
Articles: 4,15,23

Réserve :
In conformity with Article 33, Norway enters a reservation to paragraph 2 of Article 4 to the effect that Letters of Request in the French language will not be accepted.

Déclarations :

La déclaration faite par le Royaume de Norvège conformément à l'article 23 relative «aux commissions rogatoires qui ont pour objet (une procédure de) pre-trial discovery of documents» s'appliquera seulement aux commissions rogatoires qui exigent d'une personne de:
a) déclarer quels documents concernant le cas auquel la commission rogatoire a trait, se trouvent ou se sont trouvés en sa possession autres que les documents particuliers spécifiés dans la commission rogatoire; ou
b) présenter des documents autres que les documents particuliers spécifiés dans la commission rogatoire et qui sont probablement en sa possession.

I. The Royal Ministry of Justice and Police is designated as the Central Authority with reference to Article 2 and as the Competent Authority with reference to Articles 15, 16 and 17.
II. With reference to Article 4, paragraph 3, the Kingdom of Norway declares that letters in the Danish or Swedish languages can be sent to the Central Authority.
III. By accepting Letters of Request in another language than the Norwegian, the Kingdom of Norway does not undertake to execute the request, or transmit the evidence thus obtained in this other language; nor to have translated the document which establish to execution of the letter of request.
IV. By virtue of Article 15, evidence can be taken by diplomatic officers or consular agents only if, upon application, prior permission to that effect has been granted.
V. By virtue of Article 23, the Kingdom of Norway declares that it will not execute Letters of Request issued for the purpose of obtaining pre-trial discovery of documents as known in common law countries.