The Apostille Handbook, first published in 2013, provides guidance on the practical implementation and operation of the 1961 Apostille Convention, applied tens of millions of times every year to the benefit of individuals, families, and businesses from across the world. The Apostille Handbook is intended to assist all users of the 1961 Apostille Convention, including States interested in joining the Convention, Competent Authorities tasked with its effective operation, and all those seeking to rely on an Apostille.

This second edition provides updated information and resources in response to the latest developments in relation to the Convention, including by incorporating advice from recent meetings and reflecting on the experiences of the growing number of Contracting Parties. Key changes include a greater focus on the electronic Apostille Programme (e-APP), further explanation of the role of diplomatic missions, and the incorporation of outcomes of the Working Group on the Authentication of Documents Generated by Supranational and Intergovernmental Organisations, the Experts’ Group on the e-APP and New Technologies, as well as the most recent meetings of the International Forum on the e-APP and the Special Commission on the practical operation of the Apostille Convention

This second edition is available in EnglishFrench and Spanish.


Translations of the second edition of the Handbook are available in the following languages:
  • Georgian
    Courtesy of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia.
  • Portuguese
    Courtesy of the Brazilian Notarial College – Federal Council and National Council of Justice (CNJ).
Translations of the first edition of the Handbook are available in the following languages:
  • German
    Courtesy of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (in consultation with the Swiss Federal Office of Justice and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice).
  • Greek
    Courtesy of the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction of the Hellenic Republic.
  • Russian
    Courtesy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • Vietnamese
    Courtesy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the EU-Viet Nam Strategic Dialogue Facility (European Union).

The Catalogue of HCCH publications and order form are available here.