
Convenção sobre os Aspectos Civis do Rapto Internacional de Crianças

Adesão aceite por / entrada em vigor entre Bulgária and Data da aceitação Entrada em vigor
África do Sul 9-II-2016 1-V-2016
Albânia 2-II-2017
Alemanha 15-IX-2004 1-XII-2004
Andorra 1-IX-2016
Argentina 6-II-2004 1-V-2004
Arménia 2-II-2017
Austrália 28-VII-2004 1-X-2004
Áustria 14-VII-2005 1-X-2005
Bahamas 25-V-2005 1-VIII-2005
Belarus 17-II-2014 1-V-2014
Bélgica 31-I-2006 1-IV-2006
Belize 30-VIII-2005 1-XI-2005
Bolívia (Estado Plurinacional da) 1-III-2023
Brasil 4-II-2004 1-V-2004
Canadá 6-XI-2009 1-II-2010
Cazaquistão 1-II-2018
Chile 26-II-2004 1-V-2004
China 30-V-2005 1-VIII-2005
China 21-VII-2005 1-X-2005
Chipre 6-IV-2005 1-VII-2005
Colômbia 2-IV-2007 1-VII-2007
Croácia 24-XI-2004 1-II-2005
Dinamarca 18-VIII-2010 1-XI-2010
El Salvador 29-V-2013 1-VIII-2013
Equador 1-II-2018 1-V-2018
Eslováquia 9-III-2004 1-VI-2004
Eslovénia 9-VII-2009 1-X-2009
Espanha 17-I-2005 1-IV-2005
Estados Unidos da América 7-X-2004 1-I-2005
Estónia 15-VI-2004 1-IX-2004
Federação Russa 1-VIII-2013
Finlândia 12-X-2004 1-I-2005
França 16-XII-2004 1-III-2005
Geórgia 22-IX-2008 1-XII-2008
Grécia 13-IV-2004 1-VII-2004
Guatemala 26-IX-2003 1-XII-2003
Honduras 16-XI-2006 1-II-2007
Hungria 17-XI-2003 1-II-2004
Irlanda 27-X-2003 1-I-2004
Islândia 22-I-2010 1-IV-2010
Israel 3-X-2003 1-I-2004
Itália 7-V-2004 1-VIII-2004
Jamaica 1-III-2023
Japão 24-I-2014 1-IV-2014
Letónia 29-XII-2004 1-III-2005
Lituânia 7-VII-2004 1-X-2004
Luxemburgo 20-X-2003 1-I-2004
Macedónia do Norte 29-XII-2008 1-III-2009
Malta 22-X-2009 1-I-2010
Marrocos 2-II-2017
Maurícia 7-XII-2023 1-III-2024
México 8-II-2007 1-V-2007
Mónaco 10-IV-2007 1-VII-2007
Noruega 1-IV-2005 1-VII-2005
Nova Zelândia 11-X-2004 1-I-2005
Países Baixos 13-XI-2003 1-II-2004
Panamá 2-XI-2006 1-II-2007
Peru 29-XI-2005 1-II-2006
Polónia 10-I-2007 1-IV-2007
Portugal 26-II-2015 1-V-2015
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte 12-II-2009 1-V-2009
República Checa 1-VI-2004 1-IX-2004
República da Coreia 1-II-2018
República da Moldávia 14-VI-2016 1-IX-2016
República Dominicana 1-XII-2005
Roménia 12-III-2013 1-VI-2013
San Marino 1-VI-2007
Seicheles 2-II-2017
Sérvia 28-IV-2011 1-VII-2011
Singapura 1-IX-2016
Suécia 26-VI-2007 1-IX-2007
Suíça 10-XII-2004 1-III-2005
Türkiye 26-III-2004 1-VI-2004
Ucrânia 1-XII-2006
Uruguai 12-I-2006 1-IV-2006
Venezuela (República Bolivariana da) 16-XI-2004 1-II-2005


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of Albania on 15 November 2016)


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of Andorra on 23 June 2016)


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of Armenia on 15 November 2016)

Bolívia (Estado Plurinacional da)

(Bulgaria accepted Bolivia's accession on 8 December 2022)


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of Kazakhstan on 6 November 2017)


(30-V-2005: acceptance for the Special Administrative Region of Macao only)


(21-VII-2005: acceptance for the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong only)

Federação Russa

(Bulgaria accepted the accession of the Russian Federation on 22 May 2013)


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of Jamaica on 8 December 2022)


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of Morocco on 15 November 2016)

Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte

(acceptance also on behalf of Montserrat, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, the Falkland Islands*, the Isle of Man and Anguilla)

* Declaration Argentina, 4 August 2009:
"...with regard to Notification No. 3/2009, March 6 2009, by which the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland accepts on behalf of the Malvinas Islands, among other territories, the accession of Bulgaria, Costa Rica and El Salvador to the said Convention.
The Argentine Republic recalls that, by Note A.E. No. 33/98, May 30 1998, it rejected the extension of the Convention to Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands, which was notified by the United Kingdom on March 26, 1998. In the same manner, by Note A.E. No. 47/98, July 13 1998, it disowned the appointment of the illegitimate governor as central authority in the Malvinas Islands as well as any other act derived from the illegitimate extension of the said Convention by the United Kingdom.
Taking into account this precedents, the Argentine Government also rejects the acceptance of the accession and entry into force of the said Convention with regard to Bulgaria, Costa Rica and El Salvador made by the United Kingdom on behalf of the Malvinas Islands.
The Argentine Government recalls that the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas are an integral part of the Argentine Republic's national territory and that, being illegitimately occupied by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, they are subject to a sovereignty dispute between both countries, which is recognized by the United Nations and other international organizations.
In that respect, it recalls that the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted resolutions 2065 (XX), 3160 (XXVIII), 31/49, 37/9, 38/12, 39/6, 40/21, 41/40, 42/19 and 43/25, where it recognizes the existence of the sovereignty dispute to which the Question of the Malvinas Islands refers and it urges the Governments of the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to resume negotiations in order to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the dispute as soon as possible. In turn, the UN Special Committee on Decolonization has repeatedly urged them to do the same since 1989, most recently through its resolution of 12 June 2008. Furthermore, on 3 June 2008, the General Assembly of the Organization of American States issued a similar decision on this Question. The Argentine Government reaffirms its legitimate sovereign rights over the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas, which are an integral part of its national territory."

República da Coreia

(Bulgaria accepted the accession of the Republic of Korea on 6 November 2017)

República Dominicana

(Bulgaria accepted the Dominican Republic's accession on 5 September 2005)

San Marino

(Bulgaria accepted the accession of San Marino on 1 March 2007)


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of the Seychelles on 15 November 2016)


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of Singapore on 23 June 2016)


(Bulgaria accepted the accession of Ukraine on 14 September 2006)