Convenio de 18 de marzo de 1970 sobre la Obtención de Pruebas en el Extranjero en Materia Civil o Comercial
Adhesión aceptada por / Entrada en vigor entre Hungría y | Fecha de la aceptación | Entrada en vigor |
Albania | 20-III-2011 | |
Alemania | 14-XII-2004 | 12-II-2005 |
Andorra | 10-VI-2018 | |
Argentina | 26-IX-2006 | 25-XI-2006 |
Armenia | 10-VI-2018 | |
Australia | 12-VIII-2008 | 11-X-2008 |
Belarús | 6-VI-2014 | 5-VIII-2014 |
Bosnia y Herzegovina | 20-III-2011 | |
Brasil | 10-VI-2018 | |
Bulgaria | 20-I-2010 | 21-III-2010 |
China | 16-XI-2016 | 15-I-2017 |
Chipre | 31-V-2006 | 30-VII-2006 |
Colombia | 10-VI-2018 | |
Costa Rica | 10-VI-2018 | |
Croacia | 20-III-2011 | |
Dinamarca | 20-V-2009 | 19-VII-2009 |
Eslovenia | 26-X-2017 | 25-XII-2017 |
España | 11-VII-2005 | 9-IX-2005 |
Estados Unidos de América | 18-VII-2007 | 16-IX-2007 |
Estonia | 24-I-2011 | 25-III-2011 |
Francia | 14-X-2005 | 13-XII-2005 |
Georgia | 20-II-2023 | |
Grecia | 29-IX-2005 | 28-XI-2005 |
India | 20-III-2011 | |
Islandia | 20-III-2011 | |
Israel | 10-IX-2004 | 9-XI-2004 |
Kazajstán | 10-VI-2018 | |
Letonia | 4-VII-2005 | 2-IX-2005 |
Liechtenstein | 20-III-2011 | |
Lituania | 28-II-2019 | 29-IV-2019 |
Macedonia del Norte | 20-III-2011 | |
Malta | 20-II-2023 | |
Marruecos | 10-VI-2018 | |
México | 6-VIII-2013 | 5-X-2013 |
Mónaco | 5-I-2009 | 6-III-2009 |
Montenegro | 10-VI-2018 | |
Nicaragua | 20-II-2023 | |
Noruega | 14-IV-2005 | 13-VI-2005 |
Países Bajos | 6-X-2004 | 5-XII-2004 |
Polonia | 10-I-2007 | 11-III-2007 |
Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte | 29-X-2020 | 28-XII-2020 |
República Checa | 25-X-2004 | 24-XII-2004 |
República de Corea | 20-III-2011 | |
Rumania | 22-VII-2024 | 20-IX-2024 |
Serbia | 20-III-2011 | |
Singapur | 4-VI-2021 | 3-VIII-2021 |
Suecia | 30-XII-2004 | 28-II-2005 |
Suiza | 12-IX-2005 | 11-XI-2005 |
Ucrania | 9-VI-2005 | 8-VIII-2005 |
Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) | 2-XI-2023 | 1-I-2024 |
Viet Nam | 20-II-2023 |
(Hungary accepted the accession of Andorra on 11 April 2018)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Armenia on 11 April 2018)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Brazil on 11 April 2018)
(acceptance on behalf of the SAR of Hong Kong and Macao)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Colombia on 11 April 2018)
Costa Rica
(Hungary accepted the accession of Costa Rica on 11 April 2018)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Georgia on 22 December 2022)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Kazakhstan on 11 April 2018)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Malta on 22 December 2022)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Croatia on 11 April 2018)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Montenegro on 11 April 2018)
(Hungary accepted the accession of Nicaragua on 22 December 2022)
Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
United Kingdom (also on behalf of the Bailiwick of Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Akrotiri and Dhekelia (Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus), Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, and Gibraltar)
Viet Nam
(Hungary accepted the accession of Viet Nam on 22 December 2022)