The Practitioners’ Tool aims to explain how agreements made in the area of family law involving children (“family agreements”) can be made enforceable in one State and then recognised and enforced in other States through the operation of mechanisms under HCCH Conventions, specifically the 1980 Child Abduction Convention, 1996 Child Protection Convention, and 2007 Child Support Convention.
Family agreements can have a very important role in deterring parental child abduction and facilitating the continuation of a meaningful relationship for a child with both of their parents when the parents are living in different States. The Practitioners’ Tool will serve as a valuable resource for legal or professional advisers (e.g., mediators) who are helping families with children navigate cross-border issues through a formal agreement, bringing greater certainty and stability to family arrangements across the globe.
This publication is available in the following languages:
ISBN: 978-90-83248-12-7
ISBN: 978-90-83248-13-4
An electronic copy of this publication is available for download in:
English | French.
The Catalogue of HCCH publications and order form are available here.
Convenios (incl. los Protocolos y Principios)
- Convenio de 25 de octubre de 1980 sobre los Aspectos Civiles de la Sustracción Internacional de Menores [28]
- Convenio de 19 de octubre de 1996 Relativo a la Competencia, la Ley Aplicable, el Reconocimiento, la Ejecución y la Cooperación en materia de Responsabilidad Parental y de Medidas de Protección de los Niños [34]
- Convenio de 23 de noviembre de 2007 sobre Cobro Internacional de Alimentos para los Niños y otros Miembros de la Familia [38]