Convenção sobre a Obtenção de Provas no Estrangeiro em Matéria Civil ou Comercial
Adesão aceite por / entrada em vigor entre Mónaco and | Data da aceitação | Entrada em vigor |
África do Sul | 6-III-2009 | |
Alemanha | 13-VI-1986 | 12-VIII-1986 |
Andorra | 10-IX-2017 | |
Argentina | 6-III-2009 | |
Austrália | 6-III-2009 | |
Belarus | 6-III-2009 | |
Bósnia e Herzegovina | 6-III-2009 | |
Brasil | 25-VIII-2017 | |
Bulgária | 6-III-2009 | |
China | 6-III-2009 | |
Chipre | 19-XI-1992 | 18-I-1993 |
Croácia | 22-I-2010 | |
Dinamarca | 24-XI-1986 | 23-I-1987 |
Eslováquia | 31-X-1986 | 30-XII-1986 |
Eslovénia | 5-VII-2009 | |
Espanha | 29-VI-1994 | 28-VIII-1994 |
Estados Unidos da América | 1-XII-1987 | 30-I-1988 |
Estónia | 6-III-2009 | |
Federação Russa | 6-III-2009 | |
Finlândia | 24-VII-1986 | 22-IX-1986 |
França | 4-XI-1987 | 3-I-1988 |
Geórgia | 18-IV-2022 | |
Grécia | 29-IX-2005 | 28-XI-2005 |
Hungria | 6-III-2009 | |
Índia | 6-III-2009 | |
Islândia | 5-VII-2009 | |
Israel | 30-I-1987 | 31-III-1987 |
Itália | 24-VII-1986 | 22-IX-1986 |
Kuwait | 6-III-2009 | |
Letónia | 6-III-2009 | |
Liechtenstein | 6-III-2009 | |
Lituânia | 6-III-2009 | |
Luxemburgo | 1-V-2003 | 30-VI-2003 |
México | 6-III-2009 | |
Noruega | 16-X-1986 | 15-XII-1986 |
Países Baixos | 15-V-1986 | 14-VII-1986 |
Polónia | 6-III-2009 | |
Portugal | 15-VIII-1991 | 14-X-1991 |
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte | 19-VI-1986 | 18-VIII-1986 |
República Checa | 31-X-1986 | 30-XII-1986 |
Roménia | 6-III-2009 | |
Seicheles | 6-III-2009 | |
Sérvia | 28-VI-2014 | |
Singapura | 8-XII-1998 | 6-II-1999 |
Sri Lanka | 6-III-2009 | |
Suécia | 19-XI-1986 | 18-I-1987 |
Suíça | 14-XI-1994 | 13-I-1995 |
Türkiye | 15-I-2010 | 16-III-2010 |
Ucrânia | 6-III-2009 | |
Venezuela (República Bolivariana da) | 6-III-2009 |
África do Sul
(Monaco accepted the accession of South Africa on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Andorra on 12 July 2017)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Argentina on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Australia on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Belarus on 5 January 2009)
Bósnia e Herzegovina
(Monaco accepted the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Brazil on 26 June 2017)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Bulgaria on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of the People's Republic of China on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Croatia on 23 November 2009)
(acceptance by the former Czechoslovakia)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Slovenia on 6 May 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Estonia on 5 January 2009)
Federação Russa
(Monaco accepted the accession of the Russian Federation on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Georgia on 17 February 2022)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Hungary on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of India on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Iceland on 6 May 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Kuwait on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Latvia on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Liechtenstein on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Lithuania on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Mexico on 5 January 2009)
Países Baixos
(for the Kingdom in Europe)
(acceptance for Aruba on 28 May 1986 [EIF: 27 July 1986])
(Monaco accepted the accession of Poland on 5 January 2009)
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
(acceptance also for the Cayman Islands, the Falklands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, [Hong Kong,] the Isle of Man, South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands and the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia in the Island of Cyprus)
República Checa
(acceptance by the former Czechoslovakia)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Romania on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Seychelles on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Serbia on 29 April 2014)
Sri Lanka
(Monaco accepted the accession of Sri Lanka on 5 January 2009)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Ukraine on 5 January 2009)
Venezuela (República Bolivariana da)
(Monaco accepted the accession of Venezuela on 5 January 2009)