New Members, new requests and new accessions

On 4 March 2020, during the meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP), the Dominican Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan, deposited their instruments of acceptance of the Statute, thus becoming the 84th and 85th Members of the HCCH, respectively.  The Dominican Republic was represented at the ceremony by Mr Braulio Alcantara, Legal Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy

The Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) met from 5 to 8 March 2019, with record attendance, representing 70 Members (including one Member REIO (EU)), 3 non-Member States, and other Observers from 3 IGOs / 9 NGOs. CGAP reviewed the work of the HCCH carried out since the last meeting in 2018 and charted the course for future work. Amongst others, CGAP welcomed the advice of the...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy – Conclusions & Recommendations

From 13 to 15 March 2018, Members of the HCCH gathered in The Hague for the meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy. The Council was attended by 171 participants, representing 63 Members, one REIO and observers from four IGOs / eight NGOs. The Council reviewed the work of the Organisation carried out during the previous year and charted the course for future work. It recognised...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy – Conclusions & Recommendations

From 14 to 16 March 2017, Members of the HCCH gathered in The Hague for the meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy. The Council was attended by 162 participants, representing 67 Members and observers from seven IGO / NGOs. The Council reviewed the work of the Organisation carried out during the previous year and charted the course for future work. It recognised the very good...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Hague Conference – Conclusions & Recommendations

From 15 to 17 March 2016, Members of the Hague Conference gathered in The Hague for the meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy. The Council was attended by 219 participants, a new record for this meeting, representing 69 Members, 2 Candidate States and observers from 12 IGO / NGOs. The Council reviewed the work of the Organisation carried out during the previous year and charted the...

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Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Conference - Conclusions & Recommendations

From 24 to 26 March 2015, Members of the Hague Conference gathered in The Hague for the meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy. The Council was attended by a record 180 participants, representing 64 Members, one admitted State, two interested States and observers from 16 IGO / NGOs. The Council reviewed the work of the Organisation during the prior year and charted the course for...

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Instruments of acceptance, ratification and accession deposited during the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Conference

PRESS RELEASE   Viet Nam becomes newest Hague Conference Member; Serbia ratifies the Hague Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations; and Colombia joins the Hague Service Convention   At a ceremony on the grounds of the Peace Palace on 10 April 2013, the Socialist Republic of Viet  Nam became the 73rd Member of the Hague Conference on Private International...

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Council on General Affairs

From 31 March until 2 April 2009, the Council on General Affairs was held in the building of the Academy of International Law in The Hague. The Conclusions and Recommendations have been published shortly after the meeting and are accessible here. See also items 163 and 164 of the News and events section, which are related to the 2009 Council....

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