-1997 1-III-1998
Andorra 1-I-2020
Argentina 27-VIII-1998 1-XI-1998
Armenia 1-I-2020
Australia 31-X-1997 1-I-1998
Austria 14-XII-2001 1-III-2002
Bahamas 25-V-2005 1-VIII-2005
Belarús 1-I-2000
Bélgica 23-IV-2007 1-VII-2007
Belice 30-VIII-2005 1-XI-2005
Bosnia y Herzegovina 1-IX-2000 1-XII-2000
Brasil 1-XII-2018
Bulgaria 1-XII-2008
Canadá 31-VIII-1999 1-XI-1999
Chile 8-III-1999 1-VI-1999
China 25-IX-1998 1-XII-1998
China 26-VI-2003 1-IX-2003
Chipre 22-I-2004 1-IV-2004
Colombia 2-IV-2007 1-VII-2007
Croacia 24-XI-2004 1-II-2005
Dinamarca 25-VII-2018 1-X-2018
Eslovaquia 7-XI-2000 1-II-2001
Eslovenia 9-VII-2009 1-X-2009
España 11-XII-1998 1-III-1999
Estados Unidos de América 9-VII-2024 1-X-2024
Estonia 1-XII-2008
Filipinas 1-I-2020
Finlandia 29-IX-1997 1-XII-1997
Francia 14-X-2008 1-I-2009
Grecia 21-XII-1999 1-III-2000
Honduras 16-XI-2006 1-II-2007
Hungría 11-III-2002 1-VI-2002
Iraq 1-II-2019
Irlanda 29-IX-1997 1-XII-1997
Islandia 22-I-2010 1-IV-2010
Israel 11-IX-1997 1-XII-1997
Italia 1-V-2001 1-VIII-2001
Japón 24-I-2014 1-IV-2014
Kazajstán 1-I-2020
Letonia 1-XII-2008
Lituania 1-XII-2008
Luxemburgo 24-I-2018 1-IV-2018
Malta 1-XII-2008
Marruecos 1-I-2020
México 8-II-2007 1-V-2007
Mónaco 10-IV-2007 1-VII-2007
Noruega 18-III-2002 1-VI-2002
Nueva Zelandia 2-XII-1997 1-III-1998
Países Bajos 25-VIII-1997 1-XI-1997
Panamá 2-XI-2006 1-II-2007
Paraguay 1-X-2021
Perú 1-VII-2016
Polonia 14-XI-2000 1-II-2001
Portugal 12-X-2001 1-I-2002
Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte 18-IX-1997 1-XII-1997
República Checa 18-V-1998 1-VIII-1998
República de Corea 1-I-2020
República de Moldova 1-I-2020
Rumania 6-II-2018 1-V-2018
San Marino 1-XII-2008
Serbia 19-VIII-2003 1-XI-2003
Singapur 1-I-2020
Sudáfrica 9-II-2016 1-V-2016
Suecia 26-VI-2007 1-IX-2007
Suiza 29-VIII-2003 1-XI-2003
Türkiye 26-III-2004 1-VI-2004
Turkmenistán 1-I-2000
Ucrania 1-XII-2008
Uzbekistán 1-I-2020
Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) 16-XI-2004 1-II-2005


(Georgia accepted the accession of Albania on 28 October 2019)


(Georgia accepted the accession of Andorra on 28 October 2019)


(Georgia accepted the accession of Armenia on 28 October 2019)


(Georgia accepted Brazil's accession on 10 September 2018)


(acceptance in 1998 for the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong only)


(acceptance in 2003 for the Special Administrative Region of Macao only)


(Georgia accepted the accession of the Philippines on 28 October 2019)


(Georgia accepted the accession of Iraq on 5 November 2018) 05-11-2018 (Translation) […] Georgia declares that according to Article 36 of the above-mentioned Convention the application of the Convention between the Republic of Iraq and Georgia shall be extended withregard to the cases arisen between the Parties before its entry into force.


(Georgia accepted the accession of Kazakhstan on 28 October 2019)


(Georgia accepted the accession of Morocco on 28 October 2019)


(Georgia accepted the accession of Paraguay on 1 July 2021)


(Georgia accepted the accession of Peru on 15 April 2016)

República de Corea

(Georgia accepted the accession of the Republic of Korea on 28 October 2019)

República de Moldova

(Georgia accepted the accession of the Republic of Moldova on 28 October 2019)


(Georgia accepted the accession of Singapore on 28 October 2019)


(Georgia accepted the accession of Uzbekistan on 28 October 2019)