Brasil - Autoridade Central

Autoridade Central Administrativa Federal para Adoção e Subtração Internacional de Crianças e Adolescentes (ACAF)
National Secretariat of Justice
Ministry of Justice and Public Security of Brazil
Department of Assets Recovery and International Legal Cooperation – DRCI
Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T, Anexo II, 3º andar
Cep: 70064-900
Brasília – DF, Brasil
Tél. / Tel.: +55 (61) 2025-7672
Internet / Website:
Courriel / E-mail:

Personnes à contacter / persons to contact:

  • Mrs. Michelle Najara A. Silva
    General- Coordinator of Adoption and International Abduction of Children and Adolescents of the Department of Assets Recovery and International Legal Cooperation
    (Languages of communication: Portuguese, English, French)

  • Mrs. Flávia Ribeiro Rocha
    Deputy Head of Central Authority
    (languages of communication: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French)

  • Ms. Francisca Maria de Carvalho Silva
    Case Officer
    (languages of communication: Portuguese, English and Spanish)

  • Mr. Marcelo Moreira Pacheco Savino
    Case Officer
    (languages of communication: Portuguese, English and Spanish)

Please note that since 1 August 2015 the Central Authority of Brazil receives applications and communications preferably by e-mail (no hard copies needed) to In case the file is too large, regular mail can be used. Files must be less than 10MB.

Ordinance No. 688/2024 governs the processing of requests for international legal cooperation in cases of international child abduction, based on the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the Inter-American Convention on the International Return of Children, within the scope of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, you can find it here in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

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Convenções (incl. Protocolos e Princípios)