Eighth meeting of the Experts’ Group on Parentage / Surrogacy

From 15 to 17 February 2021, the Experts’ Group on Parentage / Surrogacy met for the eighth time. The meeting was held via videoconference and was attended by 29 Experts representing 22 Member States and one Regional Economic Integration Organisation, two Observers, and members of the Permanent Bureau.
The Experts’ Group discussed what the focus of its work should be at its next meeting(s) in order to prepare its final report to CGAP on the feasibility of a possible future general private international law instrument on legal parentage (the Convention) and the feasibility of a separate possible future protocol with private international law rules on legal parentage established as a result of an international surrogacy arrangement (the Protocol). 

The Experts’ Group will recommend that its current mandate until 2022 be extended by one year, in order to continue intersessional work and convene several short online meetings and at least one in-person meeting, before submitting its final report on the feasibility of the Convention and the Protocol to CGAP in 2023.  

The report of the eighth meeting is available here