Download the Briefing for September 2014 (extract from International Family Law, September 2014, pp. 194-197) here.


  • Introduction
  • Facilitating the effective implementation and operation of the Hague Children’s
    Conventions and furthering other co-operation between States in the field of
    child protection
    • The provision of training in Guinea in relation to the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (the "1993 Convention"), March 2014
    • Seminar on "Islamic Legal Perspectives on Cross-Border Family Disputes Involving Children", April 2014
    • Conference on "Cross-border Family Matters and the Well-Being of the Child: Asia Pacific Perspectives", May 2014
    • The Experts’ Group on the Financial Aspects of Intercountry Adoption
  • The annual meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Hague
    Conference, April 2014
    • Private international law issues surrounding the status of children, including issues arising from international surrogacy arrangements
    • Recognition and enforcement of foreign civil protection orders
    • Recognition and enforcement of voluntary cross-border agreements
    • Post-Convention services and activities
    • Working Party on Mediation in the context of the Malta Process
  • Recent Hague Conference publications in international family law
  • The Hague Children’s Conventions: Status Update

Convenios (incl. los Protocolos y Principios)