Deuxième atelier régional du Projet de l'e-APP pour l'Europe
27 mai 2011, Prague, République tchèque
- Ordre du jour
- Communiqués
- Conclusions et Recommandations
- Présentations :
- Christophe Bernasconi - General Introduction to the e-APP and Update on the e-APP for Europe Project
- Pavla Bellonova - Basis for the possible implementation of the e-APP in the Czech Republic: electronic public documents, service of documents by secured electronic means and preliminary work on the e-Register of Apostilles
- José de la Mata Amaya & Angelines Turón Turón - Progress with the implementation and experience with the operation of the e-APP in Spain
- Javier Parra - Experiences with the implementation and issuance of e-APP in Spain