Las Partes contratantes (incluidas las ORIE y los Estados obligados por su aprobación) de este Convenio [Protocolo] que también revisten la calidad de Miembro de la HCCH (es decir, la Organización) figuran en negrita, mientras que las que no son Miembros figuran en cursiva.

Parte contratante * F 1 R/A/Ap/Su2 Tipo3 VIG4 EXT5 Aut6 Res/D/N/CD7
Albania 13-II-2024 25-VI-2024 R 1-X-2024
Alemania ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Austria ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Bélgica ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Brasil 17-VII-2017 17-VII-2017 R 1-XI-2017
Bulgaria ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Chipre ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Croacia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Ecuador 2-III-2022 2-III-2022 R 1-VII-2022
Eslovaquia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Eslovenia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
España ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Estonia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Finlandia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Francia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Georgia 25-V-2023 14-V-2024 R 1-IX-2024 D
Grecia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Hungría ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Irlanda ApEU* 1-VIII-2013 N 9
Italia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Kazajstán 12-XII-2016 A 1-IV-2017
Letonia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Lituania ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Luxemburgo ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Macedonia del Norte 9-XII-2019
Malta ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Países Bajos ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Polonia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Portugal ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
República Checa ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Rumania ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Serbia 18-IV-2012 10-IV-2013 R 1-VIII-2013
Suecia ApEU* 1-VIII-2013
Ucrania 21-III-2016 29-VIII-2022 R 1-XII-2022
Unión europea 8-IV-2010 8-IV-2010 ApEU 1-VIII-2013 D,N 24

* (incluidas las ORIE y los Estados obligados por su aprobación)


Alemania Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Germany is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Austria Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Austria is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Bélgica Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Belgium is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Bulgaria Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Bulgaria is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Chipre Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Cyprus is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Croacia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Croatia is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Eslovaquia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Slovakia is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Eslovenia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Slovenia is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

España Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Spain is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Estonia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Estonia is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Finlandia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Finland is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Francia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

France is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Grecia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Greece is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Hungría Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Hungary is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Irlanda Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Ireland is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Italia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Italy is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Letonia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Latvia is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Lituania Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Lithuania is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Luxemburgo Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Luxembourg is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Malta Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Malta is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Países Bajos Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

The Netherlands is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Polonia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Poland is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Portugal Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Portugal is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

República Checa Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

The Czech Republic is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Rumania Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Romania is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Suecia Tipo Obligado en razón de la aprobación por parte de la Unión Europea*

Sweden is bound by the Protocol as a result of the approval by the European Union.

Unión europea Tipo Aprobación de la Unión Europea

In accordance with its Article 24, first paragraph (see below), the Protocol was approved by the European Union on 8 April 2010. 

"A Regional Economic Integration Organisation which is constituted solely by sovereign States and has competence over some or all of the matters governed by the Protocol may equally sign, accept, approve or accede to the Protocol. The Regional Economic Integration Organisation shall in that case have the rights and obligations of a Contracting State, to the extent that the Organisation has competence over matters governed by the Protocol."


Georgia Artículos Declaraciones


Georgia declares that the application of the Protocol of 23 November 2007 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations in relation to Georgia's regions of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region / South Ossetia – occupied by the Russian Federation as a result of its illegal military aggression – shall commence once Georgia's de facto jurisdiction over the occupied territories is fully restored.

Irlanda Artículos Notificaciones

Notification under Article 9: 

  • Ireland, through the European Commission, has informed the Permanent Bureau in accordance with Article 9 that for the purpose of cases which come before its authorities, the word "nationality" in Articles 4 and 6 is replaced by "domicile" as defined in that State.

Ucrania Artículos

[The aforementioned treaty is] implemented on the territory of Ukraine in full, with the exception of the territories where hostilities are (were) conducted or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, on which it is impossible to fully guarantee the Ukrainian Party's fulfillment of its obligations under [this treaty] as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine until the complete cessation of encroachment on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of Ukraine.

The regularly updated list of territories where hostilities are (were) conducted, or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation is at the link below:

Unión europea Artículos Declaraciones Notificaciones

The European Community declares, in accordance with Article 24 of the Protocol, that it exercises competence over all the matters governed by the Protocol. Its Member States shall be bound by the Protocol by virtue of its conclusion by the European Community.

For the purpose of this declaration, the term "European Community" does not include Denmark, by virtue of Articles 1 and 2 of the Protocol on the position of Denmark, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and the United Kingdom, by virtue of Articles 1 and 2 of the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty establishing the European Community.

The European Community declares that it will apply the rules of the Protocol provisionally from 18 June 2011, the date of application of Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 of 18 December 2008 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations1), if the Protocol has not entered into force on that date in accordance with Article 25(1) thereof.

The European Community declares that it will apply the rules of the Protocol also to maintenance claimed in one of its Member States relating to a period prior to the entry into force or the provisional application of the Protocol in the Community in situations where, under Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 of 18 December 2008 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations2), proceedings are instituted, court settlements are approved or concluded and authentic instruments are established as from 18 June 2011, the date of application of the said Regulation.


1) OJ L 7, 10.1.2009, p. 1.
2) OJ L 7, 10.1.2009, p. 1.

Notification under Article 9: 

  • Ireland, through the European Commission, has informed the Permanent Bureau in accordance with Article 9 that for the purpose of cases which come before its authorities, the word "nationality" in Articles 4 and 6 is replaced by "domicile" as defined in that State.