Convenção sobre os Aspectos Civis do Rapto Internacional de Crianças
Adesão aceite por / entrada em vigor entre Islândia and | Data da aceitação | Entrada em vigor |
África do Sul | 1-IV-2010 | |
Albânia | 1-IV-2010 | |
Alemanha | 3-I-1997 | 1-IV-1997 |
Andorra | 1-VII-2015 | |
Argentina | 27-IX-1996 | 1-XII-1996 |
Arménia | 1-IV-2010 | |
Austrália | 17-IX-1997 | 1-XII-1997 |
Áustria | 14-XII-2001 | 1-III-2002 |
Bahamas | 25-V-2005 | 1-VIII-2005 |
Belarus | 1-IV-2010 | |
Bélgica | 21-II-2003 | 1-V-2003 |
Belize | 30-VIII-2005 | 1-XI-2005 |
Bósnia e Herzegovina | 27-V-1997 | 1-VIII-1997 |
Brasil | 1-IV-2010 | |
Bulgária | 1-IV-2010 | |
Canadá | 30-IX-1997 | 1-XII-1997 |
Chile | 14-III-1997 | 1-VI-1997 |
China | 26-VI-2003 | 1-IX-2003 |
Chipre | 22-I-2004 | 1-IV-2004 |
Colômbia | 11-I-2001 | 1-IV-2001 |
Costa Rica | 1-IV-2010 | |
Croácia | 24-XI-2004 | 1-II-2005 |
Dinamarca | 10-XII-1996 | 1-III-1997 |
El Salvador | 1-IV-2010 | |
Eslováquia | 7-XI-2000 | 1-II-2001 |
Eslovénia | 9-VII-2009 | 1-X-2009 |
Espanha | 14-I-1998 | 1-IV-1998 |
Estados Unidos da América | 12-IX-1996 | 1-XII-1996 |
Estónia | 1-IV-2010 | |
Federação Russa | 1-VII-2015 | |
Fiji | 1-IV-2010 | |
Finlândia | 27-II-1997 | 1-V-1997 |
França | 5-VI-2002 | 1-IX-2002 |
Geórgia | 1-IV-2010 | |
Grécia | 16-VII-1997 | 1-X-1997 |
Guatemala | 1-IV-2010 | |
Honduras | 16-XI-2006 | 1-II-2007 |
Hungria | 11-III-2002 | 1-VI-2002 |
Irlanda | 4-X-1996 | 1-I-1997 |
Israel | 19-XI-1996 | 1-II-1997 |
Itália | 31-I-1997 | 1-IV-1997 |
Japão | 24-I-2014 | 1-IV-2014 |
Letónia | 1-IV-2010 | |
Lituânia | 1-IV-2010 | |
Luxemburgo | 15-X-1996 | 1-I-1997 |
Malta | 1-IV-2010 | |
Marrocos | 1-VII-2015 | |
México | 29-III-2001 | 1-VI-2001 |
Mónaco | 31-III-2008 | 1-VI-2008 |
Nicarágua | 1-IV-2010 | |
Noruega | 21-X-1996 | 1-I-1997 |
Nova Zelândia | 2-XII-1997 | 1-III-1998 |
Países Baixos | 16-IX-1996 | 1-XII-1996 |
Panamá | 2-XI-2006 | 1-II-2007 |
Paraguai | 1-IV-2010 | |
Peru | 1-IV-2010 | |
Polónia | 25-X-1996 | 1-I-1997 |
Portugal | 12-X-2001 | 1-I-2002 |
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte | 29-X-1996 | 1-I-1997 |
República Checa | 18-V-1998 | 1-VIII-1998 |
República da Moldávia | 1-IV-2010 | |
República Dominicana | 1-IV-2010 | |
Roménia | 6-II-2018 | 1-V-2018 |
San Marino | 1-IV-2010 | |
Seicheles | 1-IV-2010 | |
Sérvia | 19-VIII-2003 | 1-XI-2003 |
Singapura | 1-VII-2015 | |
Sri Lanka | 1-IV-2010 | |
Suécia | 12-II-1997 | 1-V-1997 |
Suíça | 10-II-1997 | 1-V-1997 |
Tailândia | 1-IV-2010 | |
Trinidad e Tobago | 1-IV-2010 | |
Türkiye | 26-III-2004 | 1-VI-2004 |
Turquemenistão | 1-IV-2010 | |
Ucrânia | 1-IV-2010 | |
Uruguai | 1-IV-2010 | |
Uzbequistão | 1-IV-2010 | |
Venezuela (República Bolivariana da) | 16-VI-1997 | 1-IX-1997 |
África do Sul
(Iceland accepted the accession of South Africa on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Albania on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Armenia on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Belarus on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Brazil on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Bulgaria on 22 January 2010)
(acceptance for the Special Administrative Region of Macao only)
Costa Rica
(Iceland accepted the accession of Costa Rica on 22 January 2010)
El Salvador
(Iceland accepted the accession of El Salvador on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Estonia on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Fiji on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Georgia on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Guatemala on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Latvia on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Lithuania on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Malta on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Nicaragua on 22 January 2010)
Países Baixos
(for the Kingdom in Europe)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Paraguay on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Peru on 22 January 2010)
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
With the following declaration:
Notwithstanding the provisions of the said Article 38 regarding entry into force of the Convention as between the acceding State and the State that has declared its acceptance of the accession, the municipal law of the United Kingdom was amended with effect from 1 November 1996 to give effect to the provisions of the Convention between it and Iceland from the date when the Convention enters into force for Iceland. I should be grateful for confirmation of the date of 1 November 1996 as the date on which the Convention entered into force between the United Kingdom and Iceland.
República da Moldávia
(Iceland accepted the accession of the Republic of Moldova on 22 January 2010)
República Dominicana
(Iceland accepted the accession of the Dominican Republic on 22 January 2010)
San Marino
(Iceland accepted the accession of San Marino on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Seychelles on 22 January 2010)
Sri Lanka
(Iceland accepted the accession of Sri Lanka on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Thailand on 22 January 2010)
Trinidad e Tobago
(Iceland accepted the accession of Trinidad and Tobago on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Turkmenistan on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Ukraine on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Uruguay on 22 January 2010)
(Iceland accepted the accession of Uzbekistan on 22 January 2010)