Launch of the German section of the HCCH website

In 1998, the website of the Hague Conference was created in the Organisation's official languages, French and English. To meet the growing demand within the international community to access this information in other languages, a section called "Other languages" was created in 2009 with links to translations of the Hague Conventions and other documents relating to the HCCH in several languages. ...

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Minister of Justice and Law Reforms of Sri Lanka visits the Permanent Bureau

On Monday 28 September 2009, H.E. Mr Milinda Moragoda, Minister of Justice and Law Reforms of Sri Lanka visited the Permanent Bureau in The Hague. The Minister was accompanied by H.E. Ms Grace Asirwatham, Ambassador of Sri Lanka in the Netherlands and Mr Senarath Dissanayake, First Secretary at the Embassy. The visit coincided with the 8-year anniversary of Sri Lanka’s membership of the...

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Council on General Affairs

From 31 March until 2 April 2009, the Council on General Affairs was held in the building of the Academy of International Law in The Hague. The Conclusions and Recommendations have been published shortly after the meeting and are accessible here. See also items 163 and 164 of the News and events section, which are related to the 2009 Council....

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Official launching by Mrs Alegría Borrás of the Spanish section of the HCCH website

In 1998, the website of the Hague Conference was created in the Organisation's official languages, French and English. To meet the growing demand within the international community to access this information in other languages, a section called "Other languages" was created. This new section contains links to translations in several languages of the Hague Conventions and other documents...

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Publication of Guide on Transfrontier Contact Concerning Children

Transfrontier Contact Concerning Children The Permanent Bureau is pleased to announce the publication of General Principles and Guide to Good Practice on Transfrontier Contact Concerning Children. The purpose of this Guide is to draw attention to certain general considerations and special features which need to be borne in mind by States and their authorities when formulating policies in respect...

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Third Asia Pacific Regional Conference

International Co-operation through Hague Conventions in the Asia Pacific The Third Asia Pacific Regional Conference, jointly organized by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hague Conference on Private International Law, was held in Hong Kong from 24 to 26 September 2008. Among the topics discussed were the latest work of the Hague Conference and the...

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115th Anniversary HCCH - Hague Protection of Adults Convention soon to enter into force

On Thursday 18 September 2008, the 115th anniversary of the Hague Conference on Private International Law was celebrated in the Academy Building, on the grounds of the Peace Palace, in The Hague. During the celebration, the Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults received its third ratification. Consequently, the Convention has entered into force on...

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First Guide to Good Practice for the 1993 Hague Adoption Convention published

The Permanent Bureau is pleased to announce the official publication of the 1st Guide to Good Practice for the 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention: The Implementation and Operation of the 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention: A Guide to Good Practice. A copy of the new Guide will be sent to all National Organs, Central Authorities and accredited bodies in September in either English...

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