
Convenção sobre a Obtenção de Provas no Estrangeiro em Matéria Civil ou Comercial

Adesão aceite por / entrada em vigor entre Letónia and Data da aceitação Entrada em vigor
África do Sul 19-X-1997
Albânia 23-I-2011
Alemanha 18-IX-1995 17-XI-1995
Andorra 27-III-2022
Argentina 23-VII-1997 21-IX-1997
Arménia 27-III-2022
Austrália 21-XI-1995 20-I-1996
Belarus 26-IX-2004
Bósnia e Herzegovina 17-III-2009
Brasil 27-III-2022
Bulgária 26-IX-2004
Cazaquistão 27-III-2022
China 26-IX-2004
Chipre 15-I-1997 16-III-1997
Colômbia 1-VI-2012
Costa Rica 27-III-2022
Croácia 7-VI-2010
Dinamarca 23-IV-1996 22-VI-1996
Eslováquia 21-III-1996 20-V-1996
Eslovénia 26-IX-2004
Espanha 26-III-1997 25-V-1997
Estados Unidos da América 12-IX-1996 11-XI-1996
Estónia 26-IX-2004
Federação Russa 26-IX-2004
Finlândia 22-VI-1995 21-VIII-1995
França 6-I-1999 7-III-1999
Geórgia 27-XII-2021
Grécia 29-IX-2005 28-XI-2005
Hungria 2-IX-2005
Índia 1-IX-2007
Islândia 19-IV-2009
Israel 29-XII-1995 27-II-1996
Itália 17-XI-1995 16-I-1996
Kuwait 26-IX-2004
Liechtenstein 19-IV-2009
Lituânia 26-IX-2004
Luxemburgo 16-V-1995 15-VII-1995
Macedónia do Norte 1-XI-2009
Malta 4-XII-2011
Marrocos 4-XII-2011
México 27-V-1997 26-VII-1997
Mónaco 5-I-2009 6-III-2009
Montenegro 1-VI-2012
Nicarágua 27-III-2022
Noruega 28-XI-1995 27-I-1996
Países Baixos 17-VI-1996 16-VIII-1996
Polónia 26-IX-2004
Portugal 11-IV-2001 8-VI-2001
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte 14-VII-1995 12-IX-1995
República Checa 14-XI-1997 13-I-1998
República da Coreia 7-VI-2010
Roménia 26-IX-2004
Seicheles 26-IX-2004
Sérvia 12-XI-2010
Singapura 5-III-1997 4-V-1997
Sri Lanka 26-IX-2004
Suécia 14-VIII-1996 13-X-1996
Suíça 12-V-1998 11-VII-1998
Türkiye 15-I-2010 16-III-2010
Ucrânia 26-IX-2004
Venezuela (República Bolivariana da) 2-XI-2023 1-I-2024
Vietname 27-III-2022

África do Sul

(Latvia accepted South Africa's accession on 20 August 1997)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Albania on 24 November 2010)


(Latvia accepted Andorra's accession on 26 January 2022)


(Latvia accepted Armenia's accession on 26 January 2022)


(Latvia accepted Belarus' accession on 28 July 2004)

Bósnia e Herzegovina

(Latvia accepted the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 January 2009)


(Latvia accepted Brazil's accession on 26 January 2022)


(Latvia accepted Bulgaria's accession on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted Kazakhstan's accession on 26 January 2022)


(Latvia accepted China's accession on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Colombia on 2 April 2012)

Costa Rica

(Latvia accepted Costa Rica's accession on 26 January 2022)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Croatia on 8 April 2010)


(Latvia accepted Slovenia's accession on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted Estonia's accession on 28 July 2004)

Federação Russa

(Latvia accepted the Russian Federation's accession on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Georgia on 28 October 2021)


(Latvia accepted Hungary's accession on 4 July 2005)


(Latvia accepted the accession of India on 3 July 2007)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Iceland on 18 February 2009)


(Latvia accepted Kuwait's accession on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Liechtenstein on 18 February 2009)


(Latvia accepted Lithuania's accession on 28 July 2004)

Macedónia do Norte

(Latvia accepted the accession of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on 2 September 2009)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Malta on 5 October 2011)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Morocco on 5 October 2011)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Montenegro on 2 April 2012)


(Latvia accepted Nicaragua's accession on 26 January 2022)

Países Baixos

(for the Kingdom in Europe and Aruba)


(Latvia accepted Poland's accession on 28 July 2004)

Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte

By a Note dated 9 February 1995 and received on 21 February 1995, the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that, unless otherwise stated, in future the acceptance by the United Kingdom of the accession of any State to the Convention shall also be acceptance in respect of all the territories for the international relations of which the United Kingdom is responsible and to which the application of the Convention has been extended.

República da Coreia

(Latvia accepted the accession of the Republic of Korea on 8 April 2010)


(Latvia accepted Romania's accession on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted the accession of the Seychelles on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted the accession of Serbia on 13 September 2010)

Sri Lanka

(Latvia accepted Sri Lanka's accession on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted Ukraine's accession on 28 July 2004)


(Latvia accepted Viet Nam's accession on 26 January 2022)