This bibliography is not intended to be exhaustive. The views expressed in the items listed in this bibliography may not reflect those of the HCCH, and the HCCH does not take responsibility for any of the views expressed in the referenced items.

Autor Título Periódico Ano de publicação
KUSUMADARA, A. Jurisdiction of Courts Chosen in the Parties' Choice of Court Agreements: an Unsettled Issue in Indonesian Private International Law and the Way-out Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 18, Is. 03 2022
BÀNH, Q. T. Quyền thỏa thuận lựa chọn tòa án giải quyết tranh chấp dân sự có yếu tố nước ngoài Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội, Luật học 28 (2012) 2012
POCAR, F. Brief Remarks on the Relationship between the Hague Judgments and Choice of Court Conventions Liber Amicorum Monika Pauknerová. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, (2021) 2021
BŘÍZA, P. Volba práva a volba soudu v mezinárodním obchodě 2012
BRAND, R. A. The 2005 Choice of Court Convention - the triumph of party autonomy The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
HARTLEY, T. C. Civil jurisdiction and judgments in Europe 2017
CHUNCHAEMSAI, K. Legal considerations and challenges involved in bringing the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements into force within an internal legal system: A case study of Thailand Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 17, Is. 01 2021
BORN, G. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: A Critical Assessment University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 69, Is.08 2021
RAGNO, F. NYU Lectures On Transnational Litigation, Arbitration and Commercial Law Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration and Commercial Law 2018
MAMMADZADA, A. Multilateralism post-Brexit: Do the Hague conventions preserve the status quo of judicial cooperation Journal of Business Law, Is. 06 2024
DUBOSE, E. H. The Implementation of the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements in the European Union: An Analysis of its Relationship with the Brussels I-bis Regulation ZEuS Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, Vol. 18 (2015). Issue 4. 2015
AHMED, M. Brexit and the Future of Private International Law in English Courts Oxford University Press 2022 2022
SALVADORI,M. Gli accordi di scelta del foro nello Spazio giudiziario europeo 2018
ANTOMO, J. Aufwind für internationale Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen – Inkrafttreten des Haager Übereinkommens NJW 2015 2015
EICHEL, F. AGB-Gerichtsstandsklauseln im deutsch-amerikanischen Handelsverkehr - zugleich ein Beitrag zum Einfluss des Haager Übereinkommens über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen vom 30.6.2005 Studien zum Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht, Band 14, 2007 2007
SALVADORI, M. Gli accordi di scelta del foro nello spazio giudiziario europeo 2018
BONOMI, A. Accords d'Élection de For: une Révision de l'Article 5 LDIP à l'Occassion de l'Adhésion de la Suisse à la Convention de la Haye de 2005? Swiss Review of International and European Law, Vol. 33, Is. 4 2023
ADESINA O. , CHUKWUMA S. & YEKINI, A. Implied Jurisdiction Agreements in International Commercial Contracts: a Global Comparative Perspective Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 19, Is. 3 2023
SALADINO, V. Enforceability of Choice of Court Clauses in Transnational Agreements: the 2005 Hague Convention, its Implementation in Contracting States, and the U.S. Approach Chicago Journal of International Law, Vol. 24, Is. 2 2024
MARSHALL, B. Asymmetric Jurisdiction Clauses 2023
MARSHALL, B. Asymmetric Jurisdiction Clauses and the Anomaly Created by Article 31(2) of the Brussels I Recast Regulation International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 71, Is. 02 2023
MAIREG BIRESAW, S. Assessment of the Success of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreement in Transnational Commercial Dispute Resolution Journal of Company and Commercial Law and Practice, Vol. 09 (forthcoming) 2023
PAILLI, G. Autonomia privata e accordi sulla giurisdizione 2020
ORTOLANI, P. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and the New York Convention: hostile takeover, or harmony in diversity Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, Vol. 2022, Is. 26 2022
VEZZANI, S. Gli effetti del recesso dall’Unione Europea sui trattati conclusi dall’Unione Europea e dallo Stato recedente International Law Journal, Issue n. 4, 1st December 2019 2019
VALLAR, G. Litispendenza e sospensione del procedimento: il giudice italiano di fronte all’art. 31, par. 2, del regolamento Bruxelles I-bis International Trade Law, Issue n. 2, 1st June 2020 2020
YEO, T. M. Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements, 2005: A Singapore Perspective Journal of International Law and Diplomacy. 114, (1) 2015
YEO, T. M. Changing Global Landscape for Foreign Judgments Public lecture of 6 May 2021 2021
MCHIRGUI, Z. L'Accord Exclusif d'Élection de For à Travers la Convention de la Haye de 2005 L’ Harmattan 2022
MJED KABRY, M. & ANSARI, A. The Effects of Choice of Court in Iranian Private International Law and Hague Convention 2005 The Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 08, Is. 01 2021
GU, W. China’s Approach to Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Civil and Commercial Judgments and International Litigation Capacity Building The Journal of Comparative Law, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2020 2020
BEAUMONT P. & KEYES, M. Choice of Court Agreements A Guide to Global Private International Law 2022
CHEN, S-H. Signed, Sealed, & Undelivered: Unsuccessful Attempts of Foreign Judgment Recognition Between the U.S. and China Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law, Vol. 16, Is.02, 2022 2022
RIBEIRO, M. and SPITZ, L. A Convenção da Haia sobre os Acordos de Eleição de Foro e efeitos de sua ratificação pelo Brasil RAMOS, André de Carvalho; ARAUJO, Nadia de (Orgs.). A Conferência da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado e seus impactos na sociedade – 125 anos (1893-2018). Belo Horizonte: Arraes Editores, 2018 2018
CUNIBERTI, G. Signalling the Enforceability of the Forum’s Judgments Abroad Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale (RDIPP) No 1/2020 2020
CAI, W., KOLIEB, J. Between National Interests and Global Business: China’s Possible Reservations to the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2020 2020
DENKESINEELAM, S. The Impact of Accession to the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements on Thai Law and Practice Thammasat Business Law Journal Vol.9 2019 2019
BORN, G. Why States Should Not Ratify, and Should Instead Denounce, the Hague Choice-Of-Court Agreements Convention 2021
ZHAO, N. The CICC: An Endeavour towards the Internationalization and Modernization of Chinese Courts International Business Courts – A European and Global Perspective, X. Kramer & J. Sorabji (eds) 2019
HE, Q. S. Evaluation of Regulation Differences for China to Ratify the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), Vol. 69, No. 4, July 2016 2016
VAN LOON, H. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements - An Introduction Anali Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Zenici 2016
MILLS, A. The Hague Choice of Court Convention and Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution in Australia and Asia-Pacific Melbourne Journal of International Law, vol. 18 2017
MARSHALL, B. M. and KEYES, M. Australia’s accession to the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements Melbourne University Law Review vol 41 (246) 2017
IUD, C. D. The recognition of sentences in The Hague Convention on Choice of Court agreement and its compatibility with other international sources in Mercosur Member States RODRIGUEZ, Miriam (ed.) Derecho y Democracia III, Caracas, Universidad Metropolitana, 2011 2011
MATTHEWS, R. and OEHM, M. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: an unexpected game changer for English schemes of arrangement? Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, December (2016) 2016
NEWING, N. and WEBSTER, L. Could the Hague Convention Bring Greater Certainty for Cross-Border Disputes Post-Brexit? And What Would This Mean for International Arbitration Dispute Resolution International Vo. 10, No. 2, 2016 2016
AHMED, M. and BEAUMONT, P. Exclusive choice of court agreements: some issues on the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and its relationship with the Brussels I Recast especially anti-suit injunctions, concurrent proceedings and the implications of BREXIT Journal of Private International Law, 2017 2017
HENDRIX, G.P. Memorandum of the American Bar Association Section of International Law Working Group on the Implementation of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements The International Lawyer, Vol. 49, No. 3 (2016) 2016
PHAN, H. N. Vấn đề gia nhập Công ước Hague 2005 về Thỏa thuận lựa chọn Tòa án của Trung Quốc- một số kinh nghiệm cho Việt Nam Tạp chí Tòa án nhân dân số 01/2021 2021
RUFF, J. 1 Oktober 2015- Verdrag inzake bedingen van forumkeuze is in werking getreden Tijdschrift voor de Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk, Number 1, (Mei 2016) 2016
BRAND, R. Arbitration or Litigation? Choice of Forum After the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements (Available at: University of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2009-14 2009
BRAND, R. Arbitration or Litigation? Choice of Forum After the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements University of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2009-14 2009
EICHEL, F. Das Haager Übereinkommen über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen auf dem Weg zur Ratifikation und zum Inkrafttreten GPR 3/2014 2014
RAGNO, F. The Brussels I Recast Regulation and the Hague Convention: Convergences and Divergences in relation to the Enforcement of Choice-of-Courts Agreements FERRARI, F. and RAGNO, F. (eds), Cross-Border Litigation in Europe: The Brussels I Recast Regulation As A Panacea? 2015
HUBER, P. Das Haager Übereinkommen über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 3/2016 2016
LIU, R. S. China’s Problems and Strategies in the Ratification of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements Chinese Journal of Law, Vol. 40, No. 4 2018
DU, T. The legal Issues and Countermeasure of China’s Ratification of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), Vol. 69, No. 4, July 2016 2016
MAMMADZADA, A. Enhancing Party Autonomy under the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005: Comparative Analysis with the 2012 EU Brussels (Thesis) Recast Regulation and 1958 New York Arbitration Convention University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis 2022
TIBURCIO, C. A eleição de foro estrangeiro e o judiciário brasileiro Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação 2009
XU, G. Comments on First Case which Choice of Court Convention has been applied around the World Shanghai Law Study, Vol.17, 2019, Collected Work of Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission 2020
PHAN, H. N. Chủ nhiệm, Công trình nghiên cứu khoa học cấp trường: Công ước Hague 2005 về thỏa thuận lựa chọn Tòa án- khả năng gia nhập của Việt Nam bảo vệ tại Trường đại học Luật thành phố Hồ Chí Minh năm 2018 2018
XIAO, Y. P. and ZHU, L. Considering on the Ratification of the Convention of Choice of Court Agreement 2017
MASSENBICHLER, D. Der Rechtsschutz des Verpflichteten gemäß dem Haager Gerichtsstandsübereinkommen im Vergleich zum New Yorker Übereinkommen Karl Franzens University, Thesis 2022
BRIGGS, A. Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments 2021
PHAN, H. N. and HOFFMAN, T. Vấn đề gia nhập Công ước Hague 2005 về thỏa thuận lựa chọn Tòa án của Liên minh châu Âu- một số kinh nghiệm cho Việt Nam Tạp chí Khoa học pháp lý, số 08/2018 2018
BLACK, V. The Hague Choice of Court Convention and the Common Law (available at
Annual Proceedings of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada 2007
ARENAS GARCIA, R. La Aprobación Por La UE Del Convenio de La Haya Sobre Acuerdos De Elección de Foro: Un Cruce de Caminos
La Ley Unión Europea 2015
PHAN, H. N. Công ước Hague 2005 về thỏa thuận lựa chọn tòa án và khả năng gia nhập của Việt Nam Tạp chí nghiên cứu lập pháp số 17/2016 2016
DE LA TORRE, J. The Hague Choice of Court Convention and Federal Power over State Courts
Georgetown Journal of International Law 2013
TRẦN, T. H. Công nhận thoả thuận lựa chọn toà án giải quyết tranh chấp dân sự có yếu tố nước ngoài theo Công ước Lahaye Luật học.Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội, Số 5/2016 2016
AVRAHAM-GILLER, S. The court’s discretionary power to enforce valid jurisdiction clauses: time for a change? Journal of Private International Law, Vol 18, Is. 02 2022
KHANDERIA, S. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and the enforcement of forum-selection clauses in Indian private international law International Journal of Private Law 9(3) 2019
ALRASHID, H. A critique of the approach of the gulf cooperation council states to choice of court agreements with reference to the 2005 Hague convention on choice of court agreements 2018
SOOKSRIPAISARNKIT, P. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements - Should the European Union's Footsteps Be Followed? Private international law : South Asian states' practice 2017
HENDRIX, G. P. Memorandum of the American Bar Association Section of International Law Working Group on the Implementation of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements The international lawyer, ISSN 0020-7810 vol. 49, issue 3 2016
KAMEL, A. Cooperative Federalism: A Viable Option for Implementing the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements Georgetown law journal vol. 102, issue 6 2014
LANDBRECHT, J. Uniform Jurisdiction Rules under the Hague Choice of Court Convention Yearbook of private international law, ISSN 1566-6352 vol. 19 (2017-2018) 2017
GAN, Y. Jurisdiction agreements in Chinese conflict of laws: searching for ways to implement the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements in China Journal of private international law, ISSN 1744-1048, vol. 14, vol. 14, issue 295-318 2018
GARIMELLA, S. R. and SOOKSRIPAISARNKIT, P. Jurisdiction under the Hague Convention on choice of court agreements: a critique Indian Journal of International Law (2017) 57(3–4):309–336 2017
SAUMIER, G. Has the CJPTA Readied Canada for the Hague Choice of Court Convention? Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 55.1 (Forthcoming), Osgoode Legal Studies Research Paper No. 54/2017 2017
ELBALTI, B. The Recognition of Foreign Judgments as a Tool of Economic Integration: Views from Middle Eastern and Arab Gulf Countries China’s One Belt One Road Initiative and Private International Law (Routledge, 2018) 2018
AHMED, M. and BEAUMONT, P. I thought we were exclusive? Some issues with the Hague Convention on Choice of Court, Brussels Ia and Brexit 2017
PIPER, H. New Life For Hague Choice of Court Convention Law360 2016
MOORE, C. P., JEDREY, N. E., RODGERS, K. Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements enters into force Business Law Review 37(1) 2016
MARSHALL, B. M. and KEYES, M. Jurisdiction agreements: exclusive, optional and asymmetrical Journal of Private International Law 11(3) 2015
FORNER-DELAYGUA, Q. Changes to jurisdiction based on exclusive jurisdiction agreements under the Brussels I Regulation Recast Journal of Private International Law 11(3) 2015
MARSHALL, B. M. Reconsidering the Proper Law of the Contract Melbourne Journal of International Law vol.13 2012
AHMED, M. BREXIT and English Jurisdiction Agreements: The Post-Referendum Legal Landscape 27 European Business Law Review 989 2016
AHMED, M. The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Court Agreements: A Comparative Study 2017
HUO, Z. and YIP, M. Comparing the International Commercial Courts of China with the Singapore International Commercial Court International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Volume 68 , Issue 4, October 2019 2019
WELLER, M. Choice of Forum Agreements Under the Brussels I Recast and Under the Hague Convention: Coherences and Clashes Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 12 Issue 3 2016
PERTEGÁS SENDER, M. Nuevas Reglas Internacionales Sobre Las Cláusulas de Elección de Foro en Contratos Internacionales: El Convenio de La Haya Y El Reglamento Bruselas I Bis AEDIPr 2015
PERTEGÁS SENDER, M. Convenio de la Haya de 2005 Sobre Acuerdos de Eleción de Foro. Autonomía Privada Y Competencia Judicial Internacional
Revista Jurídica de Catalunya 2015
PERTEGÁS, M. Feeling the heat of disputes and finding the shade of forum selection
NIPR 2015
SCHULZE, C. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements
South African Mercantile Law Journal 2007
ONG, M. Rethinking Jurisdiction Clauses in New Zealand : The Hague Convention and beyond
Auckland University law review, ISSN 0067-0510 2013
TROOBOFF, P.D. Implementing Legislation for the Hague Choice of Court Convention
Foreign Court Judgments and the United States Legal System (Stephan, Paul B., ed.) 2014
STEWART, D.P. Implementing the Hague Choice of Court Convention: the Argument in Favor of 'Cooperative Federalism' Foreign Court Judgments and the United States Legal System (Stephan, Paul B.,ed) 2014
KAMEL, A. Cooperative Federalism: A Viable Option for Implementing the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements
Georgetown Law Journal 2014
CASELLA, P.B. The Hague Choice of Court Convention (2005): a Critical Assessment Anuario brasileiro de direito internacional / Brazilian yearbook of international law / Annuaire brésilien de droit international 2009
SANCHO VILLA, D. Jurisdiction over Jurisdiction and Choice of Court Agreements: Views on The Hague Convention of 2005 and Implications for the European Regime
Yearbook of Private International Law 2010
HEISER, W.W. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: the Impact on Forum Non Conveniens, Transfer of Venue, Removal, and Recognition of Judgments in United States Courts
University of Pennsylvania journal of international law 2010
FAIRLEY, H.S. & ARCHIBALD, J. After the Hague: Some Thoughts on the Impact on Canadian Law of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements
ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law 2006
LIPE, G.S. & TYLER, T.J. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: Creating Room for Choice in International Cases
Houston Journal of International Law 2010
LOKEN, K. & TROOBOFF, P.D. U.S. Implementation of the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice-of-Court Agreements
Proceedings of the annual meeting / American Society of International Law 2009
SPIGELMAN, J.J. The Hague Choice of Court Convention and International Commercial Litigation The Australian Law Journal 2009
ADOLF, H. Konvensi Den Haag 2005 mengenai Perjanjian Pilihan Forum (the Hague Convention on the Choice of Court Agreements of 2005)
Jurnal hukum internasional UNPAD = UNPAD journal of international law 2005
KUIPERS, J.-J. Choice-of-court Agreement under the European and International Instruments. The Revised Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Convention
Common Market Law Review 2014
TAYLOR, D. Reflections on a Critical Aspect of CISG-Governed International Sale of Goods Transactions: The Impact of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements on Forum Selection
International Trade and Business Law Review 2012
BRAND, R.A. A New Role for Litigation in CISG Contracts: the 2005 Hague Choice of Court Convention Drafting contracts under the CISG 2008
BRAND, R.A. U.S. Implementation "Vel Non" of the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements Yearbook of private international law 2010
BRAND, R.A. A Global Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: 2003 International Law Weekend Association of the Bar of the City of New York October 24, 2003 ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law 2004
SHAPIRA, G. & LAZAROVITCH, R. Exclusive Jurisdiction Clauses: a New Zealand Perspective on the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements New Zealand Universities Law Review 2008
NANDA, V.P. The Landmark 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements Texas International Law Journal 2007
BRUCE, K. The Hague Convention on Choice-of-Court Agreements: Is the Public Policy Exception Helping Click-away the Security of Non-negotiated agreements?
Brooklyn Journal of International Law 2007
HOOK, M. The choice of law agreement as a reason for exercising jurisdiction
International and Comparative Law Quarterly 2014
GOICOECHEA, I. Los nuevos desarrollos en la cooperación jurídica internacional en materia civil y comercial
Derecho internacional privado y derecho de la integración: libro homenaje a Roberto Ruiz Díaz Labrano 2013
BRAND, R.A. Implementing the 2005 Hague Convention: the EU magnet and the US centrifuge Entre Bruselas y La Haya. Estudios sobre la unificación internacional y regional del Derecho internacional privado. Liber Amicorum Alegría Borrás 2013
HARTLEY, T.C. Choice-of-court agreements under the European and international instruments: the revised Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention and the Hague Convention
NIELSEN, P.A. Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements and Parallel Proceedings
A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon / Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
PFUND, P. Federalism and U.S. Implementation of PIL Conventions - Implementing the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon / Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
PERTEGÁS, M. & TEITZ, L.E. Prospects for the Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements
A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon / Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Some reflections of the Permanent Bureau on a general convention on enforcement of judgments/Quelques réflexions du Bureau Permanent sur une convention générale sur l’exécution des jugements Actes et Documents de la Dix-septième session/Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session (1993) 1995
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Some reflections on the Present State of Negotiations on the Judgments Project in the Context of the Future Work Programme of the Conference/Quelques réflexions sur l’état actuel des négociations du projet sur les jugements dans le contexte du programme de travail future de la Conférence Proceedings of the Nineteenth Session/ Actes et Documents de la Dix-neuvième session (2001/2002) 2008
BRAND, R.A. A Tea Party at The Hague? Southwestern Journal of International Law 2012
EDSALL, C. Implementing the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements in the United States: An Opportunity to Clarify Recognition and Enforcement Practice The Yale Law Journal 2010
BRAND, R.A. Recognition, Jurisdiction and the Hague Choice of Court Convention Liber Amicorum Kresimir Sajko 2012
TROOBOFF, P. Proposed Principles for United States Implementation of the New Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 2009
KEYES, M. Jurisdiction in International Litigation 2005
BRAND, R.A. & JABLONSKI, S.R. Forum Non Conveniens, History, Global Practice, and the Future Under the Hague Convention of Choice of Court Agreements 2007
BURI, B. Haager Konferenz für Internationales Privatrecht: (Haager) Übereinkommen vom 30. Juni 2005 betreffend Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen, sic ! 2006
SCHULZ, S. The Hague Conference Project for a Global Convention on Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement in Civil and Commercial Matters (the Hague Judgment Project) Electronic Commerce and Intellectual Property Legal Aspects of an E-Commerce Transaction 2005
TEITZ, L.E. Choice of Court Clauses and Third Countries From a US Perspective: Challenges to Predictability International Civil Litigation in Europe and Relations with Third States (Arnaud Nuyts/Nadine Watté, eds.) 2005
TROOBOFF, P. Ensuring jurisdiction over treaty party’s judgments The National Law Journal 2012
TU, G. The Hague Choice of Court Convention – A Chinese Perspective American Journal of Comparative Law 2007
VAN LOON, H. Quelques aspects de la mondialisation dans le domaine des conflits de juridictions
Travaux du Comité français de droit international privé 2006
BRAND, R.A. Recognition Jurisdiction and The Hague Choice of Court Convention Zbornik PFZ (Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu) 2012
NETHERLANDS Internationale geschillenbeslechting
Internationalisering, veiligheid en recht (Niemeijer et al., eds.) 2010
GARNETT, R. The Hague Choice of Court Convention: Magnum Opus or Much Ado About Nothing? Journal of Private International Law 2009
HARTLEY, T.C. The International Scope of Choice-of-Court Agreements under the Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention and the Hague Convention Liber Amicorum Ole Lando 2012
OPALKO, S. Internationale Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen und Schiedsgerichtsvereinbarungen, Gegenüberstellung des New Yorker Übereinkommens on 1958 mit dem Haager Übereinkommen von 2005 2010
FRICKE, M. Das Haager Übereinkommen über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Bedeutung für die Versicherungswirtschaft
Versicherungsrecht 2006
EICHEL, F. Das Haager Übereinkommen über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen vom 30.6.2005 RIW 2009
BRAND, R.A. Forum Selection and Forum Rejection in US Courts: One Rationale for a Global Choice of Court Convention Reform and Development of Private International Law, Essays in Honour of Sir Peter North 2002
PERTEGÁS, M. The Revision of the Brussels I Regulation: A View from the Hague Conference The Brussels I Review Proposal Uncovered 2012
HESS, B. The Draft Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements, External Competencies of the European Union and Recent Case Law of the European Court of Justice International Civil Litigation in Europe and Relations with Third States (Arnaud Nuyts/Nadine Watté, eds.) 2005
OLANIYAN, H.A. A Review of Judicial and Legislative Approach of Nigeria to Discretionary Jurisdiction Over Foreign Causes International Journal of Business and Social Science 2012
CZERNICH, D. Neue Aspekte im österreichisch-amerikanischen Rechtsverkehr durch das Haager
Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter 2012
BRAND, R.A. The Hague Conference Working Group, Draft Text on Choice of Court Agreements Yearbook of Private International Law 2003
DE ARAUJO, N. & VARGAS, D. A Conferência da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado: reaproximação do Brasil e análise das Convenções processuais
Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação 2012
SALMANOV, R.M. Convention on Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements: Limitation of Scope (in Russian)
Bulletin of the Law Academy of the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice 2007
SHCHUKIN, A. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: Fundamentals (in Russian)
Arbitration and Civil Procedure 2006
VILLATA, F. L'attuazione degli accordi di scelta del foro nel regolamento Bruxelles I
SIEVI, N. Enforceability of International Choice of Court Agreements: Impact of the Hague Convention on the US and EU Legal System Hague Yearbook of International Law 2011
GONZÁLEZ MARTÍN, N., LEÓN VARGAS, A. & CUEVAS TAVERA, M. México y la Convención de La Haya de 30 de junio de 2005 sobre Acuerdos de Elección de Foro Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (reei) 2011
DOGAUCHI, M. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements (2005) Civil Procedure and Business Law Practice (Koji Shindo and Kazuhiko Yamamoto eds.) 2006
DOGAUCHI, M. Japanese Concerns in the Process of Drafting the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements (2005) The Doshisha Law Review 2006
DOGAUCHI, M. Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements Kokusai-Shiho-Nenpo 2006
DOGAUCHI, M. The Draft Convention on Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements (2004) Kokusai-Torihiki Funso niokeru Toujisha-jichi no Shinten (Development of Party Autonomy in Resolution of Business Disputes (Akira Saito ed.) 2005
DOGAUCHI, M. Towards the Diplomatic Conference to be held in 2005: The Hague Draft Convention on Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements Kokusai-Shoji-Homu (Journal of International Business Law) 2004
PAILLI, G. Commercio internazionale e giurisdizione consensuale: le "proposte" della Convenzione dell’Aja del 30 giugno 2005 sulle clausole di scelta del foro Contratto e Impresa/Europa 2011
BRAND, R. Recognition Jurisdiction and The Hague Choice of Court Convention Legal Studies Research Paper Series 2010
AMIN, R. International Jurisdiction Agreements and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Australian Litigation: Is There a Need for the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements? Australian International Law Journal 2010
BEAUMONT, P. Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention 2005: Background, Negotiations, Analysis and Current Status Journal of Private International Law 2009
NIELSEN, P.A. The Hague Judgments Convention Nordic Journal of International Law 2011
BLÄSI, M. Das Haager Übereinkommen über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen - Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner zu erwartenden Auswirkungen auf den deutsch-amerikanischen Rechtsverkehr 2010
BEAUMONT, P.R. & YÜKSEL, B. The Validity of Choice of Court Agreements under the Brussels I Regulation and the Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law, Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr 2010
VRELLIS, S. The Validity of a Choice of Court Agreement under the Hague Convention of 2005 Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law, Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr 2010
USUNIER, L. La Convention de La Haye du 30 juin 2005 sur les accords d'élection de for. Beaucoup de bruit pour rien ? Revue critique de droit international privé 2010
PERTEGÁS, M. The Brussels I Regulation and the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements ERA-Forum 2010
WAGNER, R. & SCHÜNGELER, J.M. Das Haager Übereinkommen vom 30.6.2005 über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen und die Parallelvorschriften in der Brüssel I-Verordnung (EuGVVO) Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 2009
BRIZA, P. Choice-of-Court Agreements: Could the Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention and the Reform of the Brussels I Regulation Be the Way Out of the Gasser-Owusu Disillusion? Journal of Private International Law 2009
FORREST, C. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: The Maritime Exceptions Journal of Private International Law 2009
SVANTESSON, D.J.B. The Choice of Courts Convention: How Will it Work in Relation to the Internet and E-Commerce? Journal of Private International Law 2009
KEYES, M. Jurisdiction Under the Hague Choice of Courts Convention: Its Likely Impact on Australian Practice Journal of Private International Law 2009
MORTENSEN, R. The Hague and the Ditch: The Trans-Tasman Judicial Area and the Choice of Court Convention Journal of Private International Law 2009
TROOBOFF, P. Convention on Choice of Court Agreements. Task of implementation now rests with State and Justice, along with uniform state law commissioners The National Law Journal 2009
WAGNER, R. Die Haager Konferenz für Internationales Privatrecht zehn Jahre nach der Vergemeinschaftung der Gesetzgebungskompetenz in der justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen - mit einem Rückblick auf die Verhandlungen zum Haager Gerichtsstandsübereinkommen Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 2009
WAGNER, R. Das Haager Übereinkommen vom 30.6.2005 über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 2009
KERI, B. The Hague Convention on Choice-of-Court Agreements: Is the Public Policy Exception Helping Click-away the Security of Non-negotiated agreements? Brooklyn Journal of International Law 2007
WOODWARD, W.J. Saving the Hague Choice of Court Convention University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 2008
TATE, C. American Forum Non Conveniens in Light of the Hague Convention on Choice-of-court Agreements University of Pittsburgh Law Review 2007
KRUGER, T. Civil Jurisdiction Rules of the EU and Their Impact on Third States 2008
DE ARAUJO, D. & VARGAS, D. A Conferência da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado: reaproximação do Brasil e análise das convenções processuais Cadernos do Departamento de Direito da Pontofícia Universidade Católica da Pontofícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro 2008
BEAUMONT, P. A Convenção da Haia sobre escolha de foro Cadernos do Departamento de Direito da Pontofícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro 2008
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GUANGJIAN TU The Hague Choice of Court Convention - A Chinese Perspective American Journal of Comparative Law 2007
BRAND, R.A. & HERRUP, P.M. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements. Commentary and Documents 2008
PRIBETIC, A.I. Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Recent Trends in the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Canada Annual Review of Civil Litigation 2006
BRIGGS, A. Agreements on Jurisdiction and Choice of Law 2008
THIELE, C. The Hague Convention on Choice-of-Court Agreements: Was It Worth the Effort? Conflict of Laws in a Globalized World 2007
MICHAELS, R. Some Fundamental Jurisdictional Conceptions as Applied in Judgments Conventions Conflict of Laws in a Globalized World 2007
OLEBAKKEN, I. Den nyen Haag-konvensjonen om vernetingsavtaler og betydningen for norsk rett Rett og toleranse. Festskrift til Helge Johan Thue 2007
HARTLEY, T.C. The Modern Approach to Private International Law. International Litigation and Transactions from a Common-Law Perspective Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 2006
GONZÁLEZ DE CASTILLA DEL VALLE, E. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements of June 30, 2005 : A Mexican view Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas 2006
TALPIS, J. & KRNJEVIC, N. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements of June 30, 2005 : The elephant that gave birth to a mouse Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas 2006
KERNS, A.E. Notes and Comments : The Hague Convention and Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements : An imperfect match Temple International and Comparative Law Journal 2006
BERLIN, M.B. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements : Creating an international framework for recognizing foreign judgments BYU International Law and Management Review 2007
ADLER, M.H. & ZARYCHTA, M.C. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements : The United States Joins the Judgment Enforcement Band Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 2007
CELIS AGUILAR, M.M. Convención sobre los acuerdos de elección de foro Internet, comércio eletrônico e sociedade da informação. DeCita, revista de direito do comércio internacional 2006
BORRÁS, A. Le droit international privé communautaire: réalités, problèmes et perspectives d'avenir Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 2005
BURBANK, S.B. Federalism and Private International Law: Implementing the Hague Choice of Court Convention in the United States Journal of Private International Law 2006
SCHULZ, A. The Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements Journal of Private International Law 2006
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KESSEDJIAN, C. L’élection de for – Vers une nouvelle convention de La Haye Grenzüberschreitungen. Beiträge zum Internationalen Verfahrensrecht und zur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit. Festschrift für Peter Schlosser zum 70. Geburtstag (Bachmann, B. et al. eds) 2005
HARTLEY, T.C. The Hague Choice-of-Court-Convention European Law Review 2006
LUGINBÜHL, S. & WOLLGAST, H. IP Rights In The Hague Convention On Choice Of Court Agreements Festschrift für Jochen Pagenberg zum 65. Geburtstag (Beier, D., Brüning-Petit, L. & Heath, C. eds) 2006
SCORDAMAGLIA, V. L’application aux droits de propriété intellectuelle de la nouvelle convention sur les accords d’élection de for de la Conférence de La Haye sur le droit international privé Propriété Industrielle 2005
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SCHULZ, A. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Clauses ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 2006
KRAMER, X.E. Het nieuwe Haags Forumkeuzeverdrag - Een welkom compromis met vallen en opstaan Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR) 2006
TEITZ, L.E. The Hague Choice of Court Convention : Validating Party Autonomy and Providing an Alternative to Arbitration American Journal of Comparative Law 2005
LUGINBÜHL, S. & WOLLGAST, H. Das neue Haager Übereinkommen über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen: Aussichten für das geistige Eigentum Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Internationaler Teil (GRUR Int.) 2006
SCHULZ, A. The Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements Yearbook of Private International Law 2005
ASIF RASHID, A. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005: An Overview Indian Journal of International Law 2005
KRUGER, T. The 20th Session of the Hague Conference: a New Choice of Court Convention and the Issue of EC Membership International & Comparative Law Quarterly 2006
YACKEE, J. Fifty Years Late to the Party? A New International Convention for Non-Arbitral Forum Selection Agreements The International Litigation Quarterly 2006
IMAI, O. Heigu kokusai shihou kaigi dai 20 kaiki no gaiyou ("Outline of the 20th Diplomatic Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law") Minji-Geppou 60-11 2005
SIQUEIROS, J.L. La Convención de La Haya sobre Acuerdos de Elección de Foro. Version Final Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional 2006
BOYADJIEVA, N. What important consequences will the Hague Convention have on the exclusive choice of court agreements under EC law? The example of IP rights; Masters' Thesis (Master of Advanced European Studies) 2005
BRAND, R.A. Introductory Note to the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements International Legal Materials 2005
BORRÁS, A. Integración regional y ordenamientos plurilegislativos El Derecho Internacional: Normas, Hechos y Valores. Liber Amicorum José Antonio Pastor Ridruejo 2005
VLAS, P. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements in Dutch Perspective Crossing Borders. Essays in European and Private International Law, Nationality Law and Islamic Law in Honour of Frans van der Velden 2006
BOELE-WOELKI, K. Haags Verdrag inzake forumkeuze Ars Aequi 2005
PRIBETIC, A.I. The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements The Globetrotter 2005
SCHNEIDER, A.C. New Treaty Will Help Firms Operate Abroad 2005
TROOBOFF, P.D. Foreign Judgments The National Law Journal 2005
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RÜHL, G. Das Haager Übereinkommen über die Vereinbarung gerichtlicher Zuständigkeiten: Rückschritt oder Fortschritt? Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2005
BRAND, R. The New Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements ASIL Insight 2005