Brésil - Autorité centrale
Autoridade Central Administrativa Federal para Adoção e Subtração Internacional de Crianças e Adolescentes (ACAF)
National Secretariat of Justice
Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Department of Assets Recovery and International Legal Cooperation – DRCI
Esplanada dos Ministérios, Anexo II, Sala 327
Cep: 70064-900
Brasília – DF, Brasil
Tel./Tél.: +55 (61) 2025-7672
Website/Site Internet:
Contact Persons / Personnes à contacter:
Mrs. Michelle Najara A. Silva
General- Coordinator of Adoption and International Abduction of Children and Adolescents of the Department of Assets Recovery and International Legal Cooperation
(Languages of communication: Portuguese, English, French) -
Mrs. Natália de Sousa Gonçalves Cavalcanti Corrêa
Case Officer
(languages of communication: Portuguese, English, Spanish) - Mr. Felipe Viana Alves
Case Officer
(languages of communication: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French)
Note 1: the Brazilian Central Authority may receive requests for intercountry adoptions directly from State's Parties Central Authority, even if both countries have accredited / authorized Foreign Accredited Bodies, as long as the domestic legislation of the Requesting State also allows for the direct cooperation between Central Authorities.
Note 2: All requests from intercountry adoptions sent by State´s Parties that do not have accredited bodies authorized to intermediate adoptions in Brazil shall be transmitted from the Requesting State exclusively to the Brazilian Central Authority, by electronic means (
Note 3: the Foreign Accredited Bodies authorized by the Brazilian Central Authority to intermediate intercountry adoptions in Brazil may directly present foreign requests for intercountry adoptions to the Brazilian Competent Authorities listed on the link:
Note 4: For information on research of origins in intercountry adoptions within Brazil, please visit (in English).
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