
Convenção sobre a Obtenção de Provas no Estrangeiro em Matéria Civil ou Comercial

Adesão aceite por / entrada em vigor entre Malta and Data da aceitação Entrada em vigor
Andorra 26-III-2024
Argentina 26-VII-2011 24-IX-2011
Arménia 26-III-2024
Austrália 9-III-2012 8-V-2012
Belarus 6-VI-2014 5-VIII-2014
Brasil 26-III-2024
Bulgária 5-XII-2012 3-II-2013
Cazaquistão 26-III-2024
China 2-XII-2011 31-I-2012
Chipre 8-VIII-2011 7-X-2011
Colômbia 26-III-2024
Costa Rica 26-III-2024
Dinamarca 14-V-2016 13-VII-2016
El Salvador 26-III-2024
Eslováquia 21-IX-2011 20-XI-2011
Eslovénia 26-X-2017 25-XII-2017
Espanha 21-VIII-2012 20-X-2012
Estados Unidos da América 2-IV-2012 1-VI-2012
Estónia 11-IX-2017 10-XI-2017
Finlândia 13-VII-2011 11-IX-2011
França 4-IV-2011 3-VI-2011
Geórgia 26-III-2024
Hungria 22-XII-2022 20-II-2023
Islândia 25-XI-2021 24-I-2022
Israel 13-VII-2018 11-IX-2018
Letónia 5-X-2011 4-XII-2011
Lituânia 28-II-2019 29-IV-2019
Marrocos 26-III-2024
México 6-VIII-2013 5-X-2013
Montenegro 26-III-2024
Nicarágua 26-III-2024
Noruega 18-VII-2012 16-IX-2012
Países Baixos 30-V-2011 29-VII-2011
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte 29-X-2020 28-XII-2020
República Checa 4-VII-2011 2-IX-2011
República da Coreia 6-XII-2016 4-II-2017
Roménia 22-VII-2024 20-IX-2024
Sérvia 9-IV-2013 8-VI-2013
Singapura 4-VI-2021 3-VIII-2021
Suécia 20-X-2020 19-XII-2020
Suíça 23-IX-2011 22-XI-2011
Türkiye 5-VII-2016 3-IX-2016
Ucrânia 31-X-2011 30-XII-2011
Venezuela (República Bolivariana da) 2-XI-2023 1-I-2024
Vietname 26-III-2024


(Malta accepted the accession of Andorra on 26 January 2024)


(Malta accepted the accession of Armenia on 26 January 2024)


(Malta accepted the accession of Brazil on 26 January 2024)


(Malta accepted the accession of Kazakhstan on 26 January 2024)


(acceptance also on behalf of the SAR of Hong Kong and Macao)


(Malta accepted the accession of Colombia on 26 January 2024)

Costa Rica

(Malta accepted the accession of Costa Rica on 26 January 2024)

El Salvador

(Malta accepted the accession of El Salvador on 26 January 2024)


The Convention would enter into force between Spain and Malta on 20 October 2012, in accordance with Article 39, last paragraph. However, it will take effect on a later date (see Malta's declaration of 1 August 2012).


(Malta accepted the accession of Georgia on 26 January 2024)


(Malta accepted the accession of Morocco on 26 January 2024)


(Malta accepted the accession of Montenegro on 26 January 2024)


(Malta accepted the accession of Nicaragua on 26 January 2024)

Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte

United Kingdom (also on behalf of the Bailiwick of Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Akrotiri and Dhekelia (Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus), Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, and Gibraltar)


(Malta accepted the accession of Viet Nam on 26 January 2024)